Chapter 342 0342 Senluo Mirror Image (Second More)

"Hey, whether you're crazy or not, you'll know after you've fought, please go ahead—"

As soon as the words fell, Lu Sen Lu Lu was not pretentious, and a hammer-shaped magic weapon almost as tall as his entire body appeared directly in front of Li Chen.

Lu Sen Lulu lifted the hammer effortlessly and threw it at Li Chen, making Li Chen feel like he was bullying a child.

Suddenly I couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Lusen Lulu's race is somewhat similar to the dwarves, and they are generally not tall, only about 1.1 meters to 1.3 meters.

Compared with Li Chen's height of about 1.8 meters, he is indeed about the same as a child.

The name of the hammer is Juntian, and in his hands, he dances like a tiger, even the space is directly smashed to pieces under the power of the hammer, and each hammer is attached to a huge force.

But for Li Chen, these were not a problem. He kept dodging Lusen Lulu's attacks, but Lusen Lulu couldn't even grab Li Chen's sleeve.

But blindly dodging is not Li Chen's style.

Stopped and continued to retreat, Li Chen suddenly said: "I'm going to make a move, the first move: Bihai Chao Sheng Song..."

In Li Chen's mouth, a sound of sea water was directly simulated. From the quietness at the beginning, slowly, the whole blue sea tide sounded like it was at the seaside... The sea water began to rise, and there were huge waves several meters high. Follow the wave.By this time, the entire Bihai Chaosheng song has reached its climax.

Lu Sen Lulu, who was enveloped by the blue sea tide song, seemed to follow the waves with his whole mind under the power of the sound.

When the blue sea tide song ended, there were some cracks on Lu Sen Lulu's body, as if he had been injured by the shock.

However, physical damage is nothing to a strong person in the Heavenly Dao Realm.

It only takes one thought to restore it to the original state. The main reason why it was not restored before is that most of the energy was used to resist Li Chen's Bihai Chaosheng song.

The power of Bihai Chaoshengqu is not only reflected in physical damage, if Lusen Lulu hadn't been resisting all the time, maybe even the soul would have followed the power of Bihaichaoshengqu and was directly shattered.

Li Chen didn't use power beyond the Heavenly Dao Realm, otherwise there would be no need for such a trouble, and if he just roared, the weaker Heavenly Dao Realm might explode and die directly.Not to mention the skills of the Way of Sound, which continuously attacked like Bihai Chaoshengqu.

After trying the Bihai Chaosheng song created by himself, Li Chen looked at Lu Sen Lu Lu and said, "Attention, I have a second trick—"

"Mirror Mirror World: Mori Mirror Image"

Lu Sen Lulu suddenly realized that there was a mirror in front of him.

The image of Lusen Lulu was clearly shown, but he was not quite clear about the attack method of Li Chen's mirror image, Lusen Lulu looked around vigilantly.However, there was no attack for a long time, so the only breakthrough was this seemingly ordinary mirror.

Just as Lusen Lulu went to examine the mirror carefully and didn't pay attention to the image in the mirror, Lusen Lulu's lips in the mirror evoked an evil smile.

Immediately stretched out his hand and pulled, Lu Sen Lu Lu was immediately pulled into the mirror without any resistance.

At this moment, Lusen Lulu found that the mirror in this world has changed from one piece to two, one in front and the other behind, sandwiching Lusen Lulu in the middle.

At this moment, Lusen Lulu didn't care about 21, he just picked up the big hammer and slammed it at the mirror in front of him.


The mirror did not turn into powder under Lusen Lulu's attack, but turned into pieces of irregular mirror fragments.

Suddenly, Lusen Lulu's back felt cold, and he immediately turned to look at the mirror behind him.

Lusen Lulu in the mirror had a sly smile, and blood flowed out like lines from his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.

Lu Senlulu didn't panic about this weird scene.

Immediately swinging the sledgehammer and smashing it violently, the whole mirror was shattered into pieces just like the previous mirror.

He thought it was over, but Lusen Lulu discovered that the selves in those mirrors crawled out of the mirrors in strange postures.

Every Lusen Lulu duplicated by the mirror swung a giant hammer, as if the bones on his body had been broken by the hammer, limped, and staggered towards Lusen Lulu.

Lusen Lulu tightened the sledgehammer in his hand, and smashed it towards the first replica that was leaning towards him. The replica was immediately turned into fly ash under Lusen Lulu's sledgehammer.

With the first, there is naturally the second and the third.

Almost half of the replicas were hammered out by Lusen Lulu, and Lusen Lulu suddenly found something wrong.

From the beginning, these replicas had no resistance at all, but now, Lu Senlulu found that these replicas could be destroyed with one hammer, but now they need two or even three hammers to destroy them.

It seems that the power of the replica has become stronger——

But Lusen Lulu knew that the replica was still the same as before, it was because his strength had become weaker!
And those replicas seem to have a trace of wisdom from being ignorant before, some replicas know how to lag behind and rush to die, and some replicas even dodge.

As a strong person in the Dao of Heaven Realm, when he found that something was impossible, he began to analyze the reason with all his strength.

But how could Li Chen's death plan be so easy to break.

If you can't crack it, you can only use guessing, but there is only about a 30% chance of guessing correctly.

Regarding these duplicated selves, Lu Sen Lulu's first guess is: these duplicates may have been a part of himself, but were separated from him by Li Chen by some unknown means.

The second guess is: everything in front of me is a kind of illusory world, and I don't know when I have fallen into the illusory world created by Li Chen.

The third guess is: I feel that the reduction in strength is just an illusion of being blessed by Li Chen. In fact, it may be that Li Chen has strengthened the strength of these clones.

Think of it and start to crack it.

Lusen Lulu didn't need the sledgehammer anymore, he just opened his mouth, and a suction force rose in his mouth.

Not only swallowed all the replicas, but also swallowed the fragments of mirrors scattered on the ground.

Suddenly Lu Sen Lulu found that his body was becoming illusory, and when he woke up, he found himself standing not far in front of Li Chen, but Li Chen had a dissatisfied expression on his face at the moment.

This Lusen Lulu was able to break out of the game, it was like a blind cat bumping into a dead mouse. The mirror itself was transformed by Lusen Lulu's own power.Those replicas are the product of transforming the power of Lusen Lulu. Every time a replica is destroyed, the power of this replica will be concentrated by other replicas, resulting in the power of the final replica becoming higher and higher, even surpassing Lusen Lulu.

Lusen Lulu devoured the replica and devoured the fragments of the mirror, which caused the entire Senluo mirror to be broken directly. If Lusen Lulu only devoured the replica but not the mirror fragments, then those who were waiting for Lusen Lulu It's another battlefield, all replicas will turn into another personality to compete for control of Lusen Lulu's body——

(End of this chapter)

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