Chapter 343 0343 Lost Journey (First Change)
In this pose of the Senluo mirror image, Lusen Lulu did not fall into the mirror world as a whole, but his will fell into Li Chen's Senluo mirror image. Lu was in a daze throughout the whole process.

Although the people outside the arena didn't know what happened to Lusen Lulu, but seeing Lusen Lulu's dumbfounded face, they knew that the duel between the two had started unconsciously.

The entire noisy meeting hall became quiet in an instant, as if he was afraid of meeting two people with closed eyes.

Lu Sen Lu Lu fell into Li Chen's mirror world, while Li Chen was resting with his eyes closed.

Those who don't know think how exciting the battle of consciousness between the two is.

Those who know will probably spit out a mouthful of old blood——damn, it’s purely bullying.

When Lusen Lulu opened his eyes, the second round was also over.


"The blind cat is lucky to meet a dead mouse." Li Chen rubbed his chin with his hands, looked at Lu Sen Lu Lu with some playfulness and said.

"However..." The voice changed, and the whole person became sullen. After a short pause, he continued:

"Try my third trick: Lost Journey..."

Without waiting for Lusen Lulu to react, Li Chen directly threw out the move he had prepared - Lost Journey.

Journey of Lost is adapted from a very pure space maze spell. After some additions and subtractions by Li Chen, Journey of Lost not only includes space maze, but also spells such as mirror image and illusion.

There is no feeling for a single spell, but when these spells are combined, it is not as simple as one plus one.

A ray of light enveloped Lusen Lulu, and for a split second, Lusen Lulu seemed to have fallen into a world.

Lusen Lulu seemed to be in a white invisible passage in this world. Just as Lusen Lulu was about to use his Great Sky Hammer, he found that his Great Sky Hammer had disappeared without a trace of warning. Even I can't sense my own treasure.

For a split second, Lusen Lulu felt flustered in his heart.But in a moment, Lusen Lulu completely calmed down.

However, when Lusen Lulu was about to use his mana, he found that most of his mana had been sealed, and every time he moved a little mana, the mana would be sealed. It was as if he wanted to seal himself as an ordinary person.

Horrified, Lusen Lulu didn't dare to use mana anymore, just like an ordinary person.

Some people say that there is no mana, but there are laws, and those who are strong in the realm of heaven can directly control the laws. What mana is more practical than the laws?

But the question is, will Li Chen leave such an obvious loophole?The answer is definitely not.

Lusen Lulu did the math, his own strength could only support him to make four shots with all his strength, after four shots, he would truly become an ordinary person.

Looking at the endless white passage, Lusen Lulu secretly cheered himself on in his heart, and then started to walk forward.

Turn right, turn left, turn left...

This white passageway can be described as extending in all directions. Lusen Lulu was inside, and after walking around for a long time, what he saw was still a blank space.

Involuntarily, Lu Sen Lu Lu became irritable.

Gathering a huge force in his hand, he hit the white wall.

The wall seemed to be made of sand, and it didn't take much effort from Luxen Lulu to disappear.

This caused a haze to rise in Lusen Lulu's heart.

When I looked back at the broken wall, I saw that the wall had been restored to its original state, and the collapsed part was no longer seen.

Seeing this situation, Lu Senlulu was sure that even if he blasted away the wall of this passage again, the passage on the opposite side would no longer be his original passage.

As before, Lusen Lulu walked through this passage for a while.

Suddenly, a sound of footsteps seemed to come from the distance of the passage.

"What the hell?"

Lu Sen Lulu came to the sea and couldn't help but think, how could there be creatures in this passage?

After a while, one looks like a lion's head, antlers, tiger eyes, elk body, dragon scales, and oxtail, as if pieced together, but all parts appear to be very harmonious, no more, no less, and the structure of the whole body is just right A 'monster' appeared in front of Lusen Lulu.

This is the representative of the auspicious beast - the unicorn beast.

Lu Senlulu had never seen this unicorn beast before, so he was very vigilant about the appearance of this unicorn beast.

Step by step, he moved towards the rear, and the moment he saw the unicorn started to run, Lu Sen Lulu let go of his feet and started to run on another road.Although he was small, with the blessing of mana on his body, he left the unicorn beast behind without much effort.

There are many forks in the passage, and it didn't take long before the unicorn beast was thrown away.

The main reason for not using mana to deal with the unicorn beast is that mana is not much.It took a few times of mana, and nearly one-fifth of the mana on Lusen Lulu's body was sealed.

Although it is still powerful, it is relative, at least if it is against Li Chen, there is no chance to make a move at all.

Of course, against this unknown beast, Lusen Lulu felt that he had no chance of winning. He estimated that he would really be left in this unknown place forever due to the exhaustion of mana.

At this moment, Lu Sen Lulu is not sure whether this world full of tunnels is the real world, or a world created temporarily by Li Chen.

Throwing away the unicorn beast, Lu Sen Lulu cautiously groped forward.

Every place he walked left a deep memory in Li Chen's mind, and Li Chen even built a 3D model in his mind.

However, this 3D model is useless at all, and there is no pattern at all, just like a ball of thread that cannot be distinguished from the beginning to the end.

As he walked, a hissing sound reached Lusen Lulu's ears.

Suddenly Lu Sen Lu Lu frowned.

I don't know what monster will come this time.

Lu Sen Lulu thought to himself.

Before the beast came, Lu Sen Lulu immediately bombarded the wall, and it took twice as much force as before to collapse the wall in front of him.

Rusen Lulu stepped over the wall—

After that, I was dumbfounded.

This opposite side is no longer a new passage as before.

It's a boxy room.

There are six doors in the room. Although Lusen Lulu used his strength to break through a wall to enter here, but the moment he entered, he turned into a door behind him, and it looked like Lusen Lulu walked through one of the doors. Same as entering here.


A multiple-choice question did not give Luxon Lulu much time, when the countdown was about to end.

Lu Sen Lulu closed his eyes, and immediately walked towards one of the doors according to his feeling...

Lusen Lulu doesn't think there will be any good fruit if he continues to stay where he is. Generally speaking, in this kind of game-like choice, the one who stays the most is probably to accept punishment, or let the unseen master of the game designate someone at random. door.

It's not as real as following your own feelings.

(End of this chapter)

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