Chapter 345 0345 Challenge the First (First Change)
"Everyone, the civilization of this strong man ranks second. I wonder if there is any objection?"

At the right time, Ta Senhao stood up and asked.

Even a strong man at the peak of the Dao Realm was defeated. Seeing Li Chen's perverted strength and means, many civilizations present fell silent.

Although there are more powerful ones, such as the third civilization, the fourth civilization, the fifth... the sixth... and so on.Even so, these are just the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm, and they are just a little stronger than the ordinary Heavenly Dao Realm. After comparing their combat power, these strong men all chose to remain silent.

If you don't stay silent, if you play, it's fine if you win, but if you lose, it's a shame.

Although some of the alliance resources and so on obtained by this ranking are useful for the strong in the Dao Realm, they are not very effective, and most of them are prepared for the civilization below.

Therefore, when it was time to be an ostrich, these strong men did not hesitate to be an ostrich, and they always had the same face, and they were all together.

Silence represents an attitude.

Seeing that Ta Senhao was about to continue, Li Chen interrupted him casually:

"I'm new here, occupying the second place, they don't accept me, they can challenge me, so can I also challenge your Tasen civilization?"

When Li Chen opened his mouth, there was an uproar in the hall.

It seems that the Tassen civilization has firmly occupied the number one position for a long time, and it seems to have been detached. Even those newly joined civilizations have subconsciously avoided the idea of ​​​​challenging the Tassen civilization, not only because of the Tassen civilization. The technology of walking in nothingness is because the technology of Tassen civilization itself is very strong.

Regardless of whether it is an individual technological weapon or a group-wide technological weapon, the power has basically reached the peak of the Heaven Realm, and some have even been able to glimpse the power of the Great Dao Realm.

The title of No. [-] is not something to brag about, but a real one, one step at a time.

It may be because it stayed in the first position for too long, so that even the civilizations that were added later automatically excluded this Tassen civilization from the list of challenges.

Hearing Li Chen's words, Tasenhao paused, never expecting that Li Chen was not satisfied with the second position, and was actually ready to challenge the authority of his own Tasen civilization.

But after a while, Tasenhao said quietly, "Our Tasen civilization has not received a challenge for an unknown amount of time. If you want to challenge, our Tasen civilization is willing to accept it!"

It was Tasen Civilization who guided Li Chen here, but in the end he received Li Chen's request for a challenge. This slap in the face came so fast that the members of the alliance found it very interesting.

Li Chen not only pioneered the guiding civilization that was invited to challenge the civilization, but also the first civilization that dared to challenge the number one civilization in countless years.

Among all the powers, especially those on the fantasy side of civilization showed excitement. The feeling of being overwhelmed by the science and technology side of this fantasy side is really very uncomfortable. The fantasy side who can become a strong man of the heavenly realm Creature, which one is not the proud son of heaven.It is not easy to be able to integrate together under Ta Senhao's means.Everyone longs for the fantasy side to be the dominant player in this alliance.

Although Li Chen is a newcomer to them, he is also a member of the fantasy side. Li Chen's challenge to the Tasen civilization is of great significance to those strong players on the fantasy side.

If it loses, it's just Li Chen's business alone. If it wins, those powerhouses on the fantasy side will also be honored.

It seems like a deal that can never lose money.

That's why the boos from those powerhouses on the fantasy side were also very loud.

Although Tasenhao is a strong player on the technological side, through a series of technological means such as gene optimization, gene strengthening, cell energy, and soul dataization, Tasenhao has obtained longevity like the fantasy side.

Although Tasenhao itself is not too powerful, and even his physical strength is not as high as that of Da Luo Jinxian, but the technological strength of Tasen's civilization is direct, which makes up for the gap.

Tasenhao's car is made of black gold, the most powerful alloy fluid in the Tasen civilization. The level of strength it can withstand alone reaches the peak of the heavenly state. If it is running at full power, the attack it sends out can almost The power of the early stages of the Great Realm.

The moment Ta Senhao got up, he took out his car from the space equipment on his body.

This is the difference between the technology side and the fantasy side. The power of the technology side is all concentrated on the equipment, while the fantasy side is all concentrated on the individual.

On the surface, the car looks like an enlarged version of Tasenhao, full of a black mysterious metallic texture.

The moment Ta Senhao took out the car, he entered the interior of the car through the space teleportation.

'The nerve connection is successful, the mech is being checked, please wait...

Proofreading succeeded...

The mech is starting self-inspection, please wait...

No abnormal state detected...

Hello Supreme Consul, welcome to use the single mech of the commander...'

It seems to be a long time, but in fact it is only about 1 minute.

If he had fought against creatures on the fantasy side in this 1 minute, he would have died countless times.

But if you really want to fight, the Tassen civilization must have done all the preparations before going to war.

It is impossible to have the time to enter the mecha to control the mecha and proofread the mecha like Ta Senhao.



Ta Senhao controlled the car and started to move slightly. The huge car almost reached the top of the meeting room. When the car moved, the whole meeting room heard the roar caused by the collision.

However, the car uses the most powerful technology of Tasen civilization, and the most commonly used technologies such as space technology are naturally indispensable. It seems to be aware of my mistakes, and I saw that car started under the control of Tasenhao. get smaller.

Even if it becomes smaller, it is about three or four meters long. As for the weight, it has not changed much at all. When it became larger, the ground in the chamber could barely bear it, but after it became smaller, the floor of the entire chamber could barely bear it. As Tasenhao walked, footprints appeared on the ground of the meeting hall. From these footprints, it was enough to see the strength that Tasenhao's car was carrying at this moment.

"Go ahead!"

Ta Senhao's voice came from this single mech.

While speaking, an energy ball blasted towards Li Chen in the mecha's palm.

For Li Chen, energy balls are not lethal at all.

Unable to defend against it, Li Chen stretched out his hand, and a space crack appeared in the direction of the energy ball.

Immediately, the energy ball was swallowed by the space crack, and was exiled by Li Chen into the turbulent space.

The easiest and most effective way to deal with science and technology is to change the basic rules. When the rules change, everything must be overturned and restarted. This kind of rule attack is particularly lethal to the civilization of the science and technology side.

But as a scientific and technological civilization whose power has reached the realm of heaven, is Tassen civilization so vulnerable to rule attacks? For rule attacks, Tassen civilization has long thought of the means to deal with it——

(End of this chapter)

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