Chapter 346 0346 Dimensionality Reduction Strike (Second More)

Li Chen gently moved the world's rule line about speed, and in that instant, the speed rules of the whole world changed dramatically, especially the speed of light, which directly dropped by ten from the original normal speed. percentage point.

That is to say, the original speed of light is 299792458 (about 30 kilometers) meters per second, which directly drops by one-tenth, and the remaining speed is only about 27 kilometers per second.

In other words, if you want to achieve the same speed and distance as before, it will consume more energy because of the change in the speed rules.

This is just the beginning, as the speed rules become stronger and stronger, the speed rules of the entire world are changing drastically.

A series of spaceships, etc. that were originally as fast as lightning, now look like they are crawling like turtles.

The laws of the world have inertia, the more Li Chen changes, the heavier the pressure from the laws will be.

When Li Chen was changing the rules and using the power of rules and laws as a weapon, Ta Senhao had already activated the angel field generator equipped on the mecha. When changing, prevent the mecha from being affected by the maliciously changed physical parameters.

The principle of this generator is very simple. It is to temporarily separate the location of the mecha from the whole world at the moment when the rules are maliciously attacked, and create a corresponding pseudo-rule according to the database itself.

Of course, since it is a false rule, it must not exist for a long time.

As far as Ta Senhao's car is concerned, the generator can only be turned on for no more than ten natural days, and the car's energy will run out any longer.

Li Chen's attack did not cause any major problems with Tasenhao's car, but the Tasen civilization was affected by the fight between the two great gods.

Therefore, there have been many traffic accidents in the Tassen civilization.

If it weren't for the ingenious design of the flight first aid equipment of the Tassen civilization, there might be a lot of dead souls in the Tassen civilization.

Seeing that this single regular attack had no major effect on Tasenhao, and seeing that Tasenhao's controller mecha was flying towards him, Li Chen couldn't help but took two steps back, giving himself a break with the mecha. Leave a larger space in between.

"Spirit shock..."

Li Chen gave a low shout, and suddenly a thought traveled across the distance to where Ta Senhao was.

'Mind attack detected, open the internal and external blocking module——'

The mecha directly cut off all spiritual connections between Tasenhao and the outside world. From the beginning, Tasenhao was able to directly control through the spiritual body. Until now, the connection with the mecha is only the most primitive data channel.

Without the target's spiritual body, Li Chen's mind shock basically doesn't work.

Because for Ta Senhao at this moment, Li Chen's mental shock is just a piece of shocking data.

Are you afraid of a piece of data?Obviously unlikely.

Unless that piece of data is endowed with a special meaning, and the meaning is clear to you.

This mech is semi-intelligent, and the intelligent module is used to assist Tasenhao in operating the mecha. With the authorization of Tasenhao, this intelligent module can assist in prediction, auxiliary switching of various modules, A series of functions such as auxiliary combat analysis and so on.

After actively turning on the internal and external blocking modules, the attack from Ta Senhao came.

Ta Senhao's voice came out through the mecha's loudspeaker equipment, and the technology-side weapon began to reveal his ferocious side.

"Two-way foil dimensionality reduction strike——"

A force acted on the space where Li Chen was, and suddenly a burst of energy exploded in the entire conference hall. This is the energy contained in the three-dimensional space that erupts when the three-dimensional falls to the two-dimensional.

After falling into two-dimensional space, this energy is released.

Suddenly, in the meeting hall, a piece of space seemed to be missing, but the missing piece looked like a piece of paper, and Li Chen was in it.

Li Chen felt the whole process of dimensionality reduction, and couldn't help but find it interesting.

The process of falling from a three-dimensional space to a two-dimensional space, in Li Chen's view, is actually a process of changing energy levels.

The three dimensions of space: length, width and height are all composed of a tiny space element, which is simply a mass of energy.

To make the three-dimensional collapse become two-dimensional, then one dimension of the height and width must be removed. After this dimension is removed, the energy released is almost one-third of all the energy contained in this space, which is why the drop Dimensions cause energy tides.

However, because Li Chen's nature is too high, even the process of dimensionality reduction can't have any impact on Li Chen, so the process of dimensionality reduction, for Li Chen, only covers up part of Li Chen's senses.

In other words, it is to transform Li Chen's third-dimensional sense into a two-dimensional sense.

Originally seeing a mountain with length, height and width, what appeared in his eyes was a mountain with depth, which could form an image in Li Chen's mind.But in the eyes of two-dimensional creatures, a mountain is just a cross-section of one side of a mountain. To put it bluntly, it is a crooked line.

Therefore, it is difficult for a creature in a two-dimensional world to understand what a three-dimensional mountain looks like when looking at a three-dimensional world, and it is even more difficult for a three-dimensional creature to understand a four-dimensional creature from the perspective of a four-dimensional creature.

Li Chen is an out-and-out three-dimensional creature, but its essence has exceeded the three-dimensional boundary. If Li Chen's life level must be divided according to dimensions, Li Chen should belong to the tenth dimension.

Although the level of this dimension represents whether the strength is strong or not, it does not necessarily mean that the higher the dimension, the stronger the strength.Conversely, the more powerful a creature, the higher its own dimension.For Li Chen, three-dimensional is his most real dimension.

Li Chen also only has three dimensions.

Even the tenth dimension is just a pseudo-tenth dimension, because of Li Chen's power, his own linear factors have been restrained, ensuring his own uniqueness, so there is no three-dimensional, four-dimensional...ten-dimensional points.

Although Li Chen is more curious about dimensionality reduction strikes and the like, he doesn't have the idea of ​​staying in the two-person world.

The main reason is that the two-dimensional world is too monotonous, and all they see are cross-sections of some objects. As a three-dimensional creature, Li Chen expressed that he could not accept it.

Li Chen tore it violently, and the entire two-way foil was torn by Li Chen directly like a scroll.

Li Chen stepped out of it and came back again. Sensing this three-dimensional world, he couldn't help but let out a satisfied sigh.

"It's better to be three-dimensional, but the ability to reduce dimensionality is really good..." Li Chen thought that he would go to research after finishing this battle, maybe this could become another big move for him.

(End of this chapter)

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