Chapter 347 0347 Philosophical Weapons (First Change)
When Li Chen got away from the two-way foil dimensionality reduction strike, Tasenhao's mecha had already detected Li Chen's real dimensionality. lost.

If he wants to attack across dimensions, Li Chen is in the tenth dimension, and the technology contained in his mecha can only allow him to be in the ninth dimension, which is a full dimension short. Attacking across dimensions is simply hitting a stone with an egg. Thank goodness for attacking yourself through dimensions.

As for the dimensionality reduction attack, it is almost even more useless.

The two-dimensional foil dimensionality reduction attack couldn't do anything to Li Chen, and it couldn't even block it at all. The one-dimensionality is estimated to be similar, after all, the dimensionality reduction principles of the two are similar.

But the 0-dimensional is not what Tasenhao's car can create. It seems that this dimension does not exist, but theoretically it does exist.

Rather than saying it is 0-dimensional, it is better to say it is No.12-dimensional, which is 0 and infinite.This is simply not a dimension that the Tassen civilization can master.

Since the dimensional attack didn't work, Ta Senhao gave up the dimensional attack.

Instead, use another strategic weapon developed by the Tassen civilization - the weapon of causality.

To put it bluntly, the causal law weapon is to set an effect through fine-tuning at the rule level, then the world will produce a cause that produces this effect. The more variables involved, the more energy the causal law weapon will consume.

When the dimension reduction strike failed, Ta Senhao directly activated the weapon of causality.

The setting of Tasenhao's attack is a bit conservative, because Li Chen's cultivation base is there, it is definitely impossible to set Li Chen to die, even if the energy of the whole world is used to supply the weapon of causality, it is impossible to succeed. No matter how severe the lethal factor is, it will be crushed under the powerful force.

And maybe this causal law weapon will be overloaded due to the backlash of Li Chen's power in the dark, and it will be directly abolished.

Ta Senhao set that Li Chen would be trapped for 3 minutes, even if it was only 3 minutes, it would consume almost one-third of Ta Senhao's energy, and an energy generator was scrapped due to overload.

It made Ta Senhao have to replace the scrapped energy generator in time.

This weapon of causality really lived up to its reputation. Just as Li Chen came out of the two-dimensional space, he hadn't even breathed a sigh of relief when the dimension-reduced area suddenly exploded with a huge suction force under the influence of the weapon of causality.

Restrict Li Chen firmly in that blank area.

The difference in dimensionality caused by dimensionality reduction makes it necessary to consume twice as much energy as the burst of energy during dimensionality reduction to repair this blank area.

The energy system is very special. Like water, it has the characteristic of flowing from high to low, and like a drop of ink, a piece of sugar, etc., under certain conditions, it has the characteristic of volatilizing from high density to low density, just like Ink and sugar are like water, and will eventually be dissolved in water.

Trapping Li Chen for 3 minutes requires Li Chen's cooperation.

Feeling the huge suction force of this blank area, Li Chen frowned. It was like stepping into the horizon circle of a black hole and falling into the gravitational force of the black hole. If he wanted to escape, he had to at least give himself a strand capable of breaking away from this suction force. thrust.

Li Chen's hand grabbed it suddenly, as if the whole space was held by Li Chen in his hands, and when he tore it, a piece of space was torn off by Li Chen.

Throwing the piece of space fragments back abruptly, before the space fragments were decomposed into energy, with a sudden jump, it was not clear whether it was caused by the weapon of causality or some other reason. .

If Li Chen used the power of the Great Dao Realm, the suction force generated by this difference in dimension would not be Li Chen's opponent at all. It might be as easy as eating and drinking, but when fighting against Ta Senhao, Li Chen limited his power to At the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm, the power generated by this dimensional difference is not so easy to solve.

Even if it was not easy to solve, it was still solved by Li Chen.

The entire three-dimensional space where Li Chen lives is cut and separated into an independent small world by it.

Seeing Li Chen coming out, Tasenhao smiled: "The law of causality is set: the rate of entropy increase..."

This independent small world is an attack method created by Ta Senhao to simulate the entropy increase and extinction of the universe.

This is somewhat similar to the world-shattering catastrophe on the fantasy side, but it is different from the world-shattering. This increase in entropy represents the increase of unusable energy in the entire world system, and represents the process of the world from order to disorder.

As long as it exists in this world, it will be affected by the rules of entropy increase.

Even if Li Chen's essence is very high, he still cannot escape the influence of this entropy increase.

It seems that this kind of rule has surpassed the general rules of the universe, above all rules.

This independent small world with accelerated entropy increase was created by Tasenhao and separated from the Tasen Somiro world, and around this Tasen Somiro world is doing circular motion in nothingness.

The increase in entropy can affect Li Chen, which surprised Li Chen, but he didn't feel scared because of it. The increase in entropy does not mean that this world is also so powerful that it can trap yourself.

After all, even nothingness can't stop one's footsteps, let alone a small world.

Breaking through the world barrier of the small world, Li Chen came into nothingness.

Li Chen was able to see a small world outside the world of Tasen Suomiro, the floating world that could not even be called a small world. The color of the floating world was constantly changing. From the light yellow at the beginning, the color gradually faded and turned into a gray world.

Finally, it exploded with a bang in this nothingness.

The power of nothingness poured into that area, but it was constantly eroded by the power of entropy increase. It seemed that the increase in entropy was not much different from the power level of this nothingness.

However, it couldn't hold back the surging power of nothingness in this nothingness world, and the power of entropy increase was swallowed by the whole nothingness just after taking a head in this nothingness.

Watching the whole process, the time is only 5 minutes in the past.

Li Chen stepped back into the meeting hall.

Ta Senhao didn't expect this small world + entropy increase to make Li Chen admit defeat.

All this was done to prepare for his final attack.

The supreme weapon of Tassen civilization - the philosophical weapon, the preparation time required is about 10 minutes.

Philosophical weapons are somewhat similar to causal weapons, both of which belong to the setting category.

The difference is that the settings of philosophical weapons are not set for the outside world, but for the thoughts of creatures, which directly affect the thinking and values ​​of creatures.Therefore, philosophical weapons are also called thinking weapons.

The setting of this kind of philosophical weapon attack prepared by Ta Senhao for Li Chen is that the existence of life is meaningless.

This philosophical attack directed at the origin, Li Chen wants to refute the meaninglessness of the existence of this life, otherwise, as set by the philosophical weapon, Li Chen's existence is meaningless and will directly perish by itself.

(End of this chapter)

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