Chapter 350 0350

After researching on philosophical weapons, Li Chen found that this philosophical weapon is different from other energy weapons, dimension weapons, causality weapons, etc. Philosophical weapons are very idealistic and almost run counter to science.

Moreover, Li Chen discovered that the mobilization of philosophical weapons uses a force similar to the law of causality. This force has no external manifestation and directly acts on the soul of living beings, so Li Chen named it spiritual power.

This kind of power can be said to be strong, or weak. At present, after Li Chen has been experimenting continuously in the Tongtian Tower, he can only transfer the attack of this spiritual power to the clone by creating a clone and transferring the traces of his own existence. above.

It cannot be blocked at all, it cannot be eliminated.

The main reason for saying that he is weak is that after breaking through the vicious circle of a philosophical problem, this problem is almost useless for the breaker.

That is to say, each question of this philosophical weapon can only attack the same person once. If it fails, it will be immune to this question. If it succeeds, the target will fall into mental collapse and self-contradictory death.

Another point is that the physical attack of this philosophical weapon is similar to the attack of the causal law weapon.

It is all through the law to achieve fine-tuning and magnify the results.

The weapon of causality is the power to leverage the world through the law, while the weapon of philosophy is to cause the attack to proceed by temporarily tampering with the law.

In terms of physical attacks, it is hard to tell who is weak and who is strong, but with the addition of spiritual attacks, this philosophical weapon is indeed the bottom-of-the-box weapon of the Tassen civilization.

Judging from a series of production difficulties and production techniques such as those materials, it is absolutely impossible for this Tassen civilization to equip this weapon on a large scale. The main reason is that these materials are basically rare materials, many of which are from fantasy. side exchanged.

As for this philosophical weapon, after Li Chen had almost studied it, he put it away.

After leaving the Tongtian Tower, Li Chen directly appeared in the meeting hall.

Seeing Ta Senhao, Li Chen smiled and threw the philosophical weapon in his hand at him.

After rolling a few times, the staff transformed from the philosophical weapon landed firmly in Ta Senhao's hands.

"Thank you, Your Majesty—"

Waving the scepter in his hand, Ta Senhao said.

"You won't be able to thank you later... By the way, after I win you, will the position of the first civilization belong to me?"

Before Ta Senhao asked what Li Chen's previous sentence meant, he heard Li Chen's last sentence, which was that the red scorpion came to fight for power.

Even though Ta Senhao knew in his heart that with Li Chen's cultivation, he could command these powerhouses on the fantasy side to a certain extent without fighting at all, but the little favor he had for Li Chen still disappeared.

Regarding this result, no matter how unwilling Ta Senhao was, he could only accept his fate.

The level gap here is simply a natural moat.

As expected, he wanted to come with all his strength, and the first thing Li Chen did was to ask all the strong people to push the direction of their own world, and complete the great fusion of the nihilistic world in this nihility.

Only a more powerful world can resist the peeping and attack of this illusory beast.

Looking at the chaotic world, you can see that it is not something that a void life of the level of the Void Beast can touch.

When it comes to promoting the world and completing the integration, this touches the bottom line of the powerhouses of various civilizations, and immediately makes various civilizations explode.

You must know that each world is the capital of their existence, and each world is the only Allah, the only truth, and the authority is supreme.

After merging into one, this authority is bound to be diluted.

Moreover, this fusion movement has become bigger, and it is impossible to hide the void beast in the void.

Will this nihilistic beast allow the world to merge and get out of their control after it becomes stronger?

The Void Beast doesn't have too much wisdom, but the Void Beast can still weigh the pros and cons.

The reactions of these strong people are all in Li Chen's deduction. If these strong people agree so hastily, Li Chen really doubts whether these surviving civilizations really survived by their own ability.

A strong man from a foreign race said: "Your Majesty, it's not that we don't cooperate with Your Majesty's orders, it's that we are powerless. Although we have a cultivation base of the Dao of Heaven, we can't survive in nothingness, let alone promote the world. gone."

The strong man opened his mouth and directly spoke of an aspect that pointed directly to the core.

The rest of the powerhouses followed suit.

Furthermore, these powerhouses don't know the reason for Li Chen's request to complete the world fusion.

Without enough motivation, don't expect these strong men to go all out.

"Hehe, regarding this point, I have already thought of a perfect plan..."

Li Chen was a bit empty, and an image was formed out of thin air. This image is the current situation in the sea of ​​worlds.

"I have a treasure called Tongtian Pagoda, which can change all kinds of treasures. One of the treasures is called Good Fortune Jade Plate, which can weave laws..."

Following Li Chen's train of thought, everyone understood what Li Chen was talking about.

It is the good fortune jade plate that weaves thousands of laws into ropes and pulls the worlds together.

The image Li Chen gave is not only that, after the fusion of various worlds in the image, the world breaks through the limits, and the powerhouses on the fantasy side also have the foundation to break through the Dao Realm.

There are so many powerhouses on the fantasy side who are at the peak of the Dao Realm. Li Chen guessed that there is a reason for this. The biggest reason is that these worlds restrict the powerhouses from breaking through.

As a strong man in the Dao realm, Li Chen is qualified to be so skeptical.

In the chaotic world where Honghuang was located, Li Chen used the power of a strong man in the Dao realm at will, without any resistance at all.

But in his own Dyson sphere world, and in the Tasen Suomiro world of Tasen civilization, he felt that the laws of the world rejected his power. Li Chen suspected that it was because the power of the Dao realm was too strong, causing the world to instinctively reject this power.

Therefore, Li Chen suspects that if he wants to break through the Dao realm, unless he is in the third-level world, he cannot support it with the size of the second-level world alone.

"Your Majesty, is this true? You must be in a third-level world to advance to the Great Realm?"

"I don't know too well, but according to my calculations, there are about 70% of the possibilities..."

Having never been to the third-level world, these people don't know the situation of the third-level world at all.

In the third-level big world, those first-level worlds: the small thousand world, the middle thousand world, and even the big thousand world have upper limits of cultivation.

This also shows that the upper limit of cultivation should be a phenomenon that exists in every world.

For those powerhouses, a 70% probability is not a low probability. Even if the probability is only 50%, it is worth these powerhouses to try it out.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to listen and send you..."

"I would also like to..."

"Our XXX is also willing to..."


One by one the strong expressed their opinions one after another, and Ta Senhao was dumbfounded for a while.

For these strong men, there is simply no lower limit for their own breakthrough...

When the new official took office, the entire alliance was set on fire...

(End of this chapter)

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