Chapter 351 Fusion!Fusion!Fusion! (first update)
This fire of desire directly mobilized the enthusiasm of the entire alliance.

Even Ta Senhao later joined in the great cause of promoting the integration of the world.

One by one, the strong came to Li Chen, and used a treasure to chain one end of the ropes woven by laws into it. The ropes woven by laws were like fisherman's nets. Those who left, with the treasures of those strong men as the starting point, the thread of law quickly shuttled through the void with many strong men.

Every time the magic weapon refined into the rope of law is integrated into the origin of the world, the world is pulled by the rope of law, and quickly moves closer to Li Chen's world on the other side.

With the cooperation of the leaders of various worlds, there were no major accidental problems at all.

At the beginning, I thought of merging these worlds with Tasen Somiro's world, but then I thought that this fusion has a primary and secondary importance. This Tasen Somiro world is not my home field, so I don't care about it. After a wave of strong men who agreed with his ideas started to act, Li Chen returned to the other side.

There have been no major changes in the other shore. Among the primitive creatures, the tree-like clan (hereinafter referred to as the tree-human clan) has the highest cultivation level at the moment and is already the Da Luo Jinxian.

After Li Chen returned to the other world, he began to integrate the first world with the other world.

This first world is a very small second world that is only half the size of the normal world, very close to the other world.

This world is already in a period of decline. If it does not merge, the final result will be to be singled out and digested as food for nothingness.

When there was no choice, the rulers of that world were ready to abandon the world and start running away.

With a choice, the ruler of the world is unwilling to just abandon the world in such a desperate manner. After all, it is better to integrate into other worlds than to be swallowed by nothingness and strange beasts.

Under Li Chen's control, the world membrane of the secondary world has already begun to contact the world on the other side.


Suddenly the whole world on the other side was shaken, and countless prayers were heard to Li Chen.

The voice of prayer was mixed with panic and anxiety. Although Li Chen never responded to the tree people in the other world, these tree people never forgot Li Chen and worshiped Li Chen as the supreme god of the whole world .

After a long time of belief, worshiping Li Chen has become a custom, a custom that is taken for granted and does not expect anything in return.

Li Chen has many god names in the Shuren clan, such as the god of growth, the god of creation, the god of life...

The aftermath of the fusion of the world is not something these ordinary tree people can resist.

"Chuangshi God, what's wrong with this world? Is the world going to be destroyed?"

"The god of growth bless me..."

"I feel the ground trembling, is the God of Creation angry?"

"My rhizome is broken, His Majesty the God of Life, save me..."



He didn't know that he didn't pay attention to these twittering prayers, but when he heard these prayers, Li Chen could feel the panic in the hearts of his natural believers.

Although they don't care about these believers in the other world, these tree people were born because of themselves, but they can't really care about anything.

Thinking of this, a loud voice resounded in the hearts of the tree-human race: "I am with you..."

In just one sentence, it seems that the mental outlook of the entire tree people has undergone earth-shaking changes.

"I found that I seemed to hear the voice of the Creator God just now..."

Although the voice did not reveal its identity, the tree-humans were 100% sure that it was the voice of the Creator God (the God of Life, the God of Growth...).

There is no need to prove this, just like the creatures that evolved from Pangu in the prehistoric world, their familiarity with Pangu is engraved in their bones and souls.

The Treant who was asked rolled his eyes: "You just realized that I have discovered the good way..."

"Enough is enough for you, the Chuangshi God said it's okay, can you stop arguing..., and let's get a good night's sleep."

A treant with dim eyes looked at the two treants who were talking crookedly and said.

Immediately, the tree-human race broke out in a cold sweat.

When did Chuangshishen say it’s okay, Chuangshishen just said to be with us, okay...

But this acquaintance didn't care about these things, he shook the tree body, and shook off the withered yellow leaves on the ground, and the roots that looked like two feet immediately burrowed towards the ground, firmly rooted on the ground.

As if drowsiness is also contagious, tree people took root in the earth one after another, turned into trees worthy of the name, and fell into a deep sleep.

In just a quarter of an hour, the entire world on the other side became silent.

Li Chen couldn't help feeling that the tree people were really lazy people, they were just like trees if they had nothing to do.

Even some of Honghuang's great powers, after the tree people are completely still, it is estimated that they will not be able to tell the difference between the tree people and normal creatures.

Without the chittering of the Treants in his ears, Li Chen began to deal with the impact brought about by the integration of the world.

As the pinnacle of the first-level world, the prehistoric world can almost exist directly in nothingness.

Hong Huang was able to integrate those Great Thousand Worlds, Middle Thousand Worlds, Small Thousand Worlds, etc., nothing happened, and it didn’t even affect Hong Huang’s inner world too much. The most important reason is that the gap between Hong Huang World and those worlds is really too big up.

It's not a level of existence at all.

If Honghuang is a lake, then those worlds that merge into it are a bowl of water, a glass of water, or a drop of water, pouring into the lake will not cause much disturbance.

But Li Chen's other side is different, he just entered the second-level world, compared to the world in the sea of ​​worlds, it is just an inconspicuous one among thousands of worlds.

If there is anything special about it, it can only be said that this world on the other side was created by Li Chen, and those worlds were all born out of nothingness.

The difference is also the difference between artificial and natural.

But fortunately, Li Chen controls the world on the other side, and the merged world didn't resist much.

The world barriers of the two merged together without much effort.

At the same time, Li Chen controlled the fortune jade plate, and under Li Chen's control, countless laws and regulations eroded towards the world that melted into it.

Accompanied by the erosion of the law, a source of power was extracted and integrated into the world on the other side.

The continents, stars, etc. of the other side's world fell into the other side's world one after another.

After devouring this world, the body of the world on the other side has grown in size.

In the world on the other side, the realm within the realm created by Li Chen is hidden somewhere in the center of the world, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Originally, the other world was a structure of two layers of worlds. After this new world joined the other world, there was another layer of world.

It's like a big ball with a small ball, a whole set of three layers——

(End of this chapter)

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