Chapter 358 0358 Who are you? (Second more)

Many of the strong men in the Heavenly Dao Realm in front of them had calm faces, and many eyes twitched from time to time, as if they were thinking about something.

Li Chen frowned as he looked at the powerful men of the Heavenly Dao Realm in front of him. Although he had already made preparations in his heart, it was still a pity when these powerful men of the Heavenly Dao Realm proposed to leave.

If one wants to cultivate to the realm of heaven, luck, talent, and perseverance are indispensable, and it would be a great loss for Li Chen to leave one.

And these Heavenly Dao Realm powerhouses in front of them accounted for one-third of all Heavenly Dao Realm powerhouses.

However, Li Chen also expressed his understanding of their choice, who can cultivate to the realm of heaven, which one is not a talent of heaven.

Which strong man is willing to submit to another strong man?
Even Li Chen himself is the same.

But understanding is understanding, Li Chen didn't expect that sometimes friends would become enemies instead of friends.

After all, in this chaos, I am not only a strong Daoist, but also Daoist, and Pangu, a freak who is not a Daoist but is better than a Daoist.

Especially Dao, and Li Chen are deadly rivals, Li Chen doesn't want these people to join Dao after leaving his subordinates.

Although the Dao of Heaven is a matter of a little more effort for Li Chen, Li Chen doesn't want to let these strong men go to join the enemy.

Therefore, after glancing at these powerful men of Heavenly Dao Realm, he did not talk about their departure, but began to talk about his past: "This world is a world of level three or above in nothingness. Back then I was Going out from here, this world is very big, and there is a world in the world called Honghuang, which is beginning a round of earth-shattering changes. This world has three strong people on the bright side, one is me, and the other is called Dao There is also a guy named Pangu. And it was this guy named Dao who plotted against me to fall into nothingness..."

Li Chen didn't continue talking later, the purpose was very obvious, that is to make these powerful people in the Heavenly Dao Realm express their attitude.

A strong man in the Dao of Heaven is very concerned about his words and deeds, and he will definitely do what he says.

After all, as a strong man, he can't even do what he says. Without the heart of a strong man, what qualifications do he have to be a strong man.

Not to mention anything else, but I can't pass that test.

"Who dares to use Dao as a name? After hearing what you said, I have the idea to find out." A strong man said.

You must know that Dao is a synonym for a realm, but now this 'person' is calling himself Dao.

"I don't think you will go to see him first—" Li Chen looked at him and said slowly.


"He is just a powerful artifact spirit, and all his subordinates are controlled by him. I guess you don't even know when you were controlled by him and became his puppet..."

Li Chen smiled.

Da Dao's subordinates, as Li Chen saw, were almost all puppets.

The master of great luck is the master of merit.

"Then, let's forget it..." the strong man spread his hands and said.

"Besides, after you leave, I will go to Honghuang to find the bad luck of the Dao, I think you don't want to see me again—"

After all, if we see each other again, we might be the enemy. It's strange if you want to. A fight at the Dao level is simply not something a strong person in the Dao realm can bear.

Maybe a face-to-face meeting will directly become disabled.

"Don't worry, God, I will definitely not be under the command of the Great Dao. The battle between you and other Dao Realm powerhouses is not something we can get involved in in the Little Heaven Dao Realm. My friends and I just want to explore this new world." He said. The man in the light clothes that fluttered like a fairy looked at the man who was wearing a flowery peacock beside him and continued: "But if we are tired in the future, I hope the god will allow us to take a rest on the other side... ..."

Looking at the two of them, Li Chen nodded.

"I also understand the situation of the two of you. The door to the other side is open for you. You are welcome to come back anytime..."

The man in the floral dress looked at Li Chen with some hesitation and said: "I will definitely come back, but Hua Ming begs the god to take care of my Hualing family."

"Good talk, good talk."

The two hugged Li Chen and left together.

It started with two people, and one after another, there were strong people in the Heavenly Dao Realm who left.

Even the remaining strong men who have a lot of thoughts have accepted Li Chen's life-saving grace. If it weren't for Li Chen, it is estimated that in the sea of ​​​​worlds, sooner or later they would become the prey of nothingness and strange beasts.

They all expressed that they would not be enemies with Li Chen.

Maybe some strong people don't really want to leave, but just want to improve their status on the other side, but for Li Chen, what's the difference.

After the last Heavenly Realm expert left, Li Chen returned to the other world, and after explaining everything, he came to the chaos alone.

The Tongtian Tower in his hand turned into a Rainbow Bridge. For the Rainbow Bridge, the long distance is just a bridge away.

Coming outside the prehistoric, Li Chen was shocked by the prehistoric in front of him.

The prehistoric world in front of me is hundreds or thousands of times larger than before, and even the entire first realm of chaos is occupied by it, and it is only a short distance away from the wall of chaos.

Even compared to the prehistoric world, Li Chen's other side may not be able to compare with the prehistoric world in terms of area.

The prehistoric world is an out-and-out world with a round sky, while the other side world is a world similar to a planet. The two can't tell whose structure is more dominant, but in terms of quality, Li Chen thinks that the other side world is more dominant. Advantage.Those thousands of secondary worlds are no joke.

But this prehistoric world is so big, if it is controlled by Dao, I don't know how strong Dao will become under the blessing of this prehistoric.

But at this moment, Li Chen's cultivation is already in the middle stage of the Dao, and he was not in vain in the early days of the Dao, let alone now.

The fusion of the prehistoric world has not yet been completed, and the entire prehistoric world is like a huge black hole, and the endless chaotic energy has been swallowed by it and turned into various auras of heaven and earth.

It seems that this is one of the purposes of the avenue.

If the prehistoric world can swallow the chaotic energy of the entire chaos, the prehistoric world can be said to have completely replaced chaos.

It will definitely be unbelievably powerful.

But whether it is what Li Chen thinks, we can only wait and see.

"Come out and fight on the road!!!"

Li Chen's voice was like thunder, resounding in the hearts of all the prehistoric beings.

Li Chen would not choose the battlefield in the wild, and now that the situation in the wild is unknown, it is not worth Li Chen's risk.

A huge figure stepped out of the primordial step by step and came into the chaos.

"Haha, I heard Dao said that you were beaten into nothingness by him, and your bones are gone. It seems that Dao is going to be disappointed..."

"You are Pangu? No, you are not Pangu! Who are you?..."

Looking at the giant in front of him, Li Chen looked wary. The giant looked very similar to Pangu, but Li Chen could still feel some subtle differences between him and Pangu, so he couldn't help asking in a cold voice.

(End of this chapter)

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