Chapter 359 0359 Pantian (First Change)
"Hehe, you are indeed a strong man who has cultivated himself to the Great Dao Realm, but the Great Dao Realm is just like that to us." The giant who looked like Pan Gu didn't answer Li Chen's words, but spoke casually road.

But in the future, he could hear some hidden meanings. The "we" in his mouth showed that he was not alone.

But Li Chen didn't sense other strong people in the prehistoric world, or even in this first chaotic realm.

He didn't even have the slightest sense of the existence of Dao.

"Who are you? Where did Dao go?"

Li Chen asked again in a cold voice.

The giant smashed his mouth, and muttered: "If you want to know who I am, you can. If you beat me, I will tell you. As for Dao, I will tell you together at that time, but if you can't beat me, hehe... "

"Win you? Okay, let's see the real chapter..."

Li Chen snorted coldly.

Although this giant is not Pangu, but it is too similar to Pangu, Li Chen has not fought against Pangu, but now he can try it, although the giant is not Pangu.

Li Chen immediately sacrificed the Tongtian Pagoda, only to see that the Tongtian Pagoda changed for a while and turned into a long stick, which was the sky-shaking stick.

This is exactly the form Li Chen often uses in battle.

Although the mixed gold brick is not bad, but fighting with a brick always gives people the feeling of a crowd of punks, so Li Chen doesn't like the shape of the mixed gold brick very much.

But he saw a huge ax in the giant's hand, but this giant ax was not the sky-opening ax Li Chen knew, and it was quite different from the sky-opening ax in shape.

It seems that this ax-type treasure is the first treasure to be considered for a strong person who cultivates strength such as physical training.

After all, the structure of the ax is very powerful for the blessing.

Heavy magic weapons such as axes and hammers are more suitable for physical training than ordinary weapons such as swords, knives, sticks, spears, halberds, and whips.

The giant shouted, raised the ax high, jumped up and slashed at Li Chen.

"Hey, eat me with an ax—"

Li Chen didn't give in, he held the sky-shaking stick tightly with both hands, and moved up a gear.

The giant ax was very sharp, and the oncoming wind of the ax made Li Chen feel like a knife was being scraped.However, the Sky Shaking Stick in Li Chen's hand was not bad, the giant ax did not even leave a mark on the Sky Shaking Stick.

In a moment, Li Chen was directly sent flying a very long distance under this huge force.

Even the tiger's mouth was slightly cracked under this attack.

However, these small problems are not worthy of too much attention at all. In just a moment, the power in the body circulates, and the cracks on the tiger's mouth suddenly dissipate, leaving no trace.

"Excellent strength." Li Chen admired, changed the topic, and said again: "I don't know how it compares to Pangu's Pangu axe?"

"Pangu axe? I think you don't want to see his true power." The giant couldn't help grinning when he thought of the real power of the Pangu axe.

However, the attack in his hand didn't stop, but each blow was more powerful than the other.

"Hehe..." Li Chen responded with a skeptical attitude.

I have seen the Pangu Ax before, and the Pangu Ax is a treasure of chaos, Li Chen even suspects that if the Tongtian Tower and the Pangu Ax attack each other, the Pangu Ax might disintegrate directly.

"Don't believe it, the Pangu ax you have seen is just a projection of the real Pangu ax—"

The giant clearly saw the disbelief in Li Chen's eyes, so he couldn't help explaining.

"A projection? That's no wonder." Li Chen was thoughtful, and the sky-shaking stick in his hand resisted the giant's giant ax again.

I became more curious about Pan Gu in my heart.

"You have been attacking all this time, it's my turn." Li Chen changed his previous defensive posture and turned it into an offensive, with a long stick in his hand he was poking, slashing, picking, chopping, or pressing.Almost eighteen kinds of martial arts were used. If it weren't for the halo of power circulating on the sky-shaking stick, which indicated that it was not a mortal fight, it didn't look like a real monk's fight at all.

But this looks like a dance, every blow carries the trajectory of Tao, which can be said to be the ultimate embodiment of martial arts.

"Haha, refreshing..."

The giant shouted and laughed loudly.

Li Chen's cultivation is in the middle stage of the Dao, and he didn't use his full strength to deal with the giant.

And Li Chen could also see that the giant had itchy hands and wanted to fight, so he put forward such a condition. Therefore, he purely used the power of his body to fight the giant, without using any powerful power such as mana.

When he really started fighting, he couldn't help but his blood surged up, sighing secretly that this is the fighting style that a real man should have.

The giant ax and long stick struck together again, making a "bang..." sound.

An electric spark flashed, and a small gap appeared on the edge of the giant axe.


"Stop it, stop hitting, stop hitting..."

"If you keep fighting, my baby will be destroyed."

The giant looked at the gap on the giant axe, and said repeatedly with a distressed face.

Li Chen didn't listen to what he said, but continued to attack.

Forced to do so, the giant could only pick up the huge ax in his hand and resist Li Chen's attack with his hands tied.

As for physically resisting Li Chen's Sky-Shaking Cudgel, this is simply unrealistic. You must know that the Sky-Shaking Cudgel is a grandmist spirit treasure, and it is also a grandmist spirit treasure that has reached the top level of a grandmist spirit treasure!
Not to mention the feeling of being attacked on the body, it is almost like dying, but relying on the giant's own body, the giant is not sure that it can bear it.

How much he weighs, the giant still has self-knowledge.

Seeing that the gap on the giant ax shattered into a small piece, the giant felt distressed.

"Stop, stop, I'll tell you everything you want to know, don't fight anymore..."

Hearing what the giant was about to jump, Li Chen just stopped attacking.

"Tell me, what's your name."

The sky-shaking stick in his hand looked like the Tongtian Tower, but Li Chen put it away, folded his hands on his chest, and watched the giant speak.


The voice is short and capable. If it weren't for the roving eyes of this guy who called himself Pantian, Li Chen would probably think that he is an honest man. He looks like Pangu, but not necessarily Pangu. This is really reasonable. .

"Do you need me to ask all at once?" Li Chen couldn't help but have three black lines on his head.

"You asked the name, so I only answered the name, blame me..."

Na Pantian muttered disapprovingly.

But Li Chen didn't like him, looked at the giant ax in his hand and said softly: "It seems that we should fight a few more times to exchange feelings—"

"Weapon suppression is the most annoying thing, if you have the ability to fight me with bare hands..."

Hearing this, Li Chen couldn't help laughing.

Although he fights with his physical body, it doesn't mean he is a physical cultivator. Li Chen is sure that he is an out-and-out Dharma cultivator, and he can only think of it if he wants Dharma cultivation and physical cultivation to fight with bare hands.

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

Looking at Pan Tian, ​​Li Chen rolled his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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