Chapter 361 0361 True Branding (Adding 1 for Demon Lord Junmo)

Although a large part of what he wanted to know was blocked, Li Chen was still very satisfied. After all, if Li Chen had to explore these things by himself, it would take a long time to complete them.

The prehistoric world is still slowly expanding. It can be seen from this that Dao didn't take anything from the prehistoric, it seems that it only temporarily controlled the prehistoric for a period of time in order to speed up the fusion of the prehistoric.

If Dao had achieved his goal, Li Chen did not believe that Honghuang would be so peaceful.

Something that can let Da Dao peep must be a very precious thing in the prehistoric world.

At least if this thing is taken away, it will have a great impact on Honghuang.

To make this thing appear, Honghuang has fused countless worlds to achieve it. If it is taken away, will Honghuang be torn apart because of it?

Li Chen thinks this may be very big.

However, Li Chen didn't know exactly what Dao wanted, so he looked at Pan Tian, ​​who was waiting for Li Chen's text, and asked: "What do you think is there in this prehistoric world that Da Dao can spy on? Da Dao If you just leave like this, I don’t believe it, there must be something or a place here for Dao to peek at, what do you think it would be?—”

"You ask me, who should I ask?" Pan Tian rolled his eyes.

"As a member of the Pan clan, you must know something, think about it!!!"

The word 'think about' after Li Chen's words was bitten heavily, giving Pan Tian a bad feeling.

"I'll think about it, think about it..."

Pan Tian wanted to cry, but he shouldn't have provoked this evil star.

Although he has a backhand, he is not particularly afraid of Li Chen at all, but Pan Tian feels that he is far from using this backhand, so he can only pinch his nose and patiently give what he knows to Li Chen's repeated questions. They came out one by one.


As if thinking of something, Pan Tian had an impossible look on his face.

"Could it be that this avenue is for the legendary true brand?"

Hearing this term for the first time, Li Chen was a little puzzled, and looked at Pan Tian suspiciously, waiting for his explanation.

"The so-called real brand is also a legend among our Pan clan. No one believes it at all. It is said that this is a brand that can only be condensed after the world is powerful to the extreme. This brand is extremely 'real'. Compared with it, it seems Everything seems to be illusory. And it is said that all the people who have seen this 'real' brand are either crazy, or turned into a body without thought and soul, or disappeared, which is very strange."

"Have both Dao Dao and Pan Gu seen this real brand?" Li Chen asked.

"It is said that in the early years, when the patriarch had not yet proved the Tao, he saw it in a world that was extremely prosperous. Later, this world collapsed by itself. No one knows why—" After a pause, Pan Tian once again Opened the mouth and said:

"After that, Pangu came to this chaotic world that was still the world of primordial Mengmeng—"

Listening to Pan Tian's explanation, Li Chen connected everything together:
In the early days of Pangu, there was a good fortune jade plate. Later, in that world, Pangu saw this real imprint, and his cultivation level improved greatly. Even the good fortune jade plate gave birth to the early spirit of the great way.

Later, after Pangu came to this Hongmeng world, in the process of joining hands with the powers in the Hongmeng world to fight against the beast emperor, he proposed to practice a way out.

The wheel of the avenue refined with the good fortune jade plate as the core, like the good fortune jade plate, has the power to control thousands of avenues, even better than the good fortune jade plate, after all, the good fortune jade plate is just a piece that is almost purely usable treasure.

At this time, the spirit of the great way conceived by the good luck jade plate let nature take its course and quietly entered the wheel of the great way.

As a creature, the Spirit of the Great Dao is definitely not willing to be controlled by humans, even Pan Gu who created it is no exception.

Ever since, a struggle and rebellion staged.

The final result was the defeat of the Beast Emperor, the wheel of the Great Dao collapsed and only the Eye of the Great Dao remained, and countless gods and demons died...

At this moment, Dao took advantage of the situation and returned to the good fortune jade plate, still pretending to be a dead thing, a utensil.

Later, Pangu broke through the Great Dao Realm and performed the act of opening up the world. In the process of opening up, Da Dao slapped him, causing Pan Gu to start slaughtering the remaining demon gods. After discovering Da Dao's conspiracy, he broke through the jade plate of good fortune, causing Da Dao to severely damage and retreat into chaos. Rest and recuperate, and at the last moment, Pangu himself turned into everything in the world for some reason.

Although it was just Li Chen's conjecture, Li Chen felt that there was nothing wrong with this conjecture, and it was very close to the situation at that time.

As soon as Pan Tian talked about it, even Pan Tian couldn't help but click his tongue at the twists and turns.Although I don't know how Li Chen thought of this, but it looks so powerful.

However, conjectures are conjectures, Li Chen will not fully believe the information he received from the Lord of Great Luck and the Lord of Merit before it is confirmed.

It can only be used as a reference information, lest when the time comes, my eyes will be smeared and I will bump into it if I don't know anything.

I know what I should know, Li Chen has nothing to ask Pan Tian, ​​this prehistoric place is here, Li Chen doesn't believe that this avenue will come back, as the saying goes, a monk can't run away from the temple, so he just sits and waits in this prehistoric place, I don't believe I can't catch the way.

He made a fool of himself and didn't get back on the spot, no matter what Li Chen thought, he couldn't be reconciled.

But it's time to meet old friends.

Li Chen sensed that there was an extra aura in Hongjun's Zixiao Palace, an aura no less than that of Hongjun.

Can't help but be a little puzzled, when did there actually be a strong man at the same level as Hongjun in the prehistoric world.

After all, although I have been away for a long time, it has not been long enough to give birth to a strong person in the Heavenly Dao Realm.

Even the Sanqing and the Second Saints of the West did not have the foundation to become a strong man in the Dao of Heaven in a short period of time, so Li Chen was quite curious.

Stepping across the gap between heaven and earth, Li Chen could not help but smile when he sensed the slight repulsion from Honghuang. The original will of this world really holds grudges. He still remembers things that have lasted so long, even bringing himself here now. Press yourself.

But Li Chen is no ordinary small fish or shrimp, this pressure can't even be suppressed by one percent of Li Chen's strength (the original will of heaven and earth has not exhausted all his strength, and Li Chen is not weak!).

"Fellow Daoist's visit to the humble house really makes the humble house flourish!" Hong Jun came out of Zixiao Palace with a smile on his face, and couldn't help laughing when he saw Li Chen coming.

"Long time no see, Hongjun, your cultivation has improved a lot!" Li Chen saw Hongjun's real cultivation at a glance, and praised.

"Congrats, congratulations, compared to fellow daoists, my meager cultivation is still far behind, far behind..."

Although Hongjun is self-effacing, it can be seen from the expression on his face that he is very satisfied with the growth rate of his cultivation.

It is just a step away from the Great Realm.

"This is the Changming God Venerable mentioned by Fellow Daoist Hongjun, right? Yang Mei is being polite, fellow Daoist, please come in..."

With that said, Yang Mei made a gesture of please.

Li Chen was not hypocritical, and followed Yang Mei directly into Zixiao Palace.

Unexpectedly, Pan Tian's voice came from behind: "Hey, what, Chang Ming, wait for me."

Li Chen looked strange, "What are you doing here?"

"Follow you!" Pan Tian took it for granted.

"I mean, what are you doing with me?"

"You have my chance—" Pan Tian looked innocent.

"Fart—" A group of crows flew over Li Chen's head, feeling very bad.

It felt like someone said to themselves, your baby is all mine.

"I don't have enough chances myself, how could I have you!"


(End of this chapter)

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