Chapter 362 0362 Yang Mei (First Change)
"Fellow Daoist, don't worry, since Fellow Daoist Pantian said so, there must be nothing wrong. You and I just wait—"

The old man Hongjun smiled with an inscrutable expression on his face, and his tone was full of affirmation, as if he had known for a long time that Pan Tian's chance was with Li Chen.

"You know again?" Li Chen's voice was a little indifferent.

"No, no, it's actually the talent of the Pantian Daoist clan!"

Hearing the subtle changes in Li Chen's voice, Hongjun explained unhurriedly.

"Hongjun, do you know what I hate about you?" Li Chen changed his voice and looked at Hongjun.

Hongjun was stunned for a moment, as if surprised by Li Chen's words.

"I hate that you are usually indifferent and do nothing, but you have more plans in your heart than anyone else! I hate that you always act like I know everything and nothing can escape my control..."

Li Chen calmly expressed his thoughts since he met Hongjun, and Yang Mei who was beside him also said abruptly at this time: "Fellow Daoist, what I said is exactly what I want, and I also think that Hongjun is really annoying sometimes. -"

"You - hey"

But the astonishment on Hongjun's face turned into a wry smile.

When everyone entered Zixiao Palace, they did not go to the hall where Hongjun preached, but came to a reception room behind the hall of Zixiao Palace.

Not long after sitting down, Li Chen chatted with Yang Mei:
"Back then, fellow daoist was able to fight against fellow daoist Hongjun without losing the wind, and even took away fellow daoist Hongjun's treasure. It can be seen that no one in the fellow daoist space can get around you. It is really worthwhile to meet today."

Yang Mei's cultivation is also above the peak of the Dao Realm, and Yang Mei is also a monk who majors in the Dao of Space.

As the saying goes, time is king and space is respected. This is not a bragging, but a real truth.

Seeing that Yang Mei was in the same realm, he was able to not use magic weapons, and taking away all of Hongjun's magic weapons could show the power of this spatial supernatural power.

But Yang Mei smiled and shook her head.

"Fellow Daoist, it's ridiculous. The two of us just have nothing to do with each other. After I use that trick, although the defense is invincible, the attack is almost zero. I don't care if I don't mention it—"

Hongjun then took over the conversation and said, "Fellow Daoist Changming, it is said that you were driven into nothingness, I don't know—"

Speaking of this, Li Chen gritted his teeth.

He has always calculated others by himself, and shady others, but he never thought that he would be shady by Dao.

"Void, there are many dangers. I almost can't come back with my cultivation base of the Great Dao. It can be said that it is easy to go out, but difficult to come in. If you haven't reached the Dao Realm, you two should not pay attention to the void. I guess it's just you This small body will turn into nothingness within half a quarter of an hour after going out—" Li Chen shook his head while speaking.

Hearing the emptiness described by Li Chen, the two of them frowned.

"By the way, Fellow Daoist Yang Mei, where did you go after the battle with Old Man Hongjun? Now that Fellow Daoist is back, is there any gossip?"

Li Chen looked at Yang Mei with interest and asked.

But Hongjun curled his lips and said: "What gossip does he have, that is, he opened up a world and practiced in seclusion in the world. He was inexplicably affected by the prehistoric, and the world merged into the prehistoric before he woke up—"

Hearing what Hongjun said, Li Chen looked at Yang Mei with a strange expression. He didn't expect that Yang Mei would stay at home more than Hongjun. Hongjun still showed up from time to time, but this Yang Mei was going to stay at home forever.

"You talk too much!"

Listening to Hongjun's narration, Yang Mei glared at Hongjun.

Li Chen laughed, and didn't dwell on it.

"Fellow Daoist coming to Honghuang is probably not just a bad luck to find the Dao!" Hong Jun looked at Li Chen and said suddenly.

Yang Mei was also thoughtful when she heard this.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist, I'm thinking too much. I'm here just to find bad luck for Daoist."


"Oh, by the way, this time I came here specially to visit an old friend!"

Regarding Li Chen's answer, Hongjun rolled his eyes, expressing that he believed it at all.

"Visiting an old friend, fellow daoist, are you not prepared, what do you mean?"

Thinking of the tea leaves he got from Li Chen back then, thousands of thoughts flashed through Hongjun Laihai.

Now that so many years have passed, the tea leaves are long gone.

"Fellow Daoist Hongjun, you are still as annoying as ever!"

Li Chen said to Hongjun seriously, but he saw that Hongjun seemed to be praised so much, his face did not change, and he replied lightly: "Praise praise."

It seems that after being hated by Li Chen for a long time, they will develop immunity——

However, Li Chen doesn't pay much attention to things like tea, spirit fruit, and drinks. Li Chen has already accumulated countless tea leaves.

Hearing Hongjun's words, Li Chen took out the tea leaves.

Handed it to Hongjun and Yang Mei, Yang Mei immediately put it away, but Hongjun said again and again: "How embarrassing this is."

"I'm sorry, but I'll return it." Li Chen said as if he was going to grab it.

Hongjun's movements were very fast, and he put away the tea leaves in no time.

Looking at Li Chen's contemptuous eyes, Hongjun was calm and composed, not at all embarrassed.

"Two friends, it's rare for us to sit together, why don't we give a sermon? I think we will gain something!"

"That's a great word," Hong Jun stroked his beard, his eyes narrowed as if he was smiling.

The two looked at Li Chen and Pan Tian.

Pan Tian hurriedly looked at Li Chen, only to see Li Chen nodded after a moment of contemplation: "I have no objection, but I have limited time, so I can't talk too much—"

"I'll save it"

Pan Tian on the side also joined in the fun, seeing that everyone was about to start speaking, he hurriedly said.

"I'm fine too..."

Li Chen glanced at Pan Tian indifferently, and he also had some expectations for what Pan Tian said in his heart. After all, he had never heard Pan Tian preach, so maybe he could gain something.

Hongjun was the first to speak. After all, as the landlord here, it is not a good habit for Hongjun to overwhelm the host.

A ray of light appeared behind Hongjun, and immeasurable rays of light emitted from above, illuminating the ten directions, making Li Chen squint his eyes involuntarily.

But when he saw the ** behind Hongjun, Li Chen couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Fellow Daoist, didn't you exchange the good fortune jade plate for me? Why..."

This ** is exactly the same as the good fortune jade plate.

"He's the Wheel of the Great Dao! I'm right, fellow Daoist Hongjun." Pan Tian looked at the scene for a long time before opening his mouth.

Hongjun laughed and said, "Dao has a friendly eye, this is indeed the wheel of the Great Dao."

Li Chen said quietly: "Fellow Daoist is really a blessing..."

"Luck, luck...haha..."

Hearing Li Chen's resentful tone, Hongjun let out a haha, changed the subject directly, and began to preach:
"There is a mixture of things, born from heaven and earth. Lonely and lonely, independent and unchangeable, traveling around without perishing, it can be the mother of the world. I don't know its name. The name of the word is Dao, and the name of strength is Da. Da is called Da. Passing away, passing away means far away, far away means turning back...the old man follows the earth, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the way, and the way follows nature..."

(End of this chapter)

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