Chapter 363 0363 The Way of the Pan Clan (Second More)

The wheel of the great way behind Hongjun followed Hongjun's preaching, constantly evolving the mystery of the great way, and everyone was fascinated by it.

However, the wheel of the avenue is still not as good as the good luck jade plate in terms of assistance. The connection and weaving between many avenues are still a bit blunt, not as natural and natural as the good fortune jade plate.

Hongjun Zhidao still resembles his sullen personality, Li Chen complained in his heart.

But if you complain, you have to listen carefully. After all, so many years have passed, and Hongjun is at the peak of the Dao of Heaven at this moment, so the Tao he has learned is naturally not bad.

Although Li Chen is in the Dao realm, it is impossible to cover everything, so listening to this sermon is still very fruitful.

Things that I didn't think of usually, I was inspired, and I got through with a single dial.

After Hongjun passed, it was Yang Mei. Yang Mei didn't preach like Hongjun, but directly started to evolve his own way of space for everyone to understand. As for how much he can understand, it depends on personal luck.

The power of space is invisible and qualityless, but in Yang Mei's hands, it exudes a faint silver radiance, like soil, allowing it to be ravaged.

The way of space is embodied in the power of space emanating from this faint silver brilliance, everything is contained in it, and everything exists based on space.

Li Chen didn't major in the way of space, but under Yang Mei's demonstration, Li Chen's way of space improved as fast as a rocket.

In particular, Li Chen himself has experienced the spaces of other worlds, and he feels more deeply about this.

It didn't take long for Yang Mei to practice Daoism, and it took only three years to do everything she could. Once the time passed, Yang Mei immediately withdrew her Daoism.

It was Li Chen and Pan Tian's turn, they looked at each other, Li Chen said, "Fellow Pan Tian, ​​are you coming or should I come?"

After Pan Tian thought for a while, he said, "Let me do it. After all, you are in the Great Dao Realm, so it's just right for you to be the finale!"

Hearing this, Li Chen didn't say anything, and said yes.

Pan Tian's way is very different from Hongjun's and Yang Mei's way.

Pantian's way is not like one of the three thousand great ways. It is said to be like the way of power, but it is also like the way of life. It is said to be like the way of yin and yang, but it is also like the way of five elements. The level of the Dao of Heaven is no different from the three thousand Dao in the chaotic world, Li Chen even thinks that the Dao of Pantian is the mother of ten thousand Dao, the source of Dao!

"Your way..."

Li Chen couldn't help asking.

"This is the way of our Pan clan, the foundation of our Pan clan!"

Pan Tian said proudly.

"The way of the pan clan? The way of the pan clan? But there is no such way among the three thousand ways..." Li Chen was puzzled and couldn't help talking to himself.

The so-called Three Thousand Ways refers to the Three Thousand Great Ways of Hongmeng. The Hongmeng Way, born of chaos first, is the original way.

The Grand Dao is completely transformed by the Primordial Purple Qi. You must know the laws of heaven and earth in the prehistoric world. Each of the 49 main laws has a Primordial Purple Qi. Just a single Prismatic Purple Qi can make the laws so powerful. It can be seen how powerful the Hongmeng Avenue completely transformed by Hongmeng Ziqi is.

But this way of the family is obviously not included in this list.

"The way of my Pan clan is the way of the day after tomorrow. It is achieved by human power. My people named it Kaitian Dao, and all my clan members will support it. Maybe one day it will become like Hongmeng Dao. The law of the road."

"Why don't you comprehend the mighty Hongmeng Dao, but use the power of the whole family to support a Dao that doesn't know the future?"

Li Chen was puzzled, there must be some secrets that he didn't know.

But Pan Tian shook his head and pointed to his mouth.

It seems that the answer is also a secret.

Li Chen couldn't help thinking.

No matter what the people of the Pan Clan discovered, Li Chen had his thoughts on the Hongmeng Dao and the Houtian Dao.

After Pan Tian finished his sermon and demonstrated it to everyone, it was finally Li Chen's turn to preach.


At this moment Li Chen was a little confused, not because he didn't say anything, but because he didn't know what to say.

After all, what Li Chen has been in contact with and knows is simply too much.

After much deliberation, Li Chen directly evolved the process of creating the other world for everyone.

Compared with Pan Clan Kaitian, Li Chen is directly creating a big world, a big world that can survive in nothingness, and the great truth contained in it is simply as vast as a river and sea.

Under the guidance of Li Chen, everyone's consciousness seemed to follow Li Chen against the current time, to the time when Li Chen created the world on the other side.


Under the control of Li Chen, the avenues and laws in the picture are arranged in a mysterious way. After a while, a world like a Dyson ball was created by Li Chen.

The world of the Dyson sphere started to rotate, and an inexplicable power was drawn by it, turning it into an energy similar to the energy of chaos...

Slowly, life began to be born in the Dyson sphere world, and each tree-human race was as quiet as a tree (tree-human race: it was originally a tree).

As for the latter, Li Chen did not continue to evolve, and even in the previous evolution process, Li Chen deliberately downplayed the existence of nothingness and strange beasts.

Everyone returned to their minds, and there were many breakthroughs.

Hongjun and Yang Mei stood up and bowed to Li Chen, "Thank you Changming Taoist for your kindness in preaching."

It is said that it is a discussion, but both Hongjun and Yang Mei know that in the end it is Li Chen who preaches the truth.

Li Chen waved his hand indifferently, in fact, Li Chen gained quite a lot.

The main thing is the harvest from Pantian. The Heaven-opening Dao created by the Pan clan definitely has extraordinary significance.

Even Li Chen already had a preliminary idea at this moment.

However, Pan Tian gained the most from this discussion. After watching Li Chen's creation, he made a further step towards the Dao of Kaitian.

After hearing the sermon, the people did not get up in a hurry, but sat cross-legged, savoring what they had learned.

Regardless of the years of practice, a huge power erupted from Pan Tian, ​​not only covering the entire Zixiao Palace, but even spreading towards the entire chaos.

"Breakthrough the Great Realm? So fast." Li Chen couldn't help being surprised.

It is simply unreasonable for this great realm to break through if it is said to break through.

But thinking of the Dao of the Pan Clan and the Dao he just demonstrated, he couldn't help but understand it.

The Pan Clan's Opening of the Sky generally re-opens in worlds above the second level, and there is even no way to open up a world in nothingness.

Now that I watched Li Chen demonstrate the creation of the world in nothingness, I suddenly became enlightened, and it is not surprising to have this breakthrough.

No wonder I said before that I have a chance.Li Chen secretly thought.

After the coercion passed, nectar fell from the sky, golden lotuses gushed from the ground, and even in the chaos because of these nectars, breaths of life began to conceive.

That Pantian looked excited, and when he was about to say something, a suction force enveloped Pantian from nowhere.

"I'll go, I know I won't be allowed to rest for long—"

Pan Tian couldn't help complaining.

Looking at Li Chen, Hongjun and the others, he said, "There is something in my clan, so we should leave first, fellow Taoists, goodbye!"

Before he finished speaking, he disappeared in front of everyone.

Leaving everyone staring at each other in astonishment——

(End of this chapter)

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