Chapter 367 0367 Useless Work (Second More)
When Li Chen's crazy attack slowed down, the dust had already settled.

Numerous silk threads of laws were woven around, enveloping Li Chen and Dao Dao in the middle.

When the last hole was about to end, Li Chen knocked the avenue into the air all at once, and with a whoosh, he passed through the wriggling hole.

The avenue followed closely behind Li Chen, and at the moment of passing through, the Tongtian Pagoda in Li Chen's hand had already turned into a brick of gold, and he was eager to try towards the avenue that came after him at the hole.

Da Dao stopped immediately, stood behind the hole and looked at Li Chen ruthlessly.

Da Dao also knew that if he forced himself to charge, not to mention whether he would be able to pass through the last hole, he might even be hit by Li Chen.

Therefore, in the absence of life-threatening situations, Dao would not choose to charge at all.

Seeing Da Dao stop, to be honest, Li Chen really felt a little regretful.

After all, if he forced a charge, he would be able to try the attacking ability of the mixed gold bricks. After all, since he obtained the mixed gold bricks, Li Chen used them as shields in every battle.

It's a pity that this road is not on the road at all——

When the last small hole was finished weaving, Li Chen's whole prison idea had been preliminarily completed.

The second step is to customize a different world barrier for the world created to imprison the strong.

The world barrier of the secondary world in the nothingness can continuously draw power from the nothingness and transform it into the power of the same level as the energy of chaos. What Li Chen has to do now is to weave this barrier in reverse, so that the barrier can only be drawn from the world. Extract power from within to transform and obliterate all the will in it, making the entire cage a true nothingness.

The effect Li Chen wants to achieve is that as long as any strong person enters his own cage, he will not be able to come out completely, at least he must squeeze you dry before letting you go.

The biggest feature of this cage is that it doesn't work for ordinary creatures without a trace of mana power, but for a powerful creature, even if you seal the mana, it's useless, making full use of the recognition mechanism of the world's barrier.

Don't think about it unless you are drawn into a mortal by the world.

But at this time there is only one layer of world barrier, and it can't withstand the attack of Dao for a long time.

After all, it is not like this chaotic world barrier, and even the world barrier of the second-level world is not as good.

Therefore, after Li Chen got out of the cage he made, he controlled the good fortune jade plate and began to 'work' hard.

A series of legal threads are controlled by Li Chen, interspersed outside the world, different legal threads are arranged in different orders by Li Chen, what is obtained is not only the effect of 1+1=2, but 1+1=n up.

Under the blessing of other law threads, the tenacity and so on of a law thread have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Dao lived up to expectations and began to attack within the world.

The whole world is under the attack of Dao, and from time to time, a piece protrudes here and there, a rhythm that seems to be about to break.

As the second layer of world barrier was completed by Li Chen, all the power in the entire world prison was immediately drawn and released into the chaos by a huge suction force.

Because of the special structure of Li Chen, the whole world did not collapse due to the lack of various powers, but instead became like a world of nothingness due to the reduction of various powers.

With the reduction of various forces, Dao felt more and more bad.

Can't help but start to give it a go.

For the understanding of the world, the Dao is even higher than Li Chen's. Although they are all first-level worlds, one method can be used for all methods, and the rules of the world can also be used universally.

To deal with the world, there is no way to destroy it violently, only to take the path of self-destruction.

Simply put, let the world destroy itself.

It is very simple for the world to destroy itself. All the worlds, the rounds of calamity, are not only the means for the world to ensure its own longer life span, but also the helper for the world to enter the grave if the operation is not good.

The power in the world is continuously extracted, but there is still a part of it that is not so quickly extracted.

Therefore, Dao controlled the remaining power and began to evolve the world. Under the operation of Dao, life began to be born in the entire prison world as time passed.

Simply a miracle.

Even Li Chen couldn't help admiring Dao's methods.

With the world and life, this prison world has the ability to promote the catastrophe of the world.

At this moment, Li Chen has already constructed the second world barrier.

Different from the other world, the other world is used by Li Chen to protect himself, and this prison world is used to imprison the enemy.

The more world barriers there are in this set, the stronger this prison will be!

Both of them are fighting for their own wisdom and understanding of the world at the moment.

In the prison world, time was accelerated by the Dao. When Li Chen completed the second world barrier, the world catalyzed by the Dao also began the first catastrophe since the opening of the sky.

A strong cataclysm emerged out of thin air in the world, constantly intensifying the conflicts and great changes among the laws of the world.

From time to time, there are laws that conflict with other laws due to calamity, which leads to breakage.

These problems of law are very common problems in the artificial world.

I don't want the world born naturally, where the laws are so harmonious and round.

Normally, there is nothing wrong with the artificial world, but when the catastrophe occurs, or when the world changes drastically, the defects in these laws will be infinitely magnified.

The prehistoric world opened up by Pangu is also constantly improving itself in the catastrophe after disaster.

However, it is a bit difficult for Dao to use the aura of catastrophe to attack the world barrier.

You know, Li Chen is the ancestor of Wanjie.

Li Chen didn't directly eliminate the catastrophe because of this, but used the power of the catastrophe to continuously repair and improve the strength of this prison world.

Until the catastrophe in the world reached the peak in history——

When Dao Dao was about to control the Great Tribulation to achieve his goal, Li Chen sucked it out, and the Da Dao finally pushed and condensed the Da Dao's calamity, and Li Chen directly sucked three quarters of the Dao's power.

The big catastrophe has been reduced to a small catastrophe, and there is no fear of the prison world at all.

Involuntarily, Li Chen burped——


It made Li Chen have the urge to use this Dao as a hard labor, to create doomsday, for his own cultivation.

Looking at the avenue in the world, Li Chen's eyes couldn't help but start to shine.

Dao Dao never thought that Li Chen could directly control the calamity, and he couldn't help being dumbfounded when he saw that the fruits of his hard work in this world were harvested.

Not long after, Dao's strength dropped further, and he was only at the stage of Dao's initial stage.

Looking at this, we know that Pangu must have the upper hand in the battle at the origin center of the world, otherwise how could this Dao take back the power from the avatar.

In the early stage of Dao, if Li Chen works a little better, it is not impossible to eliminate it.

Ever since, Li Chen began to assist the world barrier to extract the power inside it.

Just like helping the world on the other side grow stronger——

(End of this chapter)

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