Chapter 368 0368 The Power of Self-Explosion (First Change)
Da Dao continued to create catastrophes without giving up, while Li Chen was constantly absorbing catastrophes in the world while increasing the number of barriers in this world, which made Li Chen's cultivation of the power of catastrophes unavoidably improved a little.

When Dao once again promotes the process of catastrophe in this prison world, and is waiting for catastrophe to erupt, as terrifying as the prehistoric world to the point of almost extinction, the whole catastrophe comes to an abrupt end, and countless catastrophes are like birds returning home Like a nest, under Li Chen's control, they gathered towards Li Chen.


A coercion different from the realm of mana rose from Li Chen.

As the power of calamity gathered on Li Chen increased, quantitative changes led to qualitative changes. Countless auras of calamity evolved on Li Chen, and a gray rule was born from the aura of calamity.

The coercion emanating from Li Chen's body is exactly the coercion emanating from this new ruled silk thread.

The coercion is so weak that it seems that a gust of wind can blow it out, but it gives people an extremely noble feeling.

Li Chen was surprised, because he had never seen the rules of the robbery before, and the rules of the robbery that appeared on him now were simply transformed by relying on the immeasurable robbery energy, and even Li Chen was sure that if he let it develop If it is not, most likely this weak rule that is almost dying when it is born will disappear directly into nothingness.

It can be said that the appearance of this power of rules on Li Chen was simply an accident.

Not only was Li Chen very shocked, it seemed that the Dao that was trapped in the prison world by Li Chen also sensed this new rule, and was extremely surprised.

The Dao has been born for countless years, and in these countless years, no new rules have been born in the entire chaos. It is still the original nine rules-fate, time, space, good fortune, destruction, reincarnation, light, darkness, chaos .

Even Da Dao thought that there could only be nine rules in the entire chaotic world, but unexpectedly Li Chen would conceive a new rule here.

Rules are different from laws. Laws represent the ultimate in a certain aspect of the world, just like gold, wood, water, fire, earth, light and darkness, wind and thunder, time, space, etc.—

But rules are the cornerstone of the world. There can be no rules in the world, and the world will still function without rules, but if there are no rules, the world will collapse directly.

The rules are like the main load-bearing columns in a building. If there are no rules, the only thing waiting is collapse and destruction.

There are only three ways to obtain rules, one is when the world is born, and the world is born on its own.One is created through spiritual comprehension.The last one is born directly through qualitative change induced by quantitative change.Speaking of which, the first two are the most likely. The nine rules of the chaotic world all appeared at the beginning of the birth of the world. It is almost impossible to create a rule from scratch through the comprehension of creatures, but even so, This is also very likely to be able to give birth to rules.But it is simply impossible to rely on quantitative changes to cause qualitative changes.

Maybe when the world is destroyed, there is still not enough power to cause a qualitative change.

You must know that Li Chen has been cultivating the power of robbery from the very beginning, and it is only now that the power of robbery has given birth to the rules of robbery.

Leaving aside those minor catastrophes, just the major catastrophes experienced by Li Chen are rare sources of strength for the rules of catastrophes.

Not only the power of calamity obtained in the chaotic world, but also the power of calamity obtained in nothingness, it is the support of the power of calamity in these worlds that can transform the power of calamity in Li Chen into the rule of calamity , most people can't do this at all.

After the birth of the rules of the robbery, its growth rarely requires the power of the robbery, what is needed is the perception of countless people about the robbery.

Every insight is a rare tonic for the rules of robbery.

The power of rules can grow, and the corresponding perception is the nourishment of rules.

There was no need for Li Chen to consult specifically for these, the moment the power of the rules appeared, Li Chen already knew everything about the rules of the calamity.

For Li Chen, these are naturally good things that are rare in hundreds of millions of years, but for Dao Dao, the inexplicable loss of the power of this catastrophe, coupled with the coercion radiated by this new rule, has already made Dao Dao clear about this prison. Who is the culprit behind the disappearance of the power of calamity in the world?

Being a Dao naturally has the pride of being a Dao, how could she be willing to be like a cow, let others manipulate her, and be beaten to the bone and sucked out her marrow.

The moment Li Chen's rules of calamity appeared, Da Dao knew that he had no hope of escaping from the prison, and suddenly he had the will to die.

The Dao in this prison world is nothing more than a clone of the Dao, even if it is lost, it will not do much harm to the Dao.

That's why the moment Li Chen's Dao of Tribulation appeared on his body, he sensed a violent and huge coercion rising in this prison world.

This is not like the coercion of rules on Li Chen, but a coercion of pure power.

In an instant, Li Chen guessed the idea of ​​the Dao.

"Explode! This road is definitely going to explode!"

Li Chen's vigilance rose in his heart, and he frantically warned Li Chen.

Li Chen only had time to change the Fortune Jade Plate into the Tongtian Pagoda, and when he entered the Tongtian Pagoda, he saw that the prison world in the chaos suddenly looked like a small sun.

Endless power is crazily transformed and thrown from the world barrier, but the transformation speed of this world barrier is far lower than the burst speed of power in the world.

It didn't take long for the world's barrier to resist, and the entire barrier was directly destroyed by the violent force generated when Daoist self-destructed.


The entire chaotic world was suddenly under the impact of a stream of energy, and it became a vast expanse of whiteness.

This white is not really white, but the colors displayed by the energy flow in the retina are too complicated and numerous, so that there is only one color in the entire vision, and that is white.

Under the impact of this energy flow, even the prehistoric world was directly blown away for a very long distance, directly reaching the boundary barrier of the first chaotic realm, even the one facing the prison world On the one hand, because of this huge energy flow, a layer of the world barrier was directly blown away. If the prehistoric world had not been promoted many times, it might have been blown out directly.

One can imagine how powerful the impact of this energy flow is.

If Li Chen faced the impact head-on, he would probably be scraped to the bone.

When the whiteness in front of his eyes slowly returned to normal, and his spiritual sense detected the chaos and emptiness around him, Li Chen couldn't help but patted his chest.

Can't help but be glad that I reacted quickly.

However, the elimination of one of the avatars of the Great Dao can be regarded as avenging his own revenge, although he did not kill the enemy himself.

Li Chen still feels a little regretful about this.

(End of this chapter)

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