Chapter 369 0369 The Scary Person (Second More)
Li Chen took care of one of Dao's avatars that had reached the Dao state. He thought that his side had won, but unexpectedly, he didn't have much time to rest, so he received a message from Pangu asking for help.

This made Li Chen wonder what was going on with Pangu. This great chance of winning would actually make Pangu send him a message asking for help?
When Li Chen's will came to the core of the primordial origin, he discovered that there was not only Pangu and Dao deep in the core, but another will, and this will was very familiar to Li Chen.

Li Chen couldn't help thinking.

"Be careful, don't get hurt by his power. If you get hurt, you must cut off the injured part quickly to prevent his power from spreading—"

Seeing that Li Chen was distracted, Pan Gu couldn't help but warn Li Chen. Seeing that the wounds on Pan Gu's body were wriggling and healing, he knew that what Pan Gu was talking about was the experience he had explored.

It seems that this enemy's power is a bit difficult to deal with, and even Pan Gu, a veteran and strong man, has some difficulty parrying it.

On the other side is the Dao. At this moment, the Dao is not hostile to Pan Gu at all, and it seems that life is not particularly good.

It looks similar to the clone who was cheated by him, but there is a trace of haggardness on his face.

'Avenue will be haggard? '

This is something that Li Chen has never thought about, and it feels almost impossible.

After all, at this level of cultivation, there is no endurance or fatigue at all.

It can make Dao haggard, one can imagine how powerful this strange enemy is.

gray ominous breath—

Li Chen continued to think, and his brows frowned involuntarily while thinking.

Li Chen always felt that there seemed to be a force in his mind that prevented him from thinking about the origin of this enemy.

"It's not easy." Taking a deep breath, Li Chen muttered to himself.

However, Li Chen is not easy to get along with, let alone being the master of the robbery, he is not comparable to ordinary powerful people.

Under the control of Li Chen, the huge willpower slapped suddenly, and the enemy who was full of unknown aura was immediately blasted back by Li Chen.

It has to be said that in this original core space, there are really very few means that can be used, and almost can only rely on willpower to fight against the enemy. After Li Chen hit the enemy, he quickly retreated and came to Pangu's side. The unknown enemy looked at each other from a distance.

"what happened?"

At this moment, Li Chen is still a little confused, and he doesn't know what the situation is.

Although he felt that this unknown enemy was very familiar, he was disturbed by a force in his mind and had no memory of it at all.

These words are not only asking Pangu, but also asking himself.

You must know that after reaching the Dao Realm, this is the first time that people have interfered with your thinking.

Think carefully, if someone interferes with your thinking during the battle of life and death, you don't have to fight anymore, you can admit defeat.

But who in this chaos has such a powerful force that can directly interfere with one's own thinking, even if it only interferes with oneself so that one cannot think of something, this is also very remarkable.

"I don't know either. This enemy is not from our prehistoric people, nor is he a strong man in the chaos. I was still wondering why Dao has controlled the prehistoric for so long but has not completely controlled the prehistoric. Only when I came in did I find out that Dao and this unknown strong Those who are fighting at the very heart of this source."

Hearing Pan Gu's words, a flash of light flashed in Li Chen's mind, even if his thinking was disturbed by others, thinking is the core representative of a living being, and it cannot be forbidden by ordinary thinking interference at all, let alone Li Chen discovered this. The existence of interference, so Li Chen is more targeted in dealing with this interference.

If thinking is compared to an algorithmic formula, then everyone's algorithmic formula must be different, not only that, but this formula will continue to evolve and improve itself.Therefore, unless you stand here and let the interference crack, it will be a matter of time before you break the game.

"Heaven Mountain, the world of Heaven Mountain, yes, when I first went to Heaven Mountain, the whole world gave people this lifeless feeling, but compared with Heaven Mountain, this enemy's body is richer and deeper—— "

Li Chen's eyes were empty, as if he was recalling the situation at that time, and the power that constantly disturbed Li Chen in his mind also quietly disappeared without a trace when Li Chen remembered all this.

At the beginning, Tiantian Mountain was the second world that merged with the prehistoric world. Li Chen also entered it once, but that time he didn't gain anything. He only knew the incomparable silence in the entire Tiantangshan world, like a dead world.So I didn't pay much attention to it.

Now it seems that the dead world clearly hides a very big secret.

Accidentally because of distraction, Li Chen got a trace of that enemy's power.

That power is like a living being, constantly eroding all the tangible and intangible power contaminated by it, like a glutton, greedy and powerful.

Li Chen tried to force it to one finger with a strong force, but within a quarter of an hour, those forces were infected one after another.

Li Chen was so frightened that he quickly cut off his fingers, so as not to infect his body and cause his tail to grow.

A finger was broken, but it took only a cup of tea to restore it to its original state.

The finger that was severed by Li Chen, Li Chen didn't just throw it away, but put it away solemnly, and filled it with an 'empty' grid of the Infinite Magic Square.

If it is not allowed to touch any energy and matter, Li Chen does not believe that it will continue to spread.

Moreover, to reach Li Chen's level of cultivation, one needs to have a unique understanding of Tao if one wants to take one step closer, and this strange power is one of the best objects to be analyzed.

"Who are you and why are you against us?"

Li Chen shouted, but the Tongtian Pagoda in his hand turned into a jade dish of fortune.

Unable to attack in close quarters, Li Chen can only use long-range means. This law attack is the best attack means at present.

And with the support of the good luck jade plate, the attack strength should not be too high.

The Daoist on the side saw Li Chen using the law to attack, and couldn't help but sneered, but Pangu quickly said: "Fellow Daoist Changming, don't, the law attack will not only be unable to harm this monster, but will also increase its power!"

Li Chen's hands stiffened, and he stopped immediately.

"Then how should we attack?" Li Chen looked at Pangu and asked.

Seeing Li Chen being stopped by Pangu, Dao Dao couldn't help but a trace of pity flashed across his eyes.

"We can only control the energy to attack." Pan Gu said to Li Chen while controlling the power pervading in the original core.

Li Chen suddenly realized, no wonder he came in and saw that when Daoist and Pangu were fighting, even if they controlled the law to fight against the enemy, it was just controlling the law, and then using the law to drive various forces to fight against the enemy.

There is an extra step in the middle, if no one reminds me, I will really ignore it——

(End of this chapter)

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