Chapter 370 0370 Experiment (First Change)
"Who are you and why are you against us?"

While dodging, Li Chen asked again.

But the monster seemed to have no wisdom, and the time for one stick of incense, two sticks of incense, and three sticks of incense passed without any response.

"Don't waste your efforts, this monster will not answer any of our questions at all, and I doubt that the monster will even make any sound—"

Seeing Li Chen constantly making noises to test the monster, Pangu couldn't help but shook his head and said.

Judging by Pan Gu's appearance, he has tried a lot before.

"But if this continues, there is no solution at all. This monster can consume us all."

As Li Chen said, he used his fingers as knives again to cut off the part of his arm that was contaminated by that ominous force.

This monster doesn't have much attack, but this weird power can disgust people to death.

No wonder when I first came in, I saw Pan Gu's face was weak, and Dao was a little smaller.

At this time, it is strange to cut flesh from time to time, not to be weak, not to be small.

"I know, but what can we do?"

Pangu looked helpless, if he had a way, he would have left this deadly place long ago.

"Let's go out and hide first?" Li Chen suggested.

"If we could leave the depths of the core of the original space, we would have left long ago—" Pangu sighed, and said something that Li Chen couldn't accept. "How is it possible? I just came in just now..." As soon as the words fell, Li Chen hurriedly tried to leave the original core space.

Sure enough, there was no way to leave.

The entire core space is basically sealed from the source of the law or even the rules, that is to say, the core space at this moment is basically a cage that can be entered but cannot be exited.

Li Chen's consciousness and will were even blocked, and he couldn't get out at all.

"Fellow Daoist Pangu, the blockade is too severe. I can't even detect a trace of my spiritual sense. How did fellow Daoist send me the message of asking for help just now?" Li Chen couldn't help asking.

The strength of his own spiritual consciousness is similar to that of Pangu's. Logically speaking, it is impossible for this to happen. If Pangu's spiritual consciousness can explore this original core space, so should his own.

Now let's not talk about transmitting information, even exploring this blocked space is impossible, so Li Chen looked at Pangu.

"What? I've never sent any news outside—"

Pangu looked surprised. Since he entered this original core space, he has never been out, and was even locked in it. He couldn't even get out of his spiritual consciousness, let alone Li Chen's claim to send a message for rescue.

"Impossible! I obviously received a message from you, Fellow Daoist!"

As Li Chen said, he copied that memory from the beginning and handed it over to Pangu.

After seeing Pangu, his face was serious.

"We've got a big deal. It seems that someone is targeting us and planning to wipe us out!"

"Fellow Daoist, are you joking? In this chaos, besides you, me and Dao, who else is the strongest?"

"What about outside the world?"

Li Chen was silent for a moment.

Although Li Chen has only been to that void world once, and even almost became a meal for void beasts, needless to say, the vastness of this void is like the earth and the vast universe.

If a third-level or even fourth-level world greater than chaos is born in this nothingness, it is completely expected. Although the number may be very rare, it is definitely not absent.

"Is there really no other way?" Li Chen asked again, this time the question was not only about Pan Gu, but also about Dao.

However, both of them shook their heads in response to Li Chen, dodging a strange force again, Li Chen thought about the way to deal with it.

A strange power was intercepted by Li Chen, and he carefully controlled it. At the same time, Li Chen's willpower continuously analyzed this strange power.Under normal circumstances, as long as you figure out the form of this power, it will be very simple to deal with it.

The power units are constantly enlarged in Li Chen's will, so big that Li Chen can clearly see that this group of power is composed of countless small particles.Even Li Chen could see that a law intersected with this alien force from the top of his palm and passed through this mass of alien force.

Then zoom in, and you can see the crooked symbols representing different meanings on the silk thread of the law, just like words, but people can understand the meaning of the symbols the moment they see it.

A symbol may seem simple, but it is full of huge information, as if these symbols are the source of Tao.

Looking at the alien force again, when the magnification is large enough, it can be clearly seen that each tiny particle is composed of countless smaller particles.

When Li Chen wanted to continue to see what the tiny particles were in more detail, Li Chen found that relying on his state of being around the mid-term was of no use at all, and it seemed that he had already reached what he could currently observe. limit.

After trying several times, Li Chen couldn't help but feel a little frustrated because he couldn't see the finer layers.

However, there was one discovery that made Li Chen very excited. Li Chen found that a particle of foreign power fell on the thread of law, and immediately there was a hole in the thread of law, which was similar in size to the particle of foreign power.

Not long after, particles of different powers, like cats smelling fishy smell, gathered towards the law thread, and in an instant, the law thread was eroded to be riddled with holes and burst directly.

And Li Chen discovered that there were only a small group of particles of alien power, but as the erosion progressed, the total power increased a lot.

Although it is not clear what the mechanism is, whether it is engulfment or erosion, one thing Li Chen can be sure of is that there must be a hostile force between this alien force and the law, just like the difference between a virus and a normal cell , Viruses grow by eroding normal cells.

No wonder this law attack not only cannot cause damage to it, but is even the culprit of its growth.

But what about rules that are one level higher than laws?

Li Chen couldn't help but think of the laws of calamity in his body. If the rules of calamity were the same as these laws, it would be useless at all, then it seems that the rules of cultivation and the way of rules are not so powerful.

Li Chen tried to use the rules of calamity to contact this group of alien forces. Of course, Li Chen was also ready to cut off the wrists of a strong man at any time. If he found that the rules of calamity were eroded, he might have to cut off the eroded part immediately. .

At the beginning, when these alien forces saw the rules of the robbery, they were no different from when they faced the power of the law before. Like a cat smelling fishy, ​​even the rules of the robbery were eroded a small part.

Just when Li Chen was very disappointed, he discovered the change of this foreign particle and the rules of this catastrophe.

(End of this chapter)

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