Chapter 371 0371 Entering My Book (Second More)

After the alien particles erode the rules of the robbery, they seem to be converted by the rules of the robbery, and no longer have the effect of eroding the power of the rules and laws.And the rules of robbery also became more mysterious afterwards, no longer in the state that would almost break if you pull it, it became much stricter——

Nothing can be seen from the appearance, but Li Chen, as the master of the rules of the robbery, knows that the rules of the robbery have completed a major stage of evolution in just a moment——

This means that Li Chen's rules of robbery are no longer as fragile as before, as if they could be blown out by a gust of wind, but can exert influence on the outside world through the characteristics of robbery.

To put it simply, if each of Li Chen's attacks carried the power of the law of robbery, Li Chen's attacks would have many changes out of thin air.

In the past, Li Chen could only cast related spells and the like through Jie Qi, but now he only needs to participate in the rules of Jie, the power of spells can be multiplied out of thin air, and he doesn't need to be restrained by Jie Qi.


"Fellow Daoist Changming, I don't know how your experiment is going. If this continues, I will almost be unable to hold on—" Seeing that Li Chen was still deep in thought, Pangu couldn't help pouring out his bitterness.

Before Li Chen said that he had discovered something, he asked him to help defend Xiaohui, so Dao and Pangu, who were originally enemies, had to join hands to deal with the attack of this alien force for the time being.

Unexpectedly, as if this strange power had been intensified, the attack frequency of that strange person soared to an unprecedented frequency.

Originally, it had to withstand one or two attacks per minute, but now it had to withstand one or twenty attacks per minute. Even if Pangu and Dao were made of iron, they would not be able to sustain it for a long time.

Hearing Pangu's words, Li Chen raised his head and smiled at this moment: "You have worked hard, fellow daoist, let's see my—"

"Infinite seals, immeasurable ways, immeasurable kalpas, immeasurable dharmas—"

The immeasurable seal was printed out, which was different from the one used in the past. In this immeasurable seal, Li Chen added the rules of calamity that he had comprehended.

The immeasurable seal grew bigger and bigger, and all the alien powers it passed along the way were swallowed up by it and turned into the nutrients of the law of calamity.

Seeing that the immeasurable seal is very powerful, but the strange man on the other side doesn't seem to be afraid at all, and is still limping, looking for the target of attack.


There was no explosion, and there was no scene of the other party being blasted into flying ash as imagined.

Under the impact of Wuliangyin, the body turned into a parabola and flew backwards, making a roar.

"You will all die, you will die, we will meet again, Jie Jie..."

The weird man who thought he couldn't speak, after being knocked into the air by the Wuliang Seal, let out a strange smile and said inexplicable words in his mouth.

But without waiting for Li Chen and others to ask, the strange man remained motionless as if he was a dead person.And Li Chen, Pangu, and Dao didn't sense the fluctuation of life in him.

What kind of monster is this?Originally, Li Chen thought it was just a puppet controlled by power, but at this moment, he found that this monster has thinking and can communicate, and what did he mean just now?Questions intertwined in Li Chen's mind.

Li Chen found that since coming to Honghuang, his brain seems not enough...

"Dead, haha, good job—" Pan Gu patted Li Chen's shoulder——

Li Chen felt a force quickly spread throughout his body from the position where Pangu's palm touched his shoulder.

But when the power spread to the place where the rule of calamity was, all the power was swallowed by it immediately.

As if he didn't eat enough, the rule of calamity began to wander around Li Chen's body by itself, devouring this external force.

Li Chen pretended to be panicked: "Pangu, why did you do this?"

"Look at who I am again?"

However, he saw that 'Pangu' suddenly changed, and turned into the appearance of the avenue against the enemy outside the prehistoric world.

"Are you the avatar of the Great Dao?" Although it was a question, Li Chen's tone was affirmative.

"Yes, so what, no, so what? You have fallen into my hands, and you have been laying out from the long river of time and space, just to wait for this day—"


Li Chen didn't know how to answer the conversation, so he couldn't help but fell silent for a while.

"Pangu was transformed by you, so what about the real Pangu?" Li Chen continued to ask.

The avatar of Dao seemed to feel that Li Chen was already meat on the chopping board and could only be rubbed by himself, so he couldn't help but began to explain Li Chen's problem.

"Pangu is nothing more than the agglomeration of Pangu's primordial spirit summoned by twelve idiots. To put it bluntly, he is similar to my clone. Do you really think of him as Pangu? Hehe——, back in the long river of time and space, my that The avatar knocked it down into the gap of time and space, and what you saw was nothing but the transformation of one of my avatars."

Hearing Dao Dao's words, Li Chen suddenly realized, that is to say, the body of Pangu in the prehistoric world was just a blindfold.

Dao Dao's acting skills can be directly awarded an Oscar for Best Actor Award. Acting with himself, and acting so devotedly, this is so simple, Li Chen doesn't even know what to say, if he really falls into Da Dao's hands Li, it seems that there is no injustice——

But even if there is no rule of the calamity, Li Chen is ready, the core has already been transferred to the Tongtian Pagoda, if there is no rule of the calamity, the Tongtian Tower will be glowing with heat.

"Okay, you know everything you need to know, we should be on our way, the main body is still waiting for us—"

Saying that, the avatar of the Great Dao wanted to put Li Chen in a magic weapon that looked like a book.

Li Chen hurriedly yelled: "Wait, I have another question, otherwise I won't die with peace—"

"What's the question? Ask quickly—" Dao's avatar looked impatient, and it didn't look like an avatar at all, but it looked like a complete creature.

"That monster was also transformed by your avatar?"

For Li Chen, this question is very important, and it is the best way to understand the power of the Dao.

If it is really the avatar of Dao, then the strength of Dao itself is questionable.

"..." Dao clone's expression turned ugly.

Seeing this scene, Li Chen already came to a conclusion in his mind.

Can't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's just a prisoner, there are so many problems, it's time to go—" Obviously, this avatar wanted to divert attention.

However, when the avatar of Dao opened the book-shaped magic weapon and slightly relaxed its control over Li Chen.

Li Chen caught him by surprise, and when he was concentrating on the book, he pulled it directly, and the whole book fell into Li Chen's hands.

"You lied to me—"

The expression of the avatar of Dao simply broke through the sky, as if he didn't believe that Li Chen could break through the blockade of his own mana, and immediately figured out his situation.

This book is called Genesis Records, and it is a treasure of the low-grade Hongmeng Lingbao level, and it is a treasure that blesses the spirit of speech.

Li Chen willed into it and found that he had never been sacrificed at all, so he couldn't help being overjoyed.

Looking at the page turned by the avatar of Dao, he pointed at the avatar of Dao and said——

"The book has its own golden house, the book has its own worlds, the law: my book is always open, come into my book—"

(End of this chapter)

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