Chapter 372 0372
Immediately, a huge suction force broke out in the Book of Genesis, and the books moved automatically without wind, and the pages of the books were flipped, and the pages were depicted with pictures one after another, as if they were worlds one by one.As Li Chen said, there are worlds in the book.

Under Li Chen's control, this deliberately huge suction force locked onto the avatar of the avenue.

"How did you break free from my power?"

Dao clone looked calm, and while resisting the Genesis, asked Li Chen.

Li Chen shook his head with a smile and said: "The villain died because of talking too much. Although I am not a villain, I don't want to die because of talking too much. You can think about it slowly in this Genesis—"

"Okay, since you don't tell me, then I'll get it myself." The avatar of Dao said with a twitch of his mouth, as if mocking Li Chen's overreaching.

Countless thoughts flashed through Li Chen's mind.

Although Li Chen pretended to be controlled because he was obviously not controlled by his own power at the beginning, he made a sudden move after getting information from him, and was a little angry, thinking that he was deceived by Li Chen.But later, when Da Dao faced the huge suction force of Genesis, he still didn't change his face, as if he had some kind of support, which made Li Chen have to raise his spirits.

As if he had forgotten something, Li Chen couldn't help thinking about it.

At the same time, increase the indoctrination of the power of Genesis.

This Genesis Record was snatched by Li Chen from the avatar of the Great Dao, but it feels very suitable for him to use. When instilling power, Li Chen is also constantly refining this treasure.

As a strong man in the Dao Realm, it is relatively easy for Li Chen to refine a Primordial Spirit Treasure, it just takes some time.

Li Chen can almost be regarded as multitasking. He has to watch all directions and listen to all directions to guard against the attack of Dao, but also constantly refines the Genesis Record, and also needs to input power into the Genesis Record to ensure the absorption of the Genesis Record. photographic force.

As time passed, the Dao clone gradually became unstable, and under the huge suction force of Genesis, it slowly flew towards the book.

A crack in space appeared above Genesis without warning, and a flawless hand like jade stretched out from the crack in space, grabbing towards Genesis.

Li Chen had been guarding against this move for a long time, and his right hand, which was already ready to attack, immediately slapped the white jade hand protruding from the crack in the space. The huge force seemed to smash the white jade palm into minced meat.

But he saw that the white jade palm suddenly changed its purpose, and the trajectory towards the Genesis Record suddenly changed, and it came head-on to the palm that Li Chen slapped.

The opponent's palm contained enormous power, Li Chen pierced his face with a point, and pointed towards the opponent's palm with his fingers like arrows.


It was originally just a small crack in space, but under the confrontation between the two, it burst open directly.

"Kacha - Kacha - Kacha -"

There was a sound like glass breaking, and pieces of space fragments were shot out directly from the edge of the space crack under this huge force.

However, as soon as the two of them finished a move, the opponent immediately withdrew the attack.The white jade hand disappeared, and the cracks in space slowly healed under the huge self-healing power of the prehistoric world.

However, Li Chen didn't dare to let go of his heart. After this fight, he felt that the opponent was not much weaker than himself, and even stronger than himself in some aspects.

Li Chen's right hand clashed with the opponent a few times, but his arm was like broken glass, with a gaping crack, although under Li Chen's power, he was constantly repairing it, but it can be seen that if he continued to attack, Maybe his own hand will directly disintegrate under this huge force.

I just don't know if the other party is like me. If I didn't get hurt at all, it would be too scary.

Even in the battle against Dao's clone, he had never suffered such a serious injury.

Unexpectedly, after just sparring with one arm several times, the arm began to crack because it couldn't bear the huge force.

But thinking that the other party might be the main body of Dao, Li Chen knew it. After all, as a terrifying existence with an eternal layout, if he had no strength, how could he be able to hold down those old guys? Li Chen didn't believe that there were no creatures before Dao.

Those old guys must be hiding somewhere in the chaos.

Li Chen was surprised by Dao's power, but he didn't know that Dao's side also felt a little troublesome about Li Chen's power.

He wanted to rescue his avatar, but he was unable to do so. Most of his strength could not be mobilized. Being able to fight Li Chen once was the result of careful calculation.

Obviously, the goal was not achieved.

"It seems that clone No. 06 has to give up."

The young man said, but he didn't have any negative emotions because of it, as if he didn't give up his avatar, but just patted the dust on his body, and didn't care.

"It's a pity that the 06 and 08 avatars are all in the hands of this little guy—"

A long sigh resounded in the empty space, but it didn't give people a feeling of pity. It seemed that the pity he said was not a pity for this avatar, but a pity for other things.

Just as the man was making a decision, the Dao clone who was about to be sucked into Genesis suddenly smiled coldly.

A sense of vigilance rose in Li Chen's heart, and the alarm bells rang in his mind.

"Is there any backhand for this avatar?"

As soon as this thought flashed through Li Chen's mind, he immediately saw a huge burst of power from the avatar of the Great Dao, faintly breaking away from the Genesis Record.

This force wrapped around the avatar of Dao, and together with Li Chen, the entire space was moved into chaos.

"Boy, I lost another clone of me. We will settle this account slowly in the future, but let me teach you a lesson today, so that you know why the flowers are so popular—"

The avatar of Dao changed from the ruthless and indifferent appearance of the past, and became full of emotion.

However, the words in the mouth of Dao clone made Li Chen unhappy.

As soon as the avatar of Dao finished speaking, it immediately inflated like a balloon.


A loud sound resounded in the chaos, Li Chen had no time to react, and faced the first impact of the self-destruct of the Dao clone——

Endless energy erupted from the place where the avatar of the Dao was located to the surroundings. Before the energy of chaos could erode and swallow this energy, it was rushed to pieces by this energy. Countless energy particles hit the chaotic particles, and immediately The chaotic particles are divided into two, and the two are divided into three, and endless matter and energy are born out of thin air.

But for a quarter of an hour, the evolved chaotic particles seemed to have no follow-up support, and directly collapsed back to their original appearance.

The self-explosive power of Dao Dao is like a wave, washing away the chaos circle by circle. Li Chen is in it. melted.

(End of this chapter)

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