Chapter 379 0379 Conjuration (Second More)

Li Chen studied the rules of robbery, and a series of spells and seals were researched by Li Chen. These spells and seals target different directions.

There are magic seals that are biased towards spells, spells that are biased towards physical attacks, spells that are biased towards mind, and even auxiliary spells.

For example, the Last Tribulation Curse is a kind of magic spell, but its focus is not on attack or support, or even defense.

This Last Calamity Curse is deduced by Li Chen by referring to the existence forms of the Infinite Calamity in various worlds. Once the Infinite Calamity comes out, the laws of the world will be overturned, and the aura will fade away, and the whole world will become a world without spirit. The immeasurable kalpa is the greatest enemy of all ascetics.

The immeasurable calamity of Xiaoqian World will almost lead to the immediate shattering of Xiaoqian World, becoming a mass of residue in the chaotic void.

Unless the cultivation base reaches above Da Luo or the shattered void ascends to other realms, it is impossible for anyone under Da Luo to escape immeasurable catastrophe.

The immeasurable calamity of the middle thousand world is a little better than that of the small thousand world. There is about 20.00% chance that the middle thousand world can pass through, but even if the middle thousand world survives this immeasurable calamity, there will only be one A world in near ruins.

There is a half chance of being able to overcome the immeasurable calamity of the Great Thousand World, and there is only a 90.00% probability that the Great Thousand World will be promoted to a certain extent after passing through, and there is a [-]% probability that it will be directly downgraded to become a relatively powerful middle class. thousand worlds.

As for the perfect world, it is relatively simple to survive the immeasurable calamity. Although the probability of passing through is not 70.00%, it can still reach about 90.00%, and there is a [-]% chance of being promoted after passing through. The probability of becoming a more powerful world, or even becoming an eternal world, will be much higher. There is a [-]% probability of failure, and for a perfect world, failure is at best a period of weakness.Weakness here means that the whole world directly becomes a spiritless (spiritual) world, and has no resistance to damage from outside the world.

When the power of Li Chen's Last Tribulation Curse is released, it is similar to the immeasurable calamity of the perfect world. It will drain all spiritual energy within the range for a period of time and other energy that can be refined into mana, but compared to the infinite calamity of the perfect world In terms of calamity, the coverage of Li Chen's final mantra is much smaller, only one-fifth of the prehistoric world. You must know that the current prehistoric world is the result of the fusion of thousands of worlds, so it shouldn't be too big.

The power of this final mantra is great, but it is basically used to deal with those little soldiers. The real strong man has his own system and is not affected by this final mantra.At least according to Li Chen's estimate, as long as there is an existence above the Dao of Heaven, it is almost impossible to be affected by the Doomsday Curse.

For the existence of the saint level, this final mantra can temporarily cut off the connection with the thing it depends on and temporarily knock it down from the altar. It is impossible to influence these strong men.

For Li Chen, this final spell is a pity that it is tasteless and discarded. After all, it belongs to the range attack of the group attack type, and it cannot help Li Chen to fight against others.

Of course, in addition to the Last Tribulation Curse, the spell-type incantations also include the Return to the Ruins Curse, the Origin Qi Curse, and so on.

Among them, the curse of returning to the ruins is worth talking about. Although Li Chen has never entered the returning to the ruins, Li Chen knows where the returning to the ruins is.

Guixu is not in any place between heaven and earth, and it can also be said that Guixu is in any place between heaven and earth.

Any shattered world will be drawn by Guixu, and the whole Guixu is like a giant mouth, constantly devouring all the shattered or even about to be shattered worlds.

Li Chen's Curse of Guixu was cast with the help of the ubiquitous nature of Guixu, and used the huge calamity to blind Guixu's induction, causing Guixu to make a misjudgment, and regard the person who was cursed as a world that had already been annihilated , Attract the power of Guixu, and pull the cursed person into it.

The power of Guixu is so powerful that even the Dao Realm will inevitably be afraid of Guixu.

But relatively speaking, reaching the Great Dao Realm already has the ability to expel the Guixu Seal planted by Li Chen.

However, if it is in battle, the chance of being recruited is still very high.

The strong ones in the Dao realm are not afraid of returning to the ruins at all, but it takes a lot of effort for the strong ones in the Dao realm to get out of the ruins.

Li Chen's Return to the Ruins Curse can have an effect on Dao. It can be said to be a disgusting kind of spell. It is cast quickly and takes effect for a short time... It is a must-have magical spell for fighting.

The second is the body seal, which is aimed at the physical body. Li Chen's seals are all based on the rules of the robbery.

Take the perishing body seal as an example. The perishing body seal regards a whole living being as a big world, and promotes the immeasurable calamity in the world, causing the "world" to collapse itself, so as to achieve the purpose of causing it to fall.

It is very simple to say, and the principle is very clear and clear, but in practice, this perishing body seal is the most difficult of all spells and seals, and it is also the most powerful.

However, this perishing body mark is not a problem at all for those who focus on body training. For those who have reached the pinnacle of controlling every cell and muscle in the body, it is very easy to find and eliminate this perishing body mark unusual power.

But for Faxiu, it is simply the nemesis of Faxiu, and almost none of them can survive the outbreak of this perishing body mark.

Among the many spells created by Li Chen, the ones that are most difficult to defend against are not the seal of perishing body, the curse of returning to the ruins, and the curse of ending robbery, but the seal spells of spiritual attacks, such as the seal of asking the heart, such as the curse of chaotic gods, etc. wait.

Although the Chaos God Curse and the Questioning Heart Seal are both attacks against spiritual consciousness, the Chaos God Curse is more inclined to attack, while the Questioning Heart Seal is more inclined to confuse.

Both spells are useful to monks in the Dao realm, but Li Chen will not use the questioning heart seal on monks in the Dao realm.

Speaking of this, we must first understand the attack form of Wenxinyin.The attack of the Asking Heart Seal is somewhat similar to the Shenchen Jie created by Li Chen before, but different from the Shenchen Jie, the Asking Heart Seal directly uses the robbery energy to stimulate the enemy's Dao Xin Jie, constantly torturing the enemy, causing his Dao Xin to collapse.

This seems to be very beautiful, but the reason why Li Chen will not use the questioning heart seal on Daoist monks is because if the questioning heart seal survives, the cultivation base will basically improve greatly, and Li Chen does not want to sacrifice for the advancement of the enemy. It would be too embarrassing to make a contribution and be killed by someone.

Even so, one has to deny the power of the Heart Seal.

However, the Chaos God Curse is not bad. Every blow can shake the mind of a strong man above the Dao Realm. In the battle, every second he slows down is talking with the god of death——

(End of this chapter)

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