Chapter 380 0380 Discovery (First Change)
Through continuous understanding of the rules of robbery, Li Chen has developed more and more attack methods such as spells and seals.

Inspirations about the rules of the tribulation kept flashing in Li Chen's mind, and each idea was realized, and his cultivation gradually improved unconsciously.Not only that, but the rules of robbery are also undergoing earth-shaking changes.

Rules and living beings are interdependent, and in every living being's life, there will be some behaviors that are directly or indirectly related to the rules.

And these behaviors represent different meanings, which are the nourishment for the growth of rules.

Among them, if monks practice such rules, then such rules will get more nourishment from monks.

A powerful monk who consciously comprehends a certain rule contributes much more to the growth of that rule than those who are unconscious.

As a strong person in the Dao realm, Li Chen began to comprehend the rules of the calamity, and as Li Chen's comprehension deepened, the rules of the calamity also grew faster and faster because of the nutrients he absorbed from Li Chen.

Every time Li Chen felt that he was going to fully comprehend the rules, he somehow found that the rules seemed to become more profound, as if there would never be an end.

Because the rules are the foundation of Li Chen, and even Li Chen's soul is transformed by the rules of this catastrophe, so that every time the rules are strengthened, Li Chen feels that his strength, cultivation, and everything are growing. with.

I didn't notice it at all when I didn't pay attention to the rules of the robbery before, but now I find that even if I don't comprehend the rules of the robbery, the rules of the robbery are slowly growing.

So much so that even Li Chen's cultivation is constantly increasing.

After some observation and deduction, Li Chen found that many of the self-increased parts came from the prehistoric or other worlds who practiced the Dao of Calamity or practiced the laws of Dao related to the Dao of Calamity, such as the Dao of Misfortune and the Dao of Natural Disasters Waiting for the Dao related to Jie, the most outstanding one is his disciple Shen Gongbao. The Dao of Calamity, which is a Taoist friend please stay, is practiced superbly. As long as you stop, you will be entangled by disaster.

Li Chen found out in a daze that he had been gnawing at the old bottom all along.

But it's not too late to pick it up now, so Li Chen is going all out to comprehend the rules of robbery.

As Li Chen's fundamental way of calamity, Li Chen's talent in this way can be said to be outstanding, but in thousands of years, Li Chen has raised the way of calamity to his current level of cultivation.

But the way of robbery didn't fall much before.

With the improvement of the Dao of Tribulation, Li Chen's original stuck bottleneck suddenly loosened. If he breaks through again, the next level will be the late stage of the Dao. Unfortunately, he did not directly break through the late stage of the Dao as Li Chen thought. It's just that the bottleneck is loose.

Perhaps breaking through to the late stage of the Dao still requires chance, even at Li Chen's current level, the word chance is still hard to fathom.

Now the power of fate, luck, and merit have little influence on Li Chen, but this opportunity does not seem to be included in these, and there seems to be another system.

Of course, Li Chen is just a feeling, if Li Chen wants to produce evidence, Li Chen really can't produce it.


After the first 1000 years, Li Chen discovered that this way of practicing rules was only progressing rapidly at the beginning. When Li Chen filled in the gaps in the way of rules, the progress of this way of rules was getting faster and faster. slow.

There is no way, if Li Chen wants to continue to improve his cultivation, he can only find another shortcut.

In the nothingness, Li Chen obtained two tentacles of the Void Beast. The larger one has been used by Li Chen as one of the materials for upgrading the Tongtian Tower, so it must not be taken out for research. The smaller tentacles of the Void Beast are very important Li Chen is a very good test subject.

Taking out the tentacles of the Void Beast from the Infinite Magic Square, as soon as it appeared in the world, Li Chen could clearly sense that the time and space around the tentacles of the Void Beast were constantly disappearing!Yes 'disappeared'!
Even the energy around the Void Beast's tentacles continued to disappear inexplicably, but it could be seen that the Void Beast's tentacles became a little smaller because of this.

Li Chen quickly cut off a small piece of the tentacle with a scalpel crystallized from his will to study it, and then quickly put the whole piece of the tentacle back into the 'empty' grid.

The place where the cross-section of the condensed scalpel that cut off a small piece of tentacles and the tentacles was in contact with the tentacles was originally very thick, but now only a thin layer remained, and it seemed that a rather thick layer was covered by nothingness. It was neutralized.

Li Chen can still afford the consumption of some crystallization of will.

Facing this small piece of tentacle fragments cut out from the tentacles of the Void and Alien Beast, Li Chen seemed to have transformed into a terrifying scientific researcher. With a strong spirit of learning, he continued to use various methods Stimulate the tentacle fragments of this void force.

Including but not limited to using metal, wood, water, fire, earth, yin and yang, wind and thunder, etc. to test the reaction of the void force on the tentacle fragments to these energies, and even in the end, Li Chen used various laws to conduct experiments.

According to experiments, Li Chen discovered that the law's resistance to the power of nothingness is much longer than that of energy.

It's no wonder that the beyond world of the Dyson sphere world composed of laws can run unimpeded in nothingness.

This is not accidental, but inevitable.

In the end, Li Chen also used the rules of robbery that he had achieved a little bit to get in touch with the power of nothingness.


The entire fragment of the tentacles of the void beast suddenly melted like a candle, and the fragments of the entire void tentacles turned into a jet-black liquid-like thing.All the light and material energy were sucked into it, and if Li Chen hadn't directly observed it with his spiritual will, he wouldn't even be able to see these changes inside.

At this moment, the rules of the calamity have also undergone tremendous changes. These dark liquid-like things turned into black filaments, like birds returning to their nests, and they were connected to the rules of the calamity one after another. Li Chen stared at it for a while. dumbfounded.

A message came from the rules of robbery, but Li Chen discovered that the tentacle fragments of this invisible beast were completely composed of a mass of robbery condensed countless times.

These thin black lines linked to the rules of the robbery are all a collection of some laws of the robbery.

This discovery immediately terrified Li Chen. What does this mean? It shows that the entire nothingness is an ocean of calamity, a sea of ​​calamity that has been condensed countless times. When it is so concentrated, the calamity has become another matter. ——

If he could control the entire nothingness in his hands, Li Chen couldn't even imagine what would happen in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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