Chapter 381 0381 You are not him!

Wanting to control the entire void, even with the rules of calamity, is nothing but wishful thinking in the short term. After all, Li Chen has not even been able to completely control the chaos he is in at this moment, let alone control the void.

Moreover, Li Chen discovered that the rule of robbery over the power of nothingness is only the more 'active' power of nothingness, such as a certain part of the nothingness beast, the nothingness storm caused by the explosion, etc.For those 'quiet' nihilistic powers, although they are not completely useless, it is not as easy to drive them with the rules of robbery as the 'active' ones.

After experimenting with the rules of the robbery for a period of time, Li Chen completely gave up the idea of ​​controlling the void world through the rules of the robbery. The level is also not at the level where nothingness can be easily controlled.

The fact that the rules of the robbery cannot completely control the power of nothingness does not mean that the rules of the robbery are useless at all.

At this time, Li Chen was able to initially use the rules of the robbery to attack, because the use of the rules of the robbery made Li Chen's attack power in the void soar, especially against the void beasts.

Compared with the self who hastily fell into nothingness at the time, the self at this time is simply not too strong. If the nothingness beast that wrapped up the Dyson sphere world created by him at the beginning faced the self at this time, he would definitely be able to separate it. Minutes beat him so hard he couldn't take care of himself!
The world of the rules of the robbery is a novel world, even though Li Chen's comprehension of the rules of the robbery has reached a bottleneck at this moment, there is no doubt that the rules of the robbery are definitely one of the most powerful forces under Li Chen's control.

Li Chen, who was originally in the world on the other side, crossed the gap between the worlds and came to the chaos.

Experimenting with the rules of calamity can only be carried out in nothingness, and there is no nothingness in chaos. If you want to touch nothingness and understand nothingness, you must tear off the barrier of the chaotic world.

Just like the temporary hole opened by Li Chen through the treasure last time.

However, tearing the barrier of the chaotic world in the chaos does not necessarily reach nothingness. When Li Chen directly tore the chaotic world with a powerful force, a dark crack appeared in the chaos.

With the power of Li Chen's will, he explored to the opposite side of the crack, but found that there was no void at all, but a dilapidated world with a radius of only a hundred miles.

Roughly using the willpower of this broken world, I found that there is nothing of value at all. It was the first time that I actively tore apart the space to explore nothingness and failed.

Li Chen directly teleported a long distance, tearing apart the chaotic space again——

Different chaotic spaces correspond to different places, and the places that can be reached after tearing will also be different.

With Li Chen's current cultivation level in the middle stage of the Dao and he is about to enter the realm of the late stage of the Dao, even if he doesn't use the treasure, he can easily open a passage in the chaos with his own strength.

The chaotic space was torn apart under Li Chen's power, and a trace of chaotic air was directly decomposed into earth, wind, water and fire under the huge force. Just like before, a dark crack appeared in front of Li Chen.

The crack was gradually repaired under the power of the chaotic world, but it was fixed in the chaos under the power of Li Chen.

Just like before, Li Chen's willpower directly passed through the dark crack, and transmitted all the situation behind the crack to Li Chen's mind.

The world after the crack is still not a world of nothingness, but a world of ruins like before, but the difference is that the area of ​​this world is as huge as the Great Thousand World.

Under the scanning of Li Chen's power of will, everything in this world has nothing to hide.

The ruins discovered before were completely destroyed, but in this ruins of the world, one can vaguely see the prosperous scene in the village back then.The huge world looks like an abandoned human village.

Although the houses in the village collapsed and the dam collapsed, the original appearance can still be seen. A hand drum played by a child is scattered on the street.In the bamboo baskets on both sides of the street, the seemingly fresh fruits and vegetables turned into fly ash when touched.

The power of Li Chen's will directly condensed his figure in this world, bent over to pick up the hand drum scattered on the street, and sensed it, but found that the hand drum was actually a treasure of chaos .

Although the shape and appearance give the impression that it is for children to play, but the level of the hand drum gives Li Chen the feeling that it is not for playing at all.

If it is for playing, then what a luxurious world this world is——

Li Chen lightly shook his hand drum:


Two crisp sounds sounded, and Li Chen could clearly sense the attack contained in the sound waves, which was completely aimed at the soul and mind.

Perhaps the hand drum attack was very common and normal for the aborigines at that time, just like the sounds of speech and discussion that we usually hear, which seem very ordinary.

But for Li Chen, it is a very good treasure.

Li Chen was worried that none of his apprentices had a good treasure, even if it was just a toy, Li Chen felt that the more toys the better.

Putting away the hand drum, Li Chen traveled across the space to the next place where the treasure was sensed.

This treasure is a musical instrument, a musical instrument that Li Chen is familiar with, but has never appeared in these worlds (including the prehistoric, the chaotic, the other shore, the nothingness, etc.).

A long flute like white jade, there is no fluctuation on the flute, as if it is an ordinary thing that cannot be more ordinary.

It seems ordinary, but Li Chen will not underestimate this long flute. The so-called obscurity of the gods refers to this situation. The more ordinary things are, the more powerful they are.

But to be honest, the more Li Chen looked at this Changxiao, the more he liked it, but he didn't let down his vigilance just because he liked it.Li Chen was about to reach out to pick it up, when his hand was about to touch the flute, a wave of waves rippled from the flute.

In the void, like a mirage, the origin of the long flute is played, a poignant piece of music rippling in the void, the melancholy sound of the flute tells the joys, sorrows, loves and hatreds, and endless regrets of its owner.

Li Chen didn't feel any power from the sound of the flute, it was just a simple sound, but it was this simple sound that made Li Chen unpreparedly intoxicated, closed his eyes and listened to the music. A life full of flavors.

On that image, at this moment, a figure broke away from the shackles of the image and walked slowly towards Li Chen——

The man in white looked melancholy, looked at Li Chen who was intoxicated by the music, kissed his thin lips, and said slowly:
"You came?"

But then he slowly shook his head and sighed: "You are not him! We have failed after all—"

Then turned around desolately, and slowly dissipated into the air.

Li Chen's eyelashes moved slightly, as if he was about to open his eyes, but the eyes seemed to be pressed by a heavy weight, and the eyes still couldn't open in the end.

Suddenly, I felt a rush in my heart, and an indescribable flustered feeling filled my heart——

(End of this chapter)

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