Chapter 383 0383 Arrival
Li Chen's coercion is like throwing a stone into a calm lake, and the coercion directly radiates an infinite distance.

The peak of the Dao is not the same concept as the early and middle stages of the Dao. At this moment, Li Chen feels that he can completely outshine dozens of hundreds of previous selves.

On the road of calamity, Li Chen is already on the right track. At least compared to other laws, the rules of calamity are not weaker than other laws. Although they are not as good as the nine rules, they are still It is also constantly narrowing the gap.

In the nothingness, a huge and unparalleled world is heading towards where the chaos is. Behind this world, a strong man appears from time to time, relying on huge power to push the world forward.

This world is exactly the world that covered the sky that Li Chen experienced back then. The world that now covers the sky is already much bigger, but it has captured and swallowed a lot of worlds in the process of advancing.

When they sensed Li Chen's coercion, tears welled up in the eyes of the five seemingly decayed elderly people in the world. Nine Lives Silkworm Emperor Xiaobao from Canling, Qilin Holy Emperor Xiaohuo from Huoqi Cave, and Underworld Venerable Li Xiaoxiao.

If it weren't for these long-lived substances that were continuously replenished, the five of them would not have been able to last for such a long time.

Even if the cultivation base of the five people has reached the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm, and the low ones are all in the middle of the Heavenly Dao Realm, it seems that they still don't have the lifespan that the Heavenly Dao Realm should have, and they all look extremely old.

"Dad, this is Dad's breath, do you feel it? This is Dad's breath—"

Li Xiaoxiao looked excited, and seemed to not know what to say other than this sentence.

"It has been two chaotic years (37324800 years). Although Father has removed the root of hidden dangers in our world, allowing the long-lived matter in our world to remain, and our lifespan has thus been extended, but now, we are still about to decay .For two full chaotic years, the world has experienced two catastrophes. I have already lived the eighth life, and I already feel that the longevity substance in my body can no longer support me to live the ninth life—"

With memories on Xiaofeng's old face, she spoke slowly. It was just a simple narration, but it made people feel a sense of bitterness in it.

"Yeah, not to mention you, which one of us here has lived for more than seven lives, and I have already reached the ninth life, and I don't know if I can live the tenth life." Xiaohuo murmured to himself, Although the voice was small, everyone present here were all powerful in the Dao Realm of Heaven, and no matter how small the voice was, it could be heard clearly in the ears.

"Father hasn't come to see us for so long, has he forgotten us and doesn't want us anymore—" Xiaobao said a situation that everyone was afraid of.

Suddenly the whole world fell silent.

Seeing this, Xiaoqing quickly cheered up the atmosphere, and said with a laugh: "Maybe Dad is obsessed with something? You also know that different worlds have different flow speeds, and this will vary with the body of the world." The volume and the distance between the worlds are constantly changing. Maybe it is two chaotic years for us, but it is just a closed time for Dad... Didn't we sense Dad's threat just now? Are you pressed..."

"It must be like this, we can sense Father's coercion, which means that we are about to reach the world where Father is, if Father didn't want us, he wouldn't have pushed our world to fly here in the first place! "It seemed that he had grasped the truth. Li Xiaoxiao's tone became more and more certain as he spoke, and he seemed to be full of energy again.It made the gloomy and frightening temperament of the Hades become sunny.

"If it weren't for us—, hey, we wouldn't have missed Dad, maybe we would have come to the world where Dad is with Dad at this time."

Speaking of this, Xiaobao couldn't help but sighed.Everyone knew about Li Chen's return to the Shrouding World back then, but he couldn't escape for various reasons.

At the beginning, Li Chen deliberately searched for the traces of the small crowd, but all of them ended up in vain. After all, Li Chen didn't even achieve the Heavenly Dao Realm at that time, but he was only a strong man in the Primordial Realm.

At that time, Li Xiaoxiao and others fell into the long river of time and space due to various reasons. The backlash of the long river.

It was only by combining the cultivation methods left by Li Chen that everyone was able to progress so quickly.

"I don't need to say anything, if I can sense Father's coercion, I think we will be able to reunite with Father soon—" Li Xiaoxiao said.

From Li Xiaoxiao's point of view, Li Chen is undoubtedly supernatural. If he and others can sense Li Chen's coercion, maybe Li Chen has already discovered himself and others.

It was exactly as Li Xiaoxiao thought, when Li Chen was getting closer and closer to Chaos in the Shrouding World, he really had a feeling in his heart.A long-lost feeling touched Li Chen's heart.

"This is..., is this Xiao Xiao, Xiao Feng, Xiao Qing, Xiao Bao, and Xiao Huo coming?" Li Chen muttered to himself. The resulting reaction has been very vague from the beginning, but now it is possible to analyze the reason and who caused the reaction.

Li Chen focused on the positioning map in his mind that he hadn't paid attention to for a long time, and found that there were a few red dots away from him, but it was only as far as the diameter of several chaotic worlds.

With a movement of his body, Li Chen came to the world barrier of the chaotic world.

In the past, it was easy for Li Chen to leave the world barrier, but it was more difficult to enter, mainly because the world barrier did not welcome all foreign life forms.

Of course, maybe the structure of the chaotic world barrier is too complicated, and Li Chen's power is far from breaking through the world barrier.

But now that he has been promoted to the peak of Dao, Li Chen wants to try whether this chaotic world barrier can stop him.

Li Chen's confidence is not only derived from his own level, but also because of the rules of the robbery, which has greatly changed its power.

The world barrier is just made up of countless laws intertwined. If even the rules of robbery can't do anything about it, Li Chen can only violently open a hole in this chaotic world.

Thinking about it, Li Chen didn't stop, he came to the edge of the world barrier, stepped out of the chaotic world, and came to the nothingness outside this world.

The places that are closer to the world, because of the hazy light emanating from the world barrier, make it impossible for the power of nothingness to get close to the world barrier and it is ablated.

Li Chen didn't go to look for the shrouding world that had already arrived in the induction, but controlled the rules of calamity in his body to swipe lightly on the barrier of the chaotic world, and a hole appeared in the originally unbreakable world barrier , Li Chen got in instantly.

But in an instant, it healed under the squirming of the chaotic world. Compared with the healing ability of the world barrier of the prehistoric world, the world barrier of this chaotic world is simply a difference between heaven and earth.

No wonder this chaotic world can stand firm in this nothingness——

(End of this chapter)

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