Chapter 384

Just as Li Chen entered the chaotic world, a long tentacle from the nothingness drew over.

The pitch-black tentacles full of holes hit the chaotic world barrier, and the tentacles and the world barrier suddenly seemed to be splashed with concentrated sulfuric acid, making a sound of 'Zi-Zi-'.

Li Chen who entered the chaotic world vaguely heard a neighing sound, but when Li Chen's power of will spread all over the chaos but could not find the source of the neighing sound, he couldn't help shaking his head.

Traveling through the chaos and coming to the place closest to the shrouding world in his senses, Li Chen stepped out of the chaos barrier in one step.

But this time, Li Chen was not so lucky. Just after leaving the chaotic world, a huge tentacle seemed to have been waiting in nothingness, and it was drawn towards Li Chen.

"I said, detached, unreachable!"

The Tongtian Tower instantly changed into the appearance of the Genesis Record, Li Chen said.

An invisible wave surrounded Li Chen's body, and time and space formed a thick barrier around Li Chen's body.

The tentacles of the Void Beast hit Li Chen's position. As Li Chen said, they couldn't get close to Li Chen at all. Space barriers were constantly forming around Li Chen, and they were constantly melting under the power of the Void Beast. .

"I said, the rules are a net, and all living beings are caught—"

The rules of calamity on Li Chen's body, as well as the rules and laws on the barrier of the chaotic world, were directly stripped away by Li Chen's power, forming a net of rules that was almost one-fifth the size of the chaotic world in nothingness. Before receding, it directly catches all the time, space, and space around it.

Under the power of nothingness, the power of invisible rules emits a white light, and a huge net of rules is clearly visible in nothingness.

In the middle of the giant net, a black, octopus-like nihilistic beast roared in it, and several tentacles kept flapping the regular net formed by the power of rules.

If the net of rules consisted of only the ordinary nine rules, maybe a gap would really be torn open by the attack of this nihilistic behemoth.

But this net of rules is mainly composed of the rules of the robbery. For the rules of the robbery, the power of nothingness is the mutated or condensed power of robbery. No matter how much power of nothingness, no matter how powerful the power of nothingness is In terms of the rules of robbery, they are just food delivery, which will only make the rules of robbery stronger.

Moreover, Li Chen also discovered that in this nothingness, the fighting power of the rules of robbery is much stronger than in the chaos, at least the power of ordinary rules in nothingness cannot compare with the rules of robbery.

In the net of rules, there are no animals roaring and roaring, but Li Chen is unmoved, and continues to control the net of rules to shrink.

As the web of rules shrinks, so does the room for maneuvering within it.

The Void Beast couldn't avoid touching the net of rules, and every touch was like a torture, which made the Void Beast struggle more and more frequently.

At this moment, an even bigger tentacle slammed on the net of rules. At the moment when the net of rules shattered, the Void Beast attacking Li Chen's net of rules was not easy. The net of rules was like a hand. The moment the extremely sharp knife hit the net of rules, although the net of rules fell apart due to the huge force, its tentacles were also cut to pieces by the net of rules.

Seeing the shattered net of rules, the smaller Void Beast snatched by Li Chen quickly turned around, and the moment it got out of the shattered net of rules, it escaped into nothingness and disappeared in Li Chen's induction. .

The loss of a tentacle of the larger Void Beast didn't seem to have much effect on it, and a new tentacle grew out of the broken tentacle in a moment.

Seeing Li Chen, without saying a word, he just stepped forward and started working.

Countless pitch-black tentacles sprang out from nothingness and hit the place where Li Chen was standing, but Li Chen had already left the spot when he attacked.

Just as the Void Beast sensed Li Chen's location, things like stars fell around the Void Beast.


Several explosions sounded, and a huge energy shock wave directly swept across a void world, and the void beast hiding in the void world suddenly appeared in the void under the impact of this energy torrent.

For Li Chen, tangible objects are easier to deal with than intangible objects, especially this illusory beast, after escaping into emptiness, it seems to melt into emptiness, even the consciousness and will cannot sense its figure, Only by making use of the neutralizing and phagocytic properties of the power of nothingness to material energy can one infer the position of this nothingness beast by creating an energy area and observing the energy distribution in this area.

However, at the moment of the energy explosion, the void beast was washed away by the energy torrent, forming a dark place in the colorful energy torrent area in the nothingness, as if the energy torrent had gnawed a gap.

Seeing this, Li Chen knew that this was where the Void Beast was, and a long whip completely condensed by the rules of robbery appeared in Li Chen's hands.


With a bang, the long whip lashed at the Void Beast, and an angry hiss sounded directly in the hearts of the creatures in the surrounding world. All the creatures who heard the hiss felt as if the end of the world was coming.

However, this did not affect Li Chen. Today, Li Chen is already a strong man at the pinnacle of Dao, and his inner firmness cannot be shaken by ordinary external forces at all.

After the painful neighing, the void beast immediately escaped from the range covered by the energy torrent like a sharp arrow.

The Genesis Record in Li Chen's hand appeared in due course.

"I said, turn the fictitious into the real, and fix the universe!"

As soon as Li Chen's words came out, the Void Beast that escaped into nothingness suddenly felt that the reality corresponding to Void in its body was under the control of an external force, and it directly turned the Void into reality, appearing in front of people, making the Void Beast a hundred The 'stealth' that tried so well will fail directly.

"Using robbery as a knife, forcefully splitting nothingness—"

Immediately, in Li Chen's hand appeared a big knife with the rules of robbery as its bones, and many laws and energy as its body.

Holding the knife with both hands suddenly, he slashed at the invisible beast——

Li Chen only felt a slight resistance, and saw that the invisible beast was split in half under this regular knife.

A white light radiated from the body of the Void Beast. Seeing this, Li Chen's eyes lit up immediately, and he stretched out his hand to grab the body of the Void Beast that had turned into two halves. The shiny thing was held in Li Chen's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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