Chapter 386 0386 Lifespan Issues
As the Shrouding World circled the chaotic world once, twice, three times... After a few laps, the speed of the Shrouding World was slowly slowed down by Li Chen, with a very balanced and stable The speed is revolving around the chaotic world, and Li Chen predicts that within thousands of years in the chaotic world, this shrouding world will be able to initially merge with the chaotic world.

Seeing this, Li Chen has initially completed his goal, and now he has spare time to meet his children in the Shrouding World.

It was Li Chen's great regret that when he went to the Shrouding World, he didn't find Li Xiaoxiao and others, and he didn't bring them back to the prehistoric world. Now that they meet again, this regret can be perfectly made up for.

Originally, Li Chen already had no expectations for everyone to survive in the world. Although the source of the turmoil in the Shrouding World was almost solved by Li Chen, the entire God World was cleaned up by Li Chen, and even the strong Zhang Bairen was left behind. The lack of longevity substances in the sky-shading world has been greatly alleviated, but Li Chen feels that the longevity substances are not enough to allow everyone to live for such a long time.

Even Li Chen made a plan to directly resurrect everyone from the long river of time and space after his cultivation base surpassed the Dao realm.

But I didn't expect to sense the aura of the five people in the process of slowing down the world, although they are all in their dying years, and the aura of life is almost extinguished like a candle, but it still exists in the world, and it is better than all traces. Better to disappear from the world.

After all, replenishing a person's lifespan and resurrecting a person from the long river of time and space are two completely different concepts.

After slowing down the Shrouding World, allowing it to be captured by the power of the Chaos World and spiraling closer around the Chaos World under the power of the Chaos World, Li Chen made a dodge and came to the Shrouding World.

The place where the five people are located is on Mount Tai in the earth that covers the world. When Li Chen came to the earth, he even thought that he had returned to his original world.

But Li Chen still shook his head with a wry smile.

Whether it is covering the sky or being prehistoric, history is always surprisingly similar, and there is a world with a similarity of more than 90.00% to the earth.

However, Li Chen knows that these worlds are not the world that gave birth to him. No matter how similar they are to the earth, even the names are exactly the same, but if they are true, they are not. Li Chen will not deceive himself with this.

The six pairs of eyes looked at each other, and the six of them seemed to be the center of the whole world. Time seemed to be frozen in the chaotic Mount Tai, and everything stood still.


There is no cry that makes people cry, no hug after a long absence...

Some are just a choked sob that condenses countless emotions.

"Okay - ok - ok -, it's really hard for you."

When Li Chen saw the five people and sensed their cultivation, he couldn't help saying hello three times.

The cultivation of the five people was beyond Li Chen's expectations. All of them are in the realm of heaven. Although the breath of life has weakened and is not very strong, the aura of the five people is like a pillar of the sky. It seems that the entire universe will not be destroyed. Affected in general.

You must know that among Li Chen's disciples, the ones with the highest cultivation bases are no more than the peak saint realm at this time, which shows the aptitude of the five of them.

However, the longevity of the cultivation base of the Heavenly Dao Realm is still a major difficulty for the five of them, which makes Li Chen a little confused.

If all five of them hadn't broken through to the Heavenly Dao Realm, they might not have been able to persist in meeting Li Chen.

But now, these are not problems.

With a wave of his sleeves, Li Chen rolled up the crowd and flew towards the chaotic world.

After returning to the other side of the world, they came to the main hall of Wendao Palace and released everyone.

In the world on the other side, Li Chen's will is the sky, so there is no such phenomenon of repelling everyone.

Once the gate was closed, there were only six people left in the hall, Li Chen and his son.

"Let's not talk about other things now, let me solve the problem of your life limit—"

Seeing that Li Xiaoxiao and the others wanted to say something, Li Chen stopped everyone from talking.

The problem of lifespan, which cannot be solved even with the cultivation base of the Dao of Heaven, is not so easy to solve at all.

Everyone has lived for several lifetimes by various means, and the Shrouding World has experienced two reincarnations. From the perspective of everyone's mind, they no longer care about the issue of life and death. To be able to see Li Chen again, for the five people He said he had fulfilled his greatest wish.

Because Li Chen is not only their father, but also their mentor and savior——

But when Li Chen spoke, it was naturally Li Chen's will that came first, and he couldn't help but be dazed when he looked at Li Chen.

"Father is still as young and powerful as before—" Li Xiaoxiao muttered to himself.

After hearing this, Li Chen chuckled and said: "Wait for me to solve your life worries, you can do the same—"


Hearing Li Chen's words, several people did not answer. Regarding the issue of longevity, the five of them have done countless researches for countless years, but they all ended in failure in the end, but they are not as big as Li Chen. expect.

During the conversation with everyone, Li Chen's willpower enveloped everyone, and all the data on everyone was scanned into their minds by Li Chen.

From the point of view of realm and mana, everyone's realm has no flaws, and even because of the particularity of the Shrouding World, it shows an extreme perfection in terms of attack, the flow of mana and the tiny units of mana are also not lacking.

Judging from the condition of the body, although it looks old and decayed on the outside, the indicators on the inside are good and cannot be better.

From the point of view of body mana and so on, the reason for the limitation of lifespan has not been found out.

Li Chen's will came to the souls of everyone.

I saw countless laws intertwined in the souls of the people, supporting the entire soul, making the soul extremely powerful.

Especially Li Xiaoxiao's soul, almost everyone's soul combined is not as powerful as his soul, and if the soul is separated from the body, there is no difference at all from his physical body.

A person's lifespan, in addition to the lifespan of the physical body, is also a very important part of the lifespan of the soul.

But from the perspective of everyone's soul, it seems that there is no defect.

At this moment, Li Chen couldn't help but fell into deep thought. The reason for the limitation of the lifespan of these people was neither the soul nor the body, so what it could be is debatable.

Seeing that Li Chen didn't find the reason, everyone looked clear. After all, for countless hours, everyone has studied everything they can research, but they still haven't found the problem, no matter the soul or the body——

Li Chen couldn't help but lift his chin with his hands. Everyone knew that this was a habitual action of Li Chen in deep thought.

Seeing Li Chen frown, Li Xiaoxiao felt a little uncomfortable.

If it wasn't for him waiting for someone, Dad wouldn't have to be so entangled——

Li Xiaoxiao couldn't help thinking in his heart.

After a while, Li Xiaoxiao said:
"Father, forget it, we have already lived long enough, the shackles of this life span may be a means to balance us in the dark, we are already very content to see Father—"


(End of this chapter)

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