CH 387 0387 Incomplete Rules

Li Xiaoxiao was a little frustrated, but Li Chen didn't pay attention to Li Xiaoxiao's words, but thought of a very crucial and essential question - what is the essence of life.

Nuwa created man and created life, but she did not create it from scratch. To put it bluntly, it was just a product manipulated by an unknown force.

Moreover, what Nu Wa created was only the soul and the body. If only the soul and the body were simply created, Li Chen, who was in the great realm of the gods, would not be embarrassing at all.

What is essential for a life is the ability to act independently and think independently. Of course, these alone are not enough, and they cannot be called life. They must also have plasticity and growth, which are essential for a life part.

Here, the ability to think independently and act independently is called wisdom and instinct. Wisdom is high and low, and all kinds of low-level life with only instinct form this colorful world.

The seemingly important body and soul in these lives are not so important in Li Chen's view. These are all things that Li Chen can create. Chen can still do it.

Li Chen also tried to create creatures, but without exception, they all ended in failure. Even if he created a soul and a body, they would quickly disintegrate into a pile of materials without the support of Li Chen's power.

After Li Chen thought carefully, he realized that everything was due to the lack of one crucial thing - the true spirit.

Li Chen knows that the most important thing that makes up a true spirit is a thing called immortal aura, and this indestructible aura can only exist among all kinds of treasures in the chaos.

It can be said that there are very few.

But this true spirit does not need a complete immortal aura, it only needs a trace of indestructible aura to evolve into a true spirit, and Li Chen discovered that even if a living being's body is destroyed and its soul is annihilated, this immortal aura can still remain intact All right, you can see the strength of this immortal aura.

Regarding this, Li Chen couldn't help being curious, what exactly is this immortal aura, which can actually be the root of a living being.

After entering the Great Dao Realm for so long, this is the first time Li Chen has begun to analyze the immortal aura.

Of course, the experimental subjects are all kinds of low-intelligence creatures in the world. After all, let Li Chen, who has no achievements in the true spirit, directly practice it, Li Chen still feels a little guilty.

You must know that this involves the fundamental things of a living being. If you make a mistake, you will change your temperament or become an idiot, or you will lose your mind and soul, and your true spirit will dissipate. You really embrace death, and there is no way to resurrect it.

With the development of Li Chen's research, Li Chen found that this true spirit is not a particularly incomprehensible existence.

From Li Chen's observations, the immortal aura that makes up the true spirit is nothing more than a collection of nine rules in a specific order.

The order of each creature is different, it seems that the nine rules are only secondary, what is important is the order of the nine rules.


This is the case with the true spirit. Li Chen found that as long as he remembered the order of the nine rules, even if the true spirit was wiped out by force majeure, Li Chen was sure to restore it.

But the difficulty lies in the arrangement of the nine rules in the true spirit. Li Chen has no idea at all. The problem is that the composition and structure of the nine rules are constantly changing. This change seems to correspond to the relationship between the soul and the body. The changes in the body seem to be recording all the information experienced by this creature, not only its own, but also the information that can be contacted and seen by the outside world. It gives Li Chen the feeling that this true spirit seems to be like a person. Like a computer terminal that can grow, it constantly exchanges all data with the outside world, making this creature grow within the framework of these data——

Of course, this is just a metaphor. At present, Li Chen has not found artificial traces in this true spirit, so Li Chen did not make random guesses.

After continuous sampling, Li Chen discovered that the true spirits of all living beings, let alone the order of the nine rules, are intact in Li Chen's induction even if the nine rules are different in length .

Before finding out the arrangement rules of the nine rules among the true spirits, although Li Chen could not interfere with the changes in the arrangement of these rules, Li Chen was able to observe and record them.


Li Chen observes the true spirit with the power of the law of calamity. If he does not control a certain power of the law, even the powerful Daoist will not be able to observe the internal situation of the true spirit.

However, among the true spirits of Li Xiaoxiao and the five people, there are also several rules standing, but they are different from the nine rules of fate, time, space, good fortune, destruction, reincarnation, light, darkness, and chaos in the chaotic world. Among the true spirits of others are the nine rules of fate, time, space, good fortune, destruction, reincarnation, XX, XX, and XX.

Three of the rules are different from the three rules of chaos, light, darkness, and chaos. Li Chen named these three rules as good, evil, and force.

Although the nine rules have become different, but the nature is similar, it is not difficult for Li Chen to understand that the force value of the Shrouding World will be so much higher.

One must know that Pan Gu, who practiced the Dao Law of Power, had the great feat of bringing down three thousand Chaos Demon Gods. With the blessing of the Law of Power, it is no wonder that the world that shrouds the sky is able to do so.

But what is different is that among the nine rules of the true spirit formed by the five of Li Xiaoxiao, the rules of good fortune seem to have been bitten by something. Li Chen sensed the rules of life, the rules of immortality, etc. Most of the rules have almost disappeared——

Immediately, he couldn't help but suddenly realized that it's no wonder that he couldn't sublimate his lifespan to the fullest after cultivating to the Dao of Heaven.

There is a shortage of rules at the fundamental level, unless you have cultivated to the Great Dao Realm and rely on your strong comprehension to complete the comprehension of the rules by yourself, the only way left is to rely on the strong Dao Realm to complete it.

However, for surgery on the true spirit, unless it is a very trustworthy person, who can rest assured that he will show himself unreservedly in the eyes of others, and who knows whether the other party will leave behind when he completes his true spirit? hand?
Although Li Chen feels the trust of Xiaoxiao, Xiaohuo, Xiaobao and others in him, he is still ready to share his discoveries and ideas with everyone. After all, there is still a certain risk in completing the rules of good fortune in the true spirit. of--

(End of this chapter)

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