Chapter 388 0388 Completion
"Father, just do what you can. If you can get rid of this life-span disease, it's not a big deal. It's not a big deal if you can't get rid of it. We are very satisfied to see you as an old man with this crippled body."

When Li Xiaoxiao spoke, it really made Li Chen laugh and annoyed, shaking his head, Li Chen said angrily:
"When did I actually become an old man... Hehe, is there a young, handsome, handsome, suave, handsome man like me in this chaos? Let me see if you little bastards have not been cleaned up for a long time It's a little itchy..."

Hearing Li Chen's non-threatening threats, Xiao Xiao, Xiao Bao and the others couldn't help but relax.

It seems to have returned to the carefree days when Li Chen took him in.

Li Chen didn't directly start to operate on everyone's true spirit as everyone imagined, but returned to his seat to talk and do it, as if he was about to start practicing?
'what's going on? '

Li Xiaoxiao and the others were at a loss, and couldn't figure out what Li Chen's situation was. According to normal thinking, shouldn't it be Li Chen who directly started to operate on himself and others?
Now that Li Chen is in this posture, it seems that he is about to start cultivating, so when it is agreed, when will he complete the true spirit for himself and others——


Li Xiaoxiao opened his mouth and yelled, Li Chen saw Li Xiaoxiao's old appearance and called his father, he couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart, and his skin was about to get goosebumps.

Looking at the eyes of everyone looking at him, Li Chen couldn't help feeling deeply moved when he recalled everyone's chubby appearance when they were young.

No need to ask, Li Chen also knew why Li Xiaoxiao called him to stop him, it was nothing more than asking when it would start.

Regarding this point, Li Chen said directly:
"Well, after all, this true spirit is the foundation of a living being. Even though I am a strong man in the Dao realm, I dare not say that I am proficient in good fortune. Therefore, I am going to retreat and study to make sure nothing will go wrong—"

Hearing Li Chen's words, everyone's eyes were deeply moved.

Although Li Chen is a strong person in the Dao realm, he is following the Dao of Tribulation. Although Li Chen knows a little about the other rules of the Dao, after all, he does not specialize in practicing these Dao rules. The rules of creation that need to be involved in repairing the true spirit still have a certain depth Yes, if you start doing it without making any preparations, you probably don't know how you will die by then.

Fortunately, Li Chen's Tongtian Pagoda can be transformed into a jade plate of good fortune, which is a good blessing for comprehending the rules and laws. With the blessing of the jade plate of good fortune, it is not difficult for Li Chen to understand the rules of good fortune.

After Li Chen finished speaking, he took out the good luck jade plate, the rules of good fortune surged, and a surge of life force surrounded everyone in the room. Little by little in the power of good fortune, he became younger.

Although everyone's physical bodies are getting younger, according to everyone's induction, their own lifespan has hardly changed much.

Sure enough, this longevity is not something that can be interfered by a simple force of good fortune or life force, even in another world, everyone is not too surprised, it seems that they have known this result for a long time.

When Li Chen crossed his knees to comprehend the rules of good fortune, Li Xiaoxiao and others also sat cross-legged one after another when they saw this, and began to practice——

Time passed by every minute and every second, and Li Chen had been in seclusion for a thousand years in a blink of an eye.

Although the millennium has not improved Li Chen's comprehension of the rules of good fortune much, but it is basically not a big problem to mend a person's true spirit according to the gourd.

As soon as the millennium was up, Li Chen would withdraw from the retreat state. After all, if it dragged on, the lifespans of Xiao Xiao, Xiao Bao and others would not last long.

"let us start……"

Looking at Xiaoxiao and Xiaobao, Li Chen said.

Xiao Xiao, Xiao Bao and the others had woken up hundreds of years ago. Hearing Li Chen's words, Xiao Xiao got up and said:

"I'll be the first one." After a pause, he turned his head to look at Xiaobao Xiaohuo and the others and said, "Don't forget our agreement..."

Seeing that the whole atmosphere was turning into a battlefield, Li Chen couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, but Li Chen didn't say anything, no amount of promises would have the real effect of healing everyone.

Xiaoxiao only felt a force enveloping her soul and heading towards her true spirit. When this force touched her true spirit, Xiaoxiao fell asleep correspondingly.

Under the power of Li Chen, Li Xiaoxiao's true spirit seemed to be decompressed. The nine rules that make up the little true spirit appeared in the hall like images, and the order of arrangement was constantly changing with an inexplicable law. , although there are only nine rules, these rules form a three-dimensional spatial structure, like an ever-changing Rubik's cube——

"Are these the appearance of the true spirit?" Xiao Huo murmured to himself.

Xiaoqing said seriously and softly: "Don't talk, so as not to disturb Dad—"

The rest of the people nodded slightly after listening.

I saw the Tongtian Tower flying out of Li Chen's sea of ​​consciousness. Under Li Chen's will, the Tongtian Tower changed into the appearance of a time pocket watch.

Li Chen just wanted to use the ability of the pocket watch to freeze time to make all the laws in Li Xiaoxiao's true spirit appear in a static state. Only in the static state, repairing the laws will not cause some other problems to Li Xiaoxiao. Influence.

After all, Li Chen doesn't know whether there will be some uncontrollable and predictable changes if the frequency of the law in this true spirit is disrupted.

With the time pocket watch, it will be much smoother. The Tongtian Tower is a top-grade Hongmeng Lingbao at the moment, and it has absolute control over the rules of time. Under the time watch, the rules in Li Xiaoxiao's true spirit change. It was stopped immediately, and a broken rule of good fortune appeared in front of Li Chen.

Li Chen then tried to repair it——

The repair work went smoothly. It didn't take long for Li Chen to repair a rule of fortune.

Compared with the good fortune rules that make up this three-dimensional space structure in the true spirit, it is just a drop in the bucket.

The first rule of good fortune was successfully repaired, and the second rule was much simpler. It only took about half the time of the first rule, and the second rule of good fortune was repaired.

The third article took a shorter time than the first article and the second article, and only took nearly half the time of the second article——

As Li Chen's repair progress accelerated, Li Xiaoxiao's true spirit began to glow with a faint green color, like an elf full of life.



As Li Chen completes the 129600 rules of good fortune and completes the completion of the true spirit, a strong aura erupts from Li Xiaoxiao's body, just as his cultivation has reached the realm of heaven——

"This is?……"

"Xiaoxiao is the one who has truly reached the Dao of Heaven. Before that, it was only a realm of Dao of Heaven..." Li Chen explained with a smile.

The rules of this true spirit are incomplete, and it is impossible to reach the heavenly realm at all. Although everyone's combat power has already exceeded the general powerhouse of the heavenly realm, this qualitative gap is irreparable.

This is also what Li Chen realized after repairing the little true spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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