Chapter 398 0398 The land of no life, the earth?

The place where the eyes meet the eyes is finally no longer lifeless. Li Chen has full control over his body, and starts to run towards the direction where the greenery appears. After getting used to the convenience brought by the spell, Li Chen almost forgot the feeling of running. .

Li Chen moved forward quickly, the wind blowing by his ears, even the extremely hot air that was baked by the sun brought a coolness to Li Chen's feeling at this moment.

A figure appeared in Li Chen's eyes, which made Li Chen hesitate. This world is not as lifeless as he imagined, and there are actually human beings.

It wasn't until they got close that Li Chen realized that this person was an old man. At this moment, this old man was constantly planting a kind of shrub that could survive in the desert.

That expression is very serious, it seems that what is planted is not a shrub, but a plant of hope for the future.

Li Chen didn't sense any threat from the old man, but Li Chen didn't relax his vigilance, and walked forward, Li Chen asked the old man loudly:
"Hello, old man! Excuse me, what is this place? I lost my way with my friends in the desert..."

After hearing Li Chen's words, the old man turned his head and glanced at Li Chen, squinted his eyes under the sunlight, and replied:

"Young man, keep your voice down, old man, my ears are good..." After a pause, the old man continued, "It's not fun to go to the desert, but thanks to your luck, you can walk out. Death from starvation and thirst is a common occurrence in China. What's more, this Taklamakan Desert, which is called the sea of ​​death, the old man, I have worked here for so many years, but I dare not go deep into it. Only you young people are not afraid Don’t be afraid of the earth, dare to try anything..."

The uncle is the uncle, and when he lectures people, he is more talkative than the aunt next door. He talked for a long time but didn't mention one important point.

Li Chen didn't interrupt the old man's speech, and even responded from time to time.

Seemingly satisfied with Li Chen's attitude, the old man seemed to be talking dry, and he drank his saliva and said:

"Even if I tell you the exact location here, you don't know, but if you go 10 kilometers south, you will be Mazatag..."

Seeing Li Chen's bewildered expression, the old man patted his head and sighed: "Forget it, I'll take you there, just as a good deed, I don't know how long you have been walking in this Taklamakan Desert ..."

"Thank you, old man." Hearing that the old man was willing to give him a ride, Li Chen quickly thanked him no matter what he was thinking at the moment.

"Thank you, thank you. I used to have it every one or two months, and I'm used to it. After the virtual game launched by Huayao Company, no one came here for almost a year..."

While speaking, the old man quickly planted the plants in his hands, poured water, quickly collected all the tools, and brought Li Chen to the parking place.

Hearing the old man's words, Li Chen secretly wrote down the company named Huayao, and prepared to inquire about it later, but at this time, it is not appropriate to act rashly. At this time, mana and supernatural powers cannot be used, and Li Chen also lacks the means to collect information. It's not even clear what kind of place this is.

The engine started rumbling, but the old man's car was in the form of an agricultural tractor composed of a diesel engine.

Listening to the sound of the engine running, Li Chen chatted with the old man again, the words were full of spiritual hints, inadvertently, Li Chen knew most of what he wanted from the old man. know something.As for the others, the old man is not particularly clear, according to the old man, these are all seen in the news.

Li Chen synthesized the information he got from the old man, and found that this world is highly similar to the earth, especially the history of this world is simply a replica of the history of the earth in Li Chen's memory.

It’s just that this world seems to be 80 or 10 years more technologically advanced than the earth world. After all, the earth in my memory does not have the virtual world technology that can be consciously entered, the wireless charging technology that can reach a distance of [-] meters, and the super power that can be used for one year on a single charge. Battery technology and so on, and the creator of all these, according to the old man, is the almighty national male god Li Yao, everything about this Li Yao is like the protagonist in a novel, every thing he does is like a divine help , Created one miracle after another.

The distance of 10 kilometers is not very far. It took Li Chen only ten minutes to follow the old man to reach the Mazatag that the old man said.

What catches the eye is a small earthen slope with an almost weathered ancient building on the top of the slope. When he arrives here, Li Chen can see several roads passing by here, and several hotels at the foot of the slope.

"This is Mazatag. You and your teammate are separated. There just happens to be a sheriff here. I'll take you to seek help—"

Parked the car in a fairy house next to one of the houses that looked like a private house, the old man said to Li Chen.

But Li Chen didn't have any teammates, so he couldn't help but start talking about him.

This world also has ID cards. For Li Chen, a security officer is the police, urban management, etc. that he knows. In the past, he would definitely require a grade ID card. Produce an ID card that can be recognized by the public security system in this world.It will definitely be exposed now, saying that the ID card has been dropped, it is simply a challenge to other people's IQ, Li Chen can't use his power at this time, even if he can use a little spiritual hint, it is almost useless for these soldiers. Being able to serve as a soldier is a group of very determined existences, and it is almost difficult to make meritorious deeds with spiritual hints.

Seeing Li Chen's flickering words, even if the old man was hinted by Li Chen's spirit many times, he couldn't help but start to doubt Li Chen.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Li Chen's mind, and he immediately had a solution.

"Master, can you give me your phone for a while? I'll see if I can get in touch with my friend. If I can, I don't need to bother Comrade Sheriff—"

Li Chen changed the subject and spoke.

Hearing Li Chen's words, the old man thought for a while, and felt that what Li Chen said was right. After all, the sheriff already had a lot of things to do. If he could get in touch, he wouldn't have to bother those sheriffs.

"Hey, you can use it to fight—"

Li Chen took the mobile phone and flipped through the address book on it, followed the number format above and randomly made up a call:
"Hello, who is it?...Hello..."

He didn't hear the answer, and the other party couldn't help cursing and hung up the phone, "I'm sick, but I didn't speak when I called—"

Li Chen just said to himself loudly: "Where are you?"

"What? You can't wait for me to go back?"

"Damn, I got hurt badly by you—"

Li Chen praised his acting skills. Although there are still many mistakes and omissions, he feels that he is enough to handle this old man.

Pretending to hang up the phone, Li Chen returned the phone.

"Thank you, Mr. Ha—"

"Thank you, I heard you call to say that your friend has gone back?"

The old man said.

Li Chen pretended to be helpless: "Yeah, they also thought I had gone back, so they didn't wait for me. Fortunately, I met you, uncle—"

"It's easy to say, easy to say, hehe——"

The old man waved his hand and smiled.

After leaving the old man's address and name, Li Chen bid farewell to the old man——

(End of this chapter)

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