CH 399 0399 Li Yao
Li Chen left Mazartag with the convoy. Of course, Li Chen did not leave in a normal way, but used a lot of mental hints. In just a few hours, he became one with everyone in the convoy, thus I took a ride and left.

The destination of the convoy was Beiping, and they had to pass through Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Shanxi, and Hebei along the way, and Li Chen followed all the way to Beiping.

Along the way, what Li Chen heard the most was the 'news' about Li Yao, so he even borrowed a tablet from one of the team to search for the information he wanted to know.

The world in my memory is 2019, but the time in this world has already reached 2164, a time difference of more than 100 years.

At this time, human beings are like a technological explosion. In more than 100 years, China has truly achieved a great renaissance. It has leapt from a developing country to a developed country. Ten thousand nations come to court, although at this time it cannot reach the point where all nations come to court, but China has truly become the center of the world economy, and the country that countless crooked nuts most hope to immigrate to.

However, Huaxia's green card is not as easy to apply for as the American green card. There are only tens of thousands of people every year, and sometimes only a few thousand people can apply for Huaxia's green card.

In addition to the economic and cultural attraction to those crooked nuts, the most important thing is China's social security. The social security here is rated as one of the countries with the best security in the world. Unlike other countries, it seems that night is a day's life. In the beginning, shooting cases and the like were almost unheard of, and Huaxia's food was also the best in the world, it was simply a foodie's paradise.

This is not the most worthy of attention in a hundred years. The most incredible thing is the rise of a talented boy.

Li Yao is this genius boy, now the national male god.

At the age of 23, he graduated from the School of Computer and Information Technology of Peking University, and released his graduation work "Easy Wisdom" voice platform as soon as he graduated.

Different from general AI voice, the error tolerance rate of the 'Easy Wisdom' voice platform is very high, and the recognition rate is almost 99.99%, which is difficult to achieve by any current voice platform.

And 'Easy Wisdom' really changed the voice control from a specific command operation to a fool's operation. After installing this voice platform software, the conversation is just like a real person's conversation.

Once 'Easy Wisdom' was born, it gained a large number of fans. If Li Yao hadn't clarified that this was not artificial intelligence, but relying on a huge database and unique programming algorithms, almost everyone would have thought that artificial intelligence had already come out.

The artificial intelligence here is not those rigid machine programs that can only talk a little bit. This kind of program that can only talk a little bit is not called artificial intelligence. It is not even worthy of giving artificial intelligence a shoe. This can only be called only AI. .A real artificial intelligence is a program that can communicate normally and without barriers. It will talk to you like a human, but it will not rigidly and fixedly answer a certain sentence with a certain answer.If artificial intelligence is divided into several levels, 'Yi Zhizhi' is nothing more than a highly imitated semi-artificial intelligence technology in Li Yao's view.

The advent of 'Easy Wisdom' has made Li Yao very popular. Numerous technology companies offered Li Yao an olive branch, and even hired Li Yao with sky-high salaries.

But Li Yao did not join a certain company group as everyone imagined. Instead, he obtained a batch of venture capital by virtue of the peripheral products of "Easy Wisdom", such as skins, voice packs, etc., and created a company called Hua Yao Technology Company.

Since then, it has been out of control, and it seems to be wearing the halo of the protagonist. Li Yao's Huayao Technology has become a well-known technology group from the beginning with only a few dozen people.

Not only Yi Zhizhi and Li Yao developed a preliminary version of artificial intelligence, which consolidated the authority of Huayao Technology in the field of artificial intelligence, but Li Chen even extended his hand to the field of operating system.

In addition to technology, Li Yao is also an all-round male god, who can sing and dance, and is also handsome. Even Li Chen felt that the world really favored Li Yao when he saw the above information.

With the development of Li Yao, countless technologies were developed by Huayao Technology and put into the market.

Each item can cause a great sensation in the world, such as wireless charging technology with a transmission range of tens of meters, real quantum computers, anti-gravity technology, holographic projection technology, super battery technology and so on.

The anti-gravity technology is not particularly mature and cannot be applied to aviation and other fields, but Li Chen can see some small aerial cameras that use anti-gravity technology along the way.

Long-distance unlimited charging technology, super battery technology, holographic projection technology, etc. make personal terminals more convenient.

The development of a real quantum computer has made the computing speed of quantum computers more than tens of millions of times higher than that of the "quantum computer" a hundred years ago, making Li Yao's artificial intelligence technology develop even faster.

Of course, when Li Chen first saw the name Li Yao, Li Chen thought it had something to do with him, but after seeing Li Yao's appearance on the Internet, Li Chen found that he didn't seem to have anything to do with it, at least from the appearance no.

When he came to this conclusion, Li Chen didn't know why, but he was relieved in his heart.

Thinking secretly in his heart, maybe this Li Yao is really just a scientist who led the times like Newton, Einstein, and Hawking, maybe the earth really ushered in a technological explosion again after 100 years——

Of course, Li Chen wouldn't jump to conclusions so quickly. The specifics can only be determined after seeing Li Yao himself and recovering his strength.

After following the convoy and staying in the convoy for several days, Li Chen and his party finally came to Beiping.

As the administrative center of Huaguo, as Li Chen imagined, people come and go here, and people of all colors can be seen everywhere here.

It gave Li Chen a feeling of returning to the earth.

After bidding farewell to everyone in the motorcade, Li Chen left their contact information and set off on the road alone. This place is so similar to the earth in his memory. Li Chen wants to go home and have a look, even if his parents have passed away. , but Li Chen still wants to see if his home is still there, but there are many questions in his heart that need to be verified.

But at this time, Li Chen didn't have any ID card or any other documents, and he didn't even have any money. It would take a lot of effort to go back to his hometown in Guizhou Province.

After such a long period of understanding, Li Chen has figured out the basic situation of this world. A series of documents such as ID cards are necessary for travel. Now, if he wants to reduce the distance to Guizhou Province, Air travel is essential.

To obtain an ID card, the only way for Li Chen at this moment is to grab one.

Of course, it is impossible to rob ordinary people, so the remaining targets can only be those robbers, punks and the like——

(End of this chapter)

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