Chapter 400 0400

No matter how stable the world is, there will always be a dark side. In an unknown corner, Li Chen stayed for a few days before he obtained an ID card and some money from a gangster in a mentally induced way.

Once the things were in hand, Li Chen couldn't wait to go to the hometown in his memory.

Although Li Chen can't even use mana and supernatural powers, Li Chen can simply control his physical body.

Li Chen controlled every muscle and bone in himself, transformed into the appearance of the little gangster who was robbed by him, successfully passed the security check without any hindrance, and took the plane to the place he dreamed of.

Everywhere is full of high-rise buildings and mountains and rivers. As a world-class big data center, after tens of hundreds of years of development, Guizhou Province has come to the forefront of the times, and there is an endless stream of people coming and going here.

Countless old houses were demolished and rebuilt. Li Chen only found a trace of familiarity from some buildings that have experienced tens of hundreds of years of wind and rain. Others can be said to be very strange.

According to his memory, Li Chen came to his home on 'Earth', but to his disappointment, the destination was completely different from his memory. The hometown in his memory was in the very center of a village, but Li Chen No villages were found, and the small ravine was still the same, but there were no traces of people's lives, and there were only various people who came here for picnics.

Could it be said that this land of no life is the earth?
Li Chen shook his head and thought, after all, everything here is so similar to the earth.

But why is there no trace of his own existence in this world?Li Chen has learned and mastered the world's hacking techniques to intrude into the database for query, but he didn't find any information about himself.

My parents still exist in this world, but according to the information I found, the parents in this world are only my younger brother, and they didn't mention Li Chen at all——

For a moment, Li Chen felt as if he had been abandoned by the whole world, even if he was in this extremely familiar world at this time, the world seemed so strange.

Is it the world's problem, or your own problem?

Of the two answers, Li Chen is more inclined to be a world problem. After all, Li Chen has seen this kind of thing a lot, and now the prehistoric world has become a world where parallel worlds are flourishing.In parallel worlds, everything is possible. There are countless selves in countless parallel worlds, and there are also countless different lives. Maybe everything in front of us is just a timeline of the earth world——

When Li Chen thought about it clearly, his interest in this world immediately dropped greatly. Now he has to study how to leave this world. Although most of his power has been sealed, he still maintains a strong ability of thinking and deduction. The outside world seems to be two completely incompatible worlds, even the confinement of this world can't affect the power inside Li Chen's body.

But it seems that this world is not what Li Chen thinks, it is a timeline of a powerful world.

Li Chen was looking for a way to leave this world, but as time passed, there was no clue, but the development of this world was far beyond Li Chen's expectations...


"Boss Li, the virtual game warehouse at Huayao Group's press conference is out, do you have any stock here?" A somewhat obese young man asked Li Chen.

Li Chen has never found a way to go back and leave this world. As time passed, Li Chen did not search so deliberately. Anyway, even if his power is suppressed, Li Chen has a cultivation base of the Great Dao, and his body has already formed a world of its own. Shouyuan was not affected at all, even if the world was shattered, Li Chen would still be safe and sound.Therefore, he calmed down and opened Internet cafes to the entire Guizhou Province for nearly ten years. It can be said that almost every village and town in the entire Guizhou Province has Li Chen's store.

This is also the reason why Li Chen is not very keen on this area. If Li Chen had put his mind to it, he might have achieved a national chain or even a global chain long ago.

Hearing Huang Qi's question, Li Chen raised his head and said: "Huang Qi, you can rest assured, our home network is the leading Internet cafe in Guizhou Province, and there are branches in the entire Guizhou Province. Of course, the game equipment will be equipped, and you are also a regular customer of our store, and when the machine is in place, we will reserve a seat for you."

This virtual game cabin is a new work of Huayao Group recently, and it is an epoch-making high-tech product, which has changed the way of games. It is different from traditional virtual reality game equipment. Collect the player's brainwaves, so as to be able to control the characters in the game without hands-on, so that it can flow smoothly without a trace of delay.

Although the environment in the game is simulated through various plug-ins, this traditional virtual reality game device does not make people feel personally on the scene, but it only improves the playability a lot.Its essence has hardly changed, except that the game is controlled from the hand to the mind.

But this virtual game room is different. According to the press conference of Huayao Group, this game device can allow human consciousness to enter the virtual world. At that time, the virtual world will be the second world of human beings, which is different from the traditional virtual reality. The gap in gaming equipment is simply epoch-making.

Once launched, the whole world was in an uproar.

Wealthy people have thrown their money to buy this gaming device.

Li Chen's Return Network was able to obtain the first batch of virtual game warehouses only by virtue of the friendly cooperation with Huayao Group for nearly ten years.

If it was just a virtual game warehouse, Li Chen would be surprised at most, but the game jointly launched with this game warehouse is a game called Honghuang, which makes Li Chen feel that something is wrong. It is said that the Huayao Group has upgraded the game through a chaotic algorithm. , and implanted with the current advanced artificial intelligence, it is a pinnacle game, because it is connected to the chaos algorithm, so any scene in it is random, because the advanced artificial intelligence Gaia, almost every NPC in it has My own life, my own algorithmic logic, it can be said that this prehistoric world is no different from the real world.Except for the power supply and the network cable, it can be said that everything in it is random and uncontrollable.

Of course, Huayao Group will still take necessary safety measures. Players can bind the function of forced exit to a certain accessory in it. The forced exit function forces the exit of the game to ensure the player's mental safety, so that the player will not because of the inside.

Although Li Chen felt that there was something wrong with this virtual game warehouse and the prehistoric game, he didn't know exactly where the problem was. Therefore, Li Chen also reserved a batch for this game warehouse. Maybe he would know after he personally tested it. Exactly where is the problem——

(End of this chapter)

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