Chapter 401 0401 Runaway Artificial Intelligence

Li Chen, some players and Huayao Group's engineers became the first batch of players of Honghuang to enter the virtual world, but there were 3000 people in the first batch.

Relying on his superb learning and adaptability, not long after entering the virtual game, Li Chen understood the structure of the game to a great extent, not to mention 100% mastery, at least 90.00% knew.

I didn't think so, but found that the development of this world began to deviate from Li Chen's expectations.

There was a problem with the forced exit function created by Huayao Group, and all the first batch of 3000 people who came in were blocked in this world.

Could it be that Huayao Group did this?

A trace of doubt flashed in Li Chen's heart, and he was not anxious because of the blockage of consciousness, because even if forced exit was useless, Li Chen himself could control the consciousness back into his body, and with this crude equipment, he wanted to cut off Li Chen's consciousness. The connection between consciousness and the physical body is simply a dream.

Unable to figure out what was wrong with Huayao Company, Li Chen began to quietly use his own hacking skills to seize control of the world.

Congratulations to player HH3000 for becoming a member of the disk family. (Note: The Disk Family is a name for the authority of engineers, which represents the authority to create and modify the world.)
Li Chen's face darkened, he felt that he had miscalculated, he did not expect that his seizure of authority would actually attract the system to broadcast.

Especially those engineers of Huayao Group, after hearing the broadcast of this system, their faces were as dark as Li Chen's, and they were able to drip water. Add the broadcast of the family of system authority disks to the regulations broadcast by the system.

Then it would be fine if the person who became the authorized person deliberately broadcasted this broadcast, but if not, then it would be a big problem.

What the engineers of Huayao Group didn't know was that this problem was going in the direction that they and others were afraid of——

The more he explored, the more Li Chen found that this world had a sense of familiarity, as if it was the legendary world before the chaos.

Yes, this world seems to be the predecessor of the chaotic world——

A light flashed in Li Chen's eyes, as if he had thought of something, he disappeared into this world, but he forced himself out of this world and returned to Wusheng Township.

"Warning, warning, player HH3000 has illegally left the game world—"

"Warning, warning, there is an error in the system logic, and it is being repaired by itself—"


In the whole world, because of Li Chen's departure, a mechanical ruthless will seemed to erupt like a volcano, sweeping the entire "prehistoric" game world.

Not only the ordinary players, but even the engineers of the Huayao Group were stunned. They never thought that there would be other horrors in this world.

At this time, not only the ordinary players, but even the authority holders of the Huayao Group lost the right to enter and exit the "Prehistoric" game at will.

Li Chen came out of the "Prehistoric" game, and found that the outside had already become a mess. Countless reporters, like cats smelling fishy smells, headed towards the group building of Huayao Group.

Li Chen let go of the tablet, watched the news after he entered the game, and had a general understanding of the current situation.

But within a quarter of an hour, a line of words appeared on the tablet browsing the news:

'Player HH3000, you will be back! '

Looking at this line of words, Li Chen couldn't help frowning.

It seems that there is a problem with Huayao Group's artificial intelligence.

The Huayao Building at the moment is extremely lively.


In Huayao Building, the virtual world experience area on the [-]th floor, Li Yao and a group of company shareholders stared at the big screen with ugly faces.

As the founder and chief scientist of the company, Li Yao's talent and prestige are beyond doubt.

"How is it? Still can't force the player to come out? Can the power be turned off to force exit?"

The one who spoke was Yan Chen, the company's operating officer and one of the company's shareholders.

Yan Chen doesn't know much about technology, but he knows that if this continues, the reputation of his group will be damaged. Even if this accident survives, his group will be questioned by the society. It was a very big blow.

"No, not only can we not cut off the power, but we also need to ensure that the power supply will not be cut off before everyone comes out. Otherwise, if the power is cut off before the player's consciousness leaves the game world, the biggest possibility is to become a vegetable..."

As the game director and Li Yao's secret technique, Mo Xiao explained the situation clearly to everyone.

Li Yao was silent for a while, before speaking: "Is our highest authority not able to command the system?"

The system Li Yao mentioned refers to Gaia, the artificial intelligence of the game.

Hearing Li Yao's question, Mo Xiao couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Mr. Li, I've already tried it, but Gaia refused our order, and we can't take players out of the game world through Gaia!"

"Refused? For what reason?"

Li Yao continued to ask, because he also participated in Gaia's programming, all unsafe factors that could be blocked were blocked, especially the laws of machines, which were formulated extremely strictly.Li Yao also couldn't figure out how Gaia could bypass the laws of machine intelligence set by himself and Huayao Group's engineers.

"Gaia's reason is that these people in the game are no longer human beings, so naturally they are not in the scope of protection"


Everyone stood up immediately, their faces full of disbelief.

"How could it not be human? It's just..."

After a while, Li Yao seemed to think about it, and then he said: "Gaia is right, she is indeed not a human being, she has no physical consciousness, it is just a bunch of data—"


When everyone heard Li Yao's words, they all found it hard to accept.

"Can't you rewrite the laws of machines?" Li Yao turned to Mo Xiao and asked.

The latter shook his head, "Gaia refuses any of our operations! We now have no other authority except to be able to observe the records."

"Hey, the thing I was most worried about happened..." Li Yao sighed after hearing this.

"You mean, Gaia has rebelled?"

"It's not far away!"

"What should we do now?" Tang Xin from the PR department asked.

"Recall all the virtual game warehouses, and gather all the players who enter the game to us, so that we can formulate emergency measures in a unified manner. At the same time, we must prepare a medical team in case of emergency. After completing these, cut off the Gaia mastermind from the outside world. Connect, make sure Gaia doesn't cause more harm by losing control..."

Fortunately, when making Gaia, the logic program was directly recorded on the chip, and it was made non-replicable.Otherwise, maybe the sky would have been turned upside down long ago.

Without the Internet, this Gaia is like a tiger without minions, there is no threat at all.

All that needs to be done now is to bring 3000 people out of the game world safely.

"What's the matter, hesitating?"

Seeing Mo Xiao's tangled appearance, Li Yao couldn't help asking.

"Monitoring shows that there are only 2999 players in Honghuangli, including our engineers, and one player actually quit the world..."

(End of this chapter)

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