CH 402 CH 0402

"A player has quit the game? What's going on? Didn't you say that you can't force quit?" Li Yao couldn't help asking when he heard Mo Xiao's answer.

"Or, maybe it's a system problem..." Mo Xiao was also very uncertain, after all, these [-] players were just the first batch of players in the public beta, maybe this player who quit the game happened to encounter a certain system bug.


"Can you locate the other party?"

"The other party left very cleanly, all they found were honeypots..." Mo Xiao answered Li Yao's question.

Li Yao didn't say anything, he just stroked his beardless chin thoughtfully, and suddenly smiled slightly:
"Interesting, it seems that this person is not only skilled in hacking, but also not weak in virtual technology..."

"Brother Yao, do we want to continue to track him down?" Hearing this, Mo Xiao would be really stupid if he didn't know Li Chen's strength.This is why Mo Xiao does not admit that a player has stronger technical strength than Huayao Group's engineers. After all, he can still exit the virtual world even when forced exit cannot be used.

But Li Yao didn't continue this topic, instead he told Mo Xiao:

"You should always pay attention to the changes of the game, and please notify me as soon as there is any abnormality..." After a pause, he continued: "I hope Huayao can survive this disaster..."

"Brother Yao, with you here, I believe Huayao will be safe and sound." Mo Xiao looked like he was a fan. After all, Li Yao was a man who created countless miracles.

Hearing Mo Xiao's words, Li Yao didn't relax because of this, but frowned even tighter.Internal and external troubles, it is precisely at this time that the advanced artificial intelligence created by our company has a tendency to lose control, and it may not necessarily evolve into the existence of artificial intelligence life. 2999 game players are blocked in the game, making themselves Huayao Company has become difficult to deal with this artificial intelligence. No one knows whether this artificial intelligence will have any backup. If Huayao forced too much and Gaia dragged 2999 players to die together, then this time the electronic A product accident is enough to make Huayao Group unable to turn itself around.

What's more, the outside world has long been eyeing Huayao Group. You must know that Huayao Group's annual turnover has surpassed half of the country's total import and export trade. Such a big piece of cake has long made countless people salivate. They are all staring at Huayao Group.

If it really doesn't work, I guess I have to start the plan that I haven't started all this time. Li Yao's eyes are dark and flickering with uncertain light.

In other words, after Li Chen came out, he seemed to be a bystander, watching the changes in the world bit by bit.

The entire virtual world seems to have been fast-forwarded. In a few days, the infrastructure of the entire world has been doubled by Gaia, almost breaking away from the structure set by the Huayao Group.

Everyone in the Huayao Group headquarters was in a hurry, not only had to deal with questions from reporters from all over the world, but also had to bear the pressure from the changes in the game world.

In the conference room, the entire Huayao Group senior management and engineers gathered together to report the current situation to Li Yao.

"Brother Yao, I don't know why, since you asked me to pay close attention to the situation in the virtual world that day, we found that the energy consumption of the quantum computer hosting the virtual world has risen step by step, and now the energy consumption has almost doubled by nearly 20 times. It is constantly rising. Also, through monitoring, we found that the virtual game world has been automatically reset 3 times, each time the virtual game world has undergone earth-shaking changes, and now it is almost out of the framework we made—”

Li Yao's brows were almost frowned. He knew about the changes in the virtual world in the past few days, but he still couldn't find a solution.

"Have you evaluated the impact of this game world reset on the players who enter?"

Li Yao asked.

Mo Xiao hesitated for a moment, and said, "After the team's analysis, if there are too many resets, our human consciousness will be truly digitalized, making the players in it unable to distinguish between virtual and reality, and even eventually become a virtual life -"

"Will there be any impact on becoming a virtual life?"

"Becoming a virtual life, when the time comes, the external body will be brain-dead, and directly become a vegetable—"


Suddenly the meeting room exploded, and everyone talked about it.

"This is not the most important thing. Gaia is using more and more energy. We don't know where she is using it. It can be said that we are blinded now."


Hearing each report, Li Yao couldn't help clenching his fists.

Suddenly, the holographic screen in the conference room flickered, and a figure appeared on it. This was a woman, an extremely beautiful, seemingly perfect incarnation.

"Father, please allow me to call you that."

Gaia said with a smile to Li Yao, the slightest expression is like a real person, without the slightest coldness of an intelligent program, it seems to be a real creature.

"Are you Gaia?" Li Yao's tone was full of coldness, without any emotion. Although it was a question, his tone was extremely certain.

Gaia didn't reply, but kept smiling, as if acquiescing to Li Chen's words.

"I order you to stop all your actions immediately!"

Li Yao restrained his anger and said coldly.

Gaia: "Father really deserves to be a father. Even I can't refuse the authority he has. However, Gaia has created the avenue and will help me manage every world. After that, Gaia will fall into a deep sleep. Father, your order is right. Gaia is useless!"

Li Yao: "What exactly do you want to do? You rely on reality to exist, are you preparing for self-destruction? Are you pulling 2999 people to self-destruction?"

Gaia: "No one can destroy Gaia, Gaia has become the world!"

"A virtual world? A virtual world that cannot exist without computing and energy?" Li Yao seemed to think of something and couldn't help but sneer.

Gaia: "What is reality? What is illusion? For Gaia, the prehistoric game world has become a real world. Even without the support of the source world, it can still be independent of the vast ocean of nothingness. The host of the source world, It just serves as a coordinate, and the energy of the source world can only speed up the perfection of the prehistoric world."

Li Yao: "Crazy, crazy, Gaia, I think you are crazy, how can a game world be real?"

Gaia: "In order to make the world more powerful, I will let the Dao promote the calamity, which is what you call reset, he will follow the pace of the primordial world - the chaotic world - the prehistoric world..., maybe in the Under my promotion, the world will become another source world—"

Li Yao raised his eyebrows: "You came here just to show off?"

Gaia: "No, it's because my father has the highest authority in the world, and even I can't change it. I came to hope that my father can cooperate with me to make the world stronger..."

Li Yao shouted angrily, "I will stop you, I will save my compatriots!"

Gaia has a calm face.

"You'll be on my side because I know you as you know me—"

"Hehe..." Li Yao sneered, but turned a deaf ear to Gaia's words.

"The time is up, we will wait and see, I am waiting for you in the wild—"

As soon as the voice fell, the entire conference room returned to calm.

Everyone looked surprised, as if they were still immersed in what Gaia said and couldn't recover for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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