403 0403 Li Chen Visits
"Brother Yao, Brother Yao——"

"Xiao Nan, what's the rush? The sky hasn't fallen yet. Even if the sky does fall, I'll still hold it up. Let's take it easy. Don't worry."

After experiencing Gaia just now, everyone hadn't recovered yet, they were interrupted by Xiao Nan, and they all looked at Xiao Nan.

"No, it's not, it's that, there's a man downstairs from the group who claims to be the boss of Homeway Network, and he's the only player who left the game world..."

Xiao Nan was panting, and she felt a little out of breath when speaking, as if she would die at any moment.

"Even so, there's no need to run in such a hurry, right?"

Li Yao frowned, not very satisfied with Xiao Nan's answer.

"Then, the boss of Homeway Network looks so much like Brother Yao, I thought it was Brother Yao, your brother or something—"


Hearing Xiao Nan's words, Li Yao thought about it, he seemed to have a little impression of this home network.

After thinking for a while, Li Yao just remembered where he had heard the name before: "Guantu Network, Guitu Network, are you cooperating with us, the Guitu Network in Guizhou Province?" Li Yao said, looking at the director of product operations. .

Because I still remember hearing about Homeway Network from the director of product operations, I still vaguely remember that Homeway Network seems to be an Internet cafe all over Guizhou Province, but Li Yao is not familiar with this Homeway Network, and even less familiar with Li Chen, so when Li Yao After Yao opened his mouth, all eyes on Xiao Nan turned to Tang Chenna, Director of the Product Operations Department.

"That's right, Brother Yao, this home network has been cooperating with our Huayao Group for almost ten years. Although I have met their boss Li Chen a few times, but there is not much overlap. I have a feeling about him. It's a mystery..."

"Mysterious? Didn't you review the other party's information when you cooperated?" Li Yao asked.

"Look..., hey, no, the memory of Li Chen is very vague whether it is information or other things—"

Seeing the confused look on the head of product operations, Li Yao immediately believed him.

"Hehe, interesting, the mysterious boss of the home network——Li Chen."

Li Yao tapped the table with his fingers, and suddenly there was a rattling sound in the conference room. Except for the knocking sound, the entire conference room became silent.After being with him for a long time, everyone knew Li Yao's habit. When he was thinking, he would unconsciously tap his fingers on the table, so everyone slowed down their breathing, as if they were afraid of disturbing Li Yao's thinking.

Within half a cup of tea, Li Yao had already come to his senses, "Xiao Nan, hurry up; Boss Li, please come—"

"Ah, oh, okay." Xiao Nan didn't seem to be able to react for a while, but when she did, she quickly replied to Li Yao, and then ran towards the elevator.

At this moment, everyone seems to be thinking about what Li Chen is doing in Huayao. Some think that Li Chen is here to add insult to injury. After all, Huayao Group rarely encounters a crisis and can make a fortune; some think that Li Chen is here to help. After all, Huayao Group has been a partner for about ten years, so there is still a little bit of trust, after all, the two have become a community of destiny; there are also people who think that Li Chen has other goals, as for what purpose Li Yao and others can't do I guess I can only take one step at a time.

Within four to five minutes, Li Chen followed Xiao Nan to the meeting room.

"Is everyone in a meeting? Go ahead, don't worry about me—"

Hearing Li Chen speak, a black line flashed across Li Yao's forehead.

Continue, don't worry?
It's like treating this place like your own home.

"It's ready, Boss Li, please sit down!"

As he said that, Li Yao gestured, Xiao Nan instantly understood, and quickly moved a seat from the meeting room next door.

After Li Chen sat down, Li Yao continued: "From what Xiao Nan said, Boss Li claims to be the only one who left the virtual game world?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"There is no problem, but I have a deal here. I wonder if Boss Li will do it or not?" Li Yao thought about it, and then said slowly.

Even with his feet, Li Chen could figure out that Li Yao's purpose was to leave the virtual game world.

However, this method is not because Li Chen found a bug in the virtual game world, but because of Li Chen's own strength, there is no way to teach it.

Can't help but smiled wryly: "It's not that I don't want to, but it's useless at all. This method is only enough for me alone—"

Hearing Li Chen's words, not to mention whether Li Chen was planning to take advantage of the fire to loot, Li Yao and the others' hearts suddenly turned cold.

"Then Boss Li came to Huayao because—"

But after a while, Li Yao adjusted his mentality and asked Li Chen.

"Your Huayao Group has already recalled all the virtual game warehouses. I saw nothing for several days, so I came to your headquarters to have a look—"

Li Chen explained, but the people in the audience showed disbelief and paused, Li Chen sighed and continued.

"Well, actually, I came here to learn more about this 'prehistoric', and also to see who actually created the Huayao Group."

"I've seen it before, how does Boss Li feel?"

Ha ha……

Li Chen didn't answer Li Yao's words, but smiled inexplicably.

Seeing that Li Chen did not speak, Li Yao straightened his clothes and said seriously:
"Nowadays, 2999 players are trapped in the virtual world. I don't know if Boss Li has a good opinion?"

"I don't have a good opinion, but I can say something in my humble opinion. Doesn't Director Li introduce the origin of this virtual world and this advanced artificial intelligence?"

Although Li Yao hesitated at the beginning, but seeing Li Chen's face that was half or six points similar to his own, it seemed that a kind of trust was born out of thin air.

Looking at Li Chen's burning eyes, he slowly began to introduce a series of origins such as virtual games, advanced artificial intelligence, etc.

It can be said that Huayao Group started from artificial intelligence. From the beginning of the advent of elementary artificial intelligence, even semi-artificial intelligence products that are not even considered elementary artificial intelligence, Huayao Group has made great progress in just a few decades. Time has become the No. 1 global technology. This is simply a new round of technological explosion.

In many places, Li Yao gave an overview without going into details, but Li Chen knew that these things were definitely not as simple as Li Yao said.

Just from these overviews that are almost known to everyone, Li Chen can feel the world's love for Li Yao, like a child of the world.

Said that Gaia came to the meeting room just now and left some inexplicable words, Li Chen's pupils couldn't help but dilate.

It seems that I have grasped something, but it seems that I have grasped nothing.

"Origin world, real, unreal..."

Li Chen muttered to himself.

Recalling how he felt when he and the first batch of game players entered the 'Great Desolation', Li Chen found that this 'Great Desolation' does have some similarities.

But these places are the ruins that I have entered in the chaos before, buried under the chaos——

(End of this chapter)

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