CH 404 0404 Doomsday World

Source world, real, unreal...

Prehistoric, Chaos, Primordial...

A thought struck Li Chen's mind like a bolt of lightning - not only the prehistoric world, but also chaos, and even the shattered primordial world...

These are just illusory worlds?
As soon as this idea appeared in his mind, Li Chen couldn't help feeling horrified, because if it was true, everything Li Chen had experienced before was nothing but an illusory world.

"Illusory world, illusory world..."

Li Chen muttered to himself, but his eyes became brighter and brighter, as if some kind of flame that could burn the sky and the earth was burning in his eyes.

Li Yao, who was in sight, was discussing something intensely with a group of Huayao Group executives, but not a single sound reached Li Chen's ears, and everything around him began to become unreal, as if it had been erased by an eraser , There was a feeling of dizziness in my mind.

The world returned to darkness, and in an instant, Li Chen seemed to be far away from all the hustle and bustle.

"what happened?"

The five senses were deprived, but Li Chen was full of doubts about his current situation.

When Li Chen felt the weight of his eyelids and opened his eyes again, the changes in front of him made Li Chen's tone a little surprised.

It was daytime in the previous world, but it was already night in this world, but it didn't affect Li Chen's vision.

"This is where?"

Li Chen was very surprised by the sight in front of him, feeling as if he had come to the crater.

I saw a barren land above, with huge cracks criss-crossing, and there seemed to be heat rising in the cracks.Not only that, the air is also filled with a sulfur smell, which seems to be the smell after a volcanic eruption...

"Could it be time-traveling again?"

Li Chen thought subconsciously.

After trying to run the mana in his body, he found that the mana that could not be used before was able to be used now. Although it was still suppressed, it was much better than before.

But when he looked up and saw the channel formed by the distorted and repulsed and slowly disappearing Dao power, Li Chen immediately denied the idea of ​​crossing again.

The main reason why I left that world before was because I got the words left by Gaia from Li Yao, and I began to suspect that the world I was in was fictional, so I triggered a certain mechanism and caused myself to leave that world.

Otherwise, Li Chen is probably still looking for a way to leave in that world at this time.

It can confuse the powerful in the Dao Realm, making them unable to distinguish between reality and illusion. Even Li Chen could not escape the interference of this force, which shows how powerful this force is.

It may not be that this world at this time is also a world created by this unknown force.

After all, it can make even the strong in the Great Dao Realm unable to distinguish reality from reality, and simulating a distorted passage is not easy.

Of course, doubts are doubts. Seeing that his doubts did not trigger any mechanism as before, Li Chen didn't care, and began to explore the world as before.

Although the surrounding temperature is very high, reaching more than 60 degrees, it is nothing to Li Chen. When he cannot use mana, Li Chen can rely on his body to resist the damage caused by this temperature, and he can use mana and other extraordinary powers to deal with the damage. Not to mention.

As time passed, a ray of light pierced the sky, and the originally dark world suddenly became brighter.

As a corner of the sun overflowed the horizon, it didn't take long for the entire fireball to hang above the sky. Seeing the sun, Li Chen finally understood why the world had changed so much.

The sun, which was originally only the size of a plate, now has the size of a hula hoop in Li Chen's eyes. The sun's endless heat pours down on the earth, so it's no wonder it doesn't change so much.

At this moment, the temperature of the surrounding environment has reached more than 500 degrees, and normal life would have been ripe long ago. More than 500 degrees is not something normal life can survive, so Li Chen also gave up the idea of ​​looking for life in this world.

If the world is still on the earth, the biggest reason for this change is that the distance from the sun has become closer.

But the distance between the sun and the earth cannot be said to be closer, or the earth has lost mass for some reason, is affected by the sun's gravity, and is pulled into the space between Mercury and Venus by the sun.Either the sun has accelerated the process of death and turned into a red giant ahead of time, making the sun expand to the space between Venus and Mercury, which makes the sun look bigger.

Of course, there is also a very high possibility that Li Chen is not on the earth at all at this time, but on other planets. In this way, these scenes will not be surprising.

The vast expanse of land was bare, but Li Chen got impatient as he walked, and directly mobilized his mana to lift into the sky, flying towards the outside of the world at a speed close to the speed of light.

The farther he went, Li Chen felt that the more power he was consuming, the pulling force from the planet under his feet seemed to be much stronger, as if the whole world was preventing anything or life from leaving this world.

After breaking through the stratosphere of the atmosphere, Li Chen's power was consumed very quickly, and the self-sufficient power began to be unable to make ends meet.

Of course, the impact of increased power consumption is not too great. Even if the power has been consumed like this without any new power being produced, Li Chen can still last for a hundred or eighty days without any problem.

Therefore, Li Chen only paid attention to the consumption of his own power at the beginning, and then he didn't pay much attention to it. He still flew out of the world with his huge power.

At this moment, Li Chen had already flown to an altitude of 800KM, and the sun appeared in Li Chen's eyes. Looking at the world under his feet, Li Chen found that the whole world looked like an apocalyptic scene.

The continental plates are not distributed as Li Chen remembers at all. Almost 70% of the ocean now looks like only about 30%. The earth is no longer the third planet in the solar system, but the first in the solar system. A planet, the closest planet to the sun.

As for Mercury and Venus, there is no doubt that they have been swallowed by the sun.

The originally bright yellow sun has now turned crimson in his eyes, as bright as blood, like the eyes of a devil——

The high-altitude moon has disappeared, replaced by debris piled up nearly the entire Earth's equator.

Li Chen couldn't even imagine what kind of disaster brought the world to this point.

The sun, which is 100 billion years old and has a lifespan of only 46 billion years, and has only passed half of its entire lifespan, unexpectedly entered the countdown to death ahead of schedule.

The moon shattered, the continental plates shifted, and more than half of the seawater disappeared out of thin air...

If it wasn't for some ruins on the mainland that Li Chen could barely recognize, maybe Li Chen thought he had come to an alien planet.

(End of this chapter)

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