Chapter 406 0406
Under Li Chen's power, the security door in the basement was directly dismantled like a toy.

After entering the basement, Li Chen's power of will quickly spread out.

The main reason is that the basement was underground. Even with Li Chen's strong willpower, he could only scan to a range of three meters underground. As for the area below three meters, Li Chen was helpless.

Yes.Even Li Chen didn't know what was hidden in the basement.

However, the power of will did not give Li Chen any good news. After scanning the entire basement, Li Chen already knew the general situation.

There are only 5 floors of the basement that can be scanned by Li Chen, and the floors below the [-]th floor have been replaced by cold rock and soil.

In other words, when the disaster happened, the entire basement below the fifth floor was directly staggered from the basement above the fifth floor due to the movement of the earth's crust.

However, Li Chen found a lot of interesting things in the only five-story basement. The first floor is also the one closest to the ground. The fixing measures were done relatively well, and basically the computer room on this floor was not damaged much.

The second floor is not a laboratory as Li Chen imagined, but a storage room where various materials are piled up. Almost all raw materials for making electronic components can be found on this floor.

On the third floor, there is nothing else, it is very empty, and the elevator above cannot continue down after reaching this floor.

You can see some emergency safety doors in this empty space, which can immediately seal off all the floors below the third floor. Numerous thermal imaging probes, face recognition probes, infrared sensor probes, iris recognition, etc. The security inspection probes are all over the entire third floor space. Not only that, but according to Li Chen's induction, there are countless weapon systems on this floor, such as laser protection net system, automatic machine gun system, electric shock system, strong magnetic system and so on.

You don't need to think about the function of the third basement. If you want to enter the world below the third floor, you have to break through the defense of the third basement.

But after the doomsday, the power supply was cut off, and with only the backup power supply, the third basement could not resist Li Chen's invasion at all.High-energy weapons such as the strong magnetic system, the laser protection net system, the electric shock system, etc. cannot be used due to lack of energy, and the automatic machine gun system can be used, but Li Chen has not yet approached the third floor, so he directly intercepted it with the power of will. All backup power on third floor.

The harsh sirens once again made noise in this world, but none of them could stop Li Chen from moving forward.

Even if the protective doors on the third floor were made of alloy, under Li Chen's power of will, they were directly twisted into twists.

Li Chen cleared the third floor and came to the fourth floor of the world below the third floor. Just looking at the fourth floor, he knew that he had come to the core area of ​​the entire spaceship building.

The fourth floor is full of studios for researching electronic components. From there, half of the smart terminal equipment is completed. Li Chen can be sure that the new generation of Apple products is developed from this floor.

The fifth floor is different from the fourth floor. Although the research on the fifth floor is high-tech, it is weapons. The remnants of many weapons can be seen everywhere on the fifth floor, such as laser weapons, electromagnetic weapons, etc.

Although Li Chen is not a scientific and technological person, the road to the great road leads to the same goal. By analogy, many technologies were derived by Li Chen.

Seeing the semi-finished weapons on the display racks, Li Chen didn't even look at them, and went straight to a corner on the fifth floor.

The corner is a bit like a pile of waste, and many weapon components are randomly piled here.

Li Chen's target is not these weapon components, but one of the cold weapons, specifically the purple crystals on the cold weapon as decorations.

Yes, Li Chen also finds it inconceivable that there are cold weapons among a bunch of high-tech weapons.

But these are not important, the important thing is that Li Chen obtained this purple crystal.

In Li Chen's sensing, this purple crystal was full of enormous power, but when Li Chen sensed it carefully, he found that this purple crystal was just an ordinary crystal.

Moreover, the shape and color of this crystal are very similar to the infinite gemstones in the information given by Tongtian Tower.

At this moment, the upgrade of Tongtian Tower is still short of the four treasures of World Gem, Void Fragment, Infinite Gem, and Eternal Light. If this purple crystal is an infinite gem, Li Chen's Tongtian Tower will be further away from upgrading.

A suction force came from Li Chen's hand, and the sword inlaid with purple crystals flew directly into Li Chen's hand.

Li Chen patted lightly, and the purple gemstone inlaid on the sword immediately fell into Li Chen's hands.

When there is a light source, the purple crystal emits a mysterious purple light, which gives people the first impression of mystery.

Li Chen followed the prompts in the information given by Tongtian Tower, and the huge power in his body was continuously input into the purple crystal. After gaining Li Chen's power, the seemingly ordinary purple crystal was like a small purple sun.

Endless energy surged from the crystal, and wherever the light irradiated, it was covered with a layer of purple crystal.

At first glance, the crystal looks the same as the purple crystal in Li Chen's hand, but if you look closely, you can find that the purple crystal in Li Chen's hand is much darker in color.

Everything shows that this purple crystal is exactly the infinity gem that Li Chen has worked so hard to find.

It really didn't take much effort to find nowhere to go, probably Dao Dao would never have thought that he would actually get the upgraded treasure of the Tongtian Tower in this Wusheng Township.

Putting the Infinity Gem into the Tongtian Tower, Li Chen directly left the fifth floor.

Except for this infinite gem, those other weapons are of no use to Li Chen.

If it weren't for this infinite gemstone, Li Chen probably wouldn't have come to this basement.

Back in the basement on the first floor, Li Chen looked at these servers, and a huge force of will surged out and connected to these servers.

A huge stream of information is like a confluence, gathering here at Li Chen through Li Chen's willpower.

Li Chen did not check the information at the first time, but read it with all his strength. It is estimated that after this time, these servers will be almost useless, so Li Chen will get as much information as he can.

After half an hour, Li Chen just copied all the information into his mind.

After roughly scanning the information, and eliminating some messy and useless ones, Li Chen found that the final point was the Huayao Group in Huaxia——

The point is not this, but the point is that there is Huayao Group in this world?

Li Chen felt very unbelievable. He didn't know the relationship between this world and the previous world he experienced...

This world is the future of the previous world?Or is it that the two worlds have nothing to do with each other, and the Huayao Group is just an accident with the same name?

So after finishing all this, Li Chen couldn't help thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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