Chapter 407 0407 Huayao Group's Basement
'No, Huayao Group is not an accident! '

Li Chen thought of the broken information he obtained in outer space, with the words "Hua... Group", wouldn't it be Huayao Group to fill it up?
There is also "escape... ten strokes", Li Chen seems to be "escape... plan".

From this, it can be seen that human beings are not helpless in the face of a crisis. At least they have made an escape plan. Li Chen can preliminarily infer that all human beings on the earth are not extinct. Maybe they are fleeing in the universe at this moment?

But Li Chen was not sure that his idea was correct. To prove his idea, Li Chen could only go to the Huayao Group in Huaxia mentioned in the message.

If the Huayao Group in this world is like what happened in the previous world, if it is a certain time period in the future of the previous world, then only the Huayao Group will have the information Li Chen wants, and Li Chen will know this world What was the reason for the collapse.

The broken information obtained in outer space belonged to both aliens and Gaia, making it difficult for Li Chen to judge who is right and who is right.

However, Li Chen remembered that when he left the last world, Li Yao of the Huayao Group had already taken protective measures to physically isolate Gaia. If the two worlds were really just a certain section of the same timeline, Li Chen couldn't figure out what happened in the middle so that the destruction of this world was related to the alien Gaia and so on.

The huge force directly collapsed the entire Apple spaceship building, obliterating all traces of Apple, leaving only a pile of ruins and the basement buried under the ruins.

After doing all of this, Li Chen lifted off on the spot like a cloud-piercing arrow, and shot towards Huaxia.

Li Chen flashed across the sky like a shooting star, even in the daytime, it was still dazzling.

It's a pity that the earth is already ruined at this time, without any life, otherwise Li Chen will definitely become the headline of the next day.

The supersonic flight made it possible to reach the long distance in less than a few minutes, and it took only about ten minutes to reach Huaxia.

Compared with Uncle Sam, Huaxia is also in ruins, especially the prosperous cities on the coastline, but now there are only some ruins left.

The same is true for many places in the inland area, which have been paid attention to by sea water.

Coming to the Huayao Group Building in my memory, although the top of the Huayao Group Building has disappeared and many floors have collapsed, I can still see the appearance of the past, which is not far from the Huayao Group in my memory.

Li Chen followed his memory and came to the meeting room where he met Li Yao. The journey was almost chaotic, and there was no place to step down. Li Chen could be said to have floated to the meeting room.

The meeting room was as chaotic as Li Chen imagined. He thought that there would be something left in the meeting room, but found that almost all the electronic equipment here had been scrapped.

But Li Chen thinks about it too, the earth has changed drastically, the temperature during the day can be as high as [-] to [-] degrees, it is impossible to keep the memory card and other electronic chips in such a high temperature.

After all, these are used in daily use under normal conditions, and there is no series of technical treatments such as radiation protection and heat resistance.

If one wants to keep some technological products in such a harsh environment, unless a basement is built like Apple's spaceship building, otherwise, Li Chen's trip here is just a waste of time.

As China's first technology group company, will it build a basement?Li Chen didn't believe it.

You must know that in the last world, Li Chen heard that the host that carries Gaia is in this basement.

The huge power of will leaked out of the body again, covering the entire Huayao Building.

Not long after, Li Chen found the entrance to the basement of Huayao Building.

There is only one entrance to the entire basement, and the entrance is in the lobby of the group company.

Unlike the normal entrance, the entire entrance is built to fit the environment very well, just under the floor of the hall.

Controlling the power of will, Li Chen lifted it suddenly, and the entire entrance floor was lifted by Li Chen.

Below is a slope about three meters wide and ten meters long.

As the slope went down, Li Chen found himself in an empty hall, which was similar to the third floor of the basement of the Apple Spaceship Building. The entire hall on the first floor was full of sensors.

But the difference is that the first floor is not full of various weapons like the Apple Company. There is a huge lamp post in the center of the hall. After scanning with Li Chen's willpower, it is found that it is a super-large special weapon. The Sla circle, including the walls, floor, and ceiling of the entire hall, is made of a very thick layer of tempered glass, and the insulating material behind the tempered glass is clearly visible, which shows that Huayao Company has put a lot of effort into protection.

Li Chen preliminarily estimated that the power of this Tesla circle would be hundreds of millions of volts. If the enemy entered it, hehe, sorry, it would probably be a pile of coke.

When Li Chen came here, he found that unlike the basement of Apple's Spaceship Building, the basement of Huayao Group still seemed to have sufficient energy.

The moment Li Chen came here, several scans came towards Li Chen.

"An intrusion has been found, please take immediate measures!"

"An intrusion has been found, please take immediate measures!"

"An intrusion has been found, please take immediate measures!"


The ear-piercing siren rang in Li Chen's ears, bringing a lot of noise to the silent basement.

As Li Chen moved forward, the siren suddenly changed:
"Please stop the intrusion immediately, the system will activate the defense system within three seconds!"


Hearing the end of the countdown, and seeing a dazzling light flashing on the Tesla circle, Li Chen could feel the metal ground instantly become very hot, and even feel a huge electric energy passing through his body.

If it is a normal person, under such a strong high pressure, it will be directly carbonized.

But is Li Chen a normal person?
Even if the voltage and current entering Li Chen could not be refined immediately, it would still be absorbed and sealed by Li Chen.

Li Chen found that this electric energy was different from the thunder and lightning power of Chaos and Primordial, more violent and powerful than the thunder and lightning power of Primordial and Primordial Chaos, so Li Chen sealed it in his body for future research.

Originally thought that after this high-voltage attack, it would be over, but unexpectedly, after the high-voltage attack, the familiar electronic sound sounded again:
"Tesla's high-voltage attack failed, and a strong electromagnetic attack will be launched in 3 seconds!"


As soon as the words fell, a huge magnetic force emanated from the surrounding walls. After feeling the strength of this magnetic force, Li Chen couldn't help but understand it.

After the high-voltage attack, how could this strong magnetic attack be weak.

If a creature enters here, under this strong magnetic attack, maybe the metal elements in the entire body will be directly pulled away under this strong magnetic field.

One can imagine what would happen if a creature suddenly lost all metal elements.

Especially the iron element is an essential part of the blood in the human body, if it disappears completely, hehe, it will only wait for death——

But to Li Chen, these are trivial matters——

(End of this chapter)

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