Chapter 411 0411 Strength?

Hearing Li Chen's answer, Gaia seemed relieved, and comforted: "Father, don't worry, as time goes by, he will recover slowly—"

Li Chen doesn't know if Li Yao will recover, but Li Chen can be sure that he will never recover. After all, his name is Li Chen and not Li Yao, so how could he recover Li Yao's memory.

At present, Li Chen wants to see the appearance of this Ghost Clan for himself, it would be even better if he can conduct research in person.

Whatever you want, Gaia's face suddenly becomes serious:
"Father, you have to go back to the survival warehouse, and the ghosts are chasing after you. Only by entering my world can I protect you from being swallowed by the ghosts—"

"The ghost clan is coming?"

"Yes, father..." The power system inside the entire spaceship began to become unstable due to the arrival of the ghosts. There was a déjà vu feeling of a haunted house, and even Gaia's words became intermittent because of the instability of the power system.

Several robots came out of the spaceship's warehouse, holding an unknown weapon, and a wire used to transmit data and power was hanging behind them.

The robot with the wire, I don't know whether it is the advancement of technology or the backwardness of technology, but in order to deal with the interference of the ghosts, it can only be so.

If it is transmitted wirelessly, Gaia has no way to control these robots under the interference of the ghosts.

The robots in front of him are still a very small part, and there are countless robots guarding each warehouse of the spaceship.

Even all the energy weapons on the outside of the spaceship have been activated, and all kinds of detectors on the spaceship are constantly searching for traces of the ghosts.

"It's late, father, you hurry to the control room now, a ghost has already passed through my protective net and is coming this way—"

Sensing the situation in the spaceship, Gaia suddenly said angrily, countless valves were closed under Gaia's control, and a ghost race rushed left and right, and was heading towards Li Chen's direction at high speed.

"Damn ghosts!" Suddenly, Gaia yelled angrily, but disappeared in front of Li Chen. Outside the entire spaceship, countless bucket-sized ghosts were constantly breaking through the defense of the spaceship and entering the spaceship.

After entering the spaceship, some ghosts flew towards Li Chen's direction, and some ghosts found the terminals of those devices, which seemed to be transformed into a kind of data energy, through which they attacked Gaia's "prehistoric" world.

The ghosts are simply too terrifying, they would attack Gaia's data line and enter the 'prehistoric'. You must know that virtuality and reality are not the same thing at all, even though Gaia's world may have become an independent world to some extent. There is a very big difference between the real world of the universe and the universe, but even so, it is invaded by these ghosts.

Gaia didn't care about Li Chen's side. For Li Chen, it was too bad. He couldn't use spells, and he couldn't mobilize his willpower. Apart from his physical body, he was powerless.

A ghost tribe broke through the blockade of the robot and came to Li Chen, and suddenly jumped on Li Chen.

Li Chen only felt a cold thing wrapped around his head, as if there were countless tentacles trying to drag his consciousness out of the sea of ​​consciousness.

These tentacles gave Li Chen a very familiar feeling, just like his own body, which made Li Chen extremely shocked.

'Could it be that he was originally a ghost family? '

No one could explain to Li Chen that at the critical moment, Li Chen's consciousness was like a glutton, and he opened his bloody mouth directly, devouring all the tentacles entangled in his consciousness.

The ghost entwined around Li Chen's head froze suddenly, trying to escape from Li Chen like a rabbit.

However, Li Chen, who had swallowed part of his tentacles, seemed to have recovered a lot of strength, and his entire power of will turned into a black curtain, directly wrapping the ghost clan in front of him who wanted to escape from him, and the ghost clan only had time to let out a mournful and deep voice , was directly devoured by Li Chen.

Not only did the ghost clan who heard the stern voice outside the spaceship not leave, but they attacked more violently, looking like they would never die.

With no threat to his life, Li Chen just now had time to feel this familiar force.

After devouring this Ghost Clan, Li Chen found that not only his exhausted power of will had been fully recovered, but even the energy in his body had been restored as before.There are even more than half of the ghosts who have not been 'digested'.

"This is……"

Li Chen analyzed the Ghost Clan, and couldn't help being surprised.

In Li Chen's induction, this ghost clan is like a life transformed from the concentrated power of calamity.

However, Li Chen doesn't understand why the ghost clan is related to the power of robbery. Perhaps only Gaia can explain it. From Li Chen's point of view, even if Gaia and Li Yao are in a cooperative relationship, Gaia still hides the truth. many things.

The current human race exists by relying on Gaia, even if scientists such as Li Yao know about Gaia's little tricks, so what?This is the tragedy of the weak.

Even if Li Chen recovers the power of will, Li Chen can't use too much power. The most important thing is that this world suppresses extraordinary power very much. What Li Chen can use is a series of things like rays, energy flow, etc. Attacks, such as fingerprints and spells, are useless at all.

Moreover, Li Chen found that if he continued to absorb the ghost clan, the more power he could use in this world would become.

In this way, in Li Chen's eyes, these ghosts are not scourges, but moving delicacies one after another.

If all the ghosts can be swallowed up, not to mention how much Li Chen's power will increase, at least the power that Li Chen can use in this world will also become stronger.

Thinking of this, Li Chen's willpower connected to the terminal of the spaceship and forcibly took over the control of the spaceship. As Li Chen moved forward, the protective door in front of him suddenly opened.


The sound of footsteps echoed in the corridor. The spaceship has a series of life support systems such as constant pressure, constant temperature, and air circulation, so the sound can still be transmitted in the spaceship.

Along the way, Li Chen saw that countless robots became the terminals for the Ghost Clan to invade the 'prehistoric' world.

Seeing Li Chen's arrival, those ghost tribes gathered around Li Chen like cats smelling fishy, ​​rushing around, as if they wanted to get a piece of the pie from Li Chen.

However, after Li Chen regained his strength, how could it be easy to get along with each other? Those ghosts who rushed towards Li Chen were controlled by Li Chen's willpower when they were less than five meters in front of Li Chen.

Countless energies (the power of calamity) were drawn by Li Chen like spring water, and countless ghosts were piled up like gravel in front of Li Chen.

"The power of robbery, I haven't eaten so full for a long time—"

Sensing the undigested power, Li Chen felt that he could catch a few more ghosts, maybe he could break through the shackles on his body with the huge power of the ghosts——

(End of this chapter)

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