Chapter 412 0412 Who are you?
Li Chen is like a black hole, as long as it is a ghost family, Li Chen will not refuse it, and devour it all as if it is delicious.Countless ghosts sensed Li Chen's existence, and moved towards Li Chen like cats smelling fishy smell, without any fear at all.

Seeing these ghosts approaching him one after another, Li Chen curled his lips and said indifferently:

"That's good too, so I won't have to catch them one by one."

From the whole scene, it seems that Li Chen is the hunter and these ghosts are just the prey.

For Li Chen, there is nothing worth paying attention to about these ghosts. After the mysterious ability to devour will and consciousness is gone, Li Chen is not as good as a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

But Li Chen didn't know that what he seemed to be able to solve easily would be a catastrophe for others.

The main reason is the power of calamity cultivated by Li Chen. If not for this, Li Chen could only flee in embarrassment like an ordinary creature in the face of this ghost clan.

Speaking of the power of calamity, it is still very mysterious, at least in the chaos and prehistoric times, Li Chen has never seen any creatures who practice the same power of calamity.

At most, it is only to discover the avenues related to the way of practicing calamity, such as the way of bad luck, the way of disaster, and so on.

And this power of catastrophe is what Li Chen was born with, just like the innate supernatural powers of ordinary gods and demons.If it wasn't for the fact that his body was constructed by the power of calamity at the beginning of the world, the power of calamity in his body has undergone countless changes, and even Li Chen doubted whether this body was arranged by others.

But fortunately, Li Chen can be sure that his will has not been distorted by others at this time, and his choice is from the will of the heart, otherwise Li Chen really would not dare to devour the Ghost Clan so wantonly and strengthen the Dao of Tribulation in his body.

The scene of Li Chen devouring the Ghost Clan is very spectacular, but Gaia's world is in chaos at this moment, but there is no mood and no time to monitor Li Chen.

At this moment, Gaia's world "prehistoric" is in the primordial period, and countless ghost races invaded Gaia's world and then directly collapsed into Gaia's world.

Of course, if you really think that there is no threat if these ghost clans are scattered in the world, then you are completely wrong. With the collapse of countless ghost clans, a terrifying murderous intent began to appear in the world of Gaia , even with the power of Gaia, this murderous intent cannot be suppressed, so it can only be allowed to wreak havoc in the world.

Human beings who enter Gaia through life support warehouses and personal terminals are arranged by Gaia with various identities in this world. This world is like the second world of human beings. When the originally harmonious world appears in this murderous opportunity , the consciousness of countless people was blinded by murderous intent, and they began to become irritable.

Maybe just a word or a look can become a reason to do it at this moment.

The whole world is mired in the swamp of attack, and the sound of shouting and shouting is everywhere.

If it weren't for Gaia suppressing this alien force behind the scenes, it is estimated that the whole world would not be overthrown.

If Li Chen was here, he would absolutely know what this world is going through, which is exactly the round after round of calamity in the prehistoric world.

But obviously Gaia's world experienced a calamity for the first time, with no experience, a good calamity almost caused the sky to fall apart.

"Father, why are you in the 'prehistoric'? You are not—"

Gaia couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw Li Yao in the 'Prehistoric', obviously Li Yao never had time to enter the 'Prehistoric', how could he be here at this time?
This is a serious question!

Hearing Gaia's words, Li Yao said without thinking, "I've been in the 'prehistoric' all along, what's wrong..."

"What's the matter with you in the spaceship? I came to the 'prehistoric' from reality and just separated from you—" Gaia asked.

"What? Gaia, you are not infected by a virus, are you? Obviously I have never been out—"

Gaia played everything in front of Li Yao.

Looking at this scene, Li Yao couldn't help frowning, and even wondered if he had forgotten something because his body had been asleep for too long.

Suddenly didn't know what to say.

Seeing Li Yao frowning, Gaia seemed to feel that the matter was not that simple, because Li Yao's expression and reflection all told Gaia that Li Yao was not lying.

Gaia: "Father, don't worry, when we clean up the invading ghosts, we will know what's going on when we go out and have a look."

Li Yao had no choice but to do so, because of the invasion of the Ghost Clan, all the players who had entered the 'Primeval' were blocked in it, unable to leave at all, and Gaia, as the main force to suppress the robbery, was completely useless.

At this moment, Li Chen has come to the stern of the spaceship, and countless ghosts have been absorbed by Li Chen, making Li Chen's power stronger in the process.

Even Li Chen can not need Li Yao's body, and directly condense his figure in reality with boundless will power.

Thinking of it, Li Chen began to implement it according to his own will.

Separated from Li Yao's body, Li Chen's body of condensed energy looked a bit like a god or Buddha descending to earth, with colorful colors on his body, completely opposite to the darkness of the ghost clan.

And Li Chen seemed to feel a long-lost relief, as if he had taken off a heavy shackle.

Li Chen's body of will took a step forward, but he saw Li Yao's body behind him fell to the ground like a vegetable.

After Li Chen appeared in the spaceship with a body of will, those ghosts who besieged Li Chen, who seemed to be immortal, suddenly seemed to have encountered a natural enemy, and they were ready to scatter and escape the moment Li Chen appeared.

However, since Li Chen had already appeared in front of people, he was naturally not afraid of these ghosts running away. Li Chen took a breath, his mouth was like a bottomless pit, and the endless energy in space was immediately attracted by Li Chen.

Even those ghosts who were about to escape slowly approached Li Chen's bloody maw in this energy-specific suction.

Seemingly sensing danger, those ghosts swam even harder.

Needless to say, there are really a few that escaped from Li Chen's engulfment and hid in the vast universe.

Smash it, smash his mouth, Li Chen seems to have a feeling that he still has more to say.

The outside ghosts were cleaned up by Li Chen, and there were no new ghosts invading the 'Honghuang', so the pressure on Gaia and others was much less.

But none of this has much to do with Li Chen. After devouring the Ghost Clan, Li Chen seemed to have reached a certain condition, and the whole world began to become illusory just like the previous worlds.

Even when Li Chen thought that he was going to leave this world, the indicator lights in the eyes of those robots who stood still and didn't understand, turned their heads to look at where Li Chen was.

"who are you?"

Countless voices rang in Li Chen's ears like one.

(End of this chapter)

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