Chapter 413 0413 I am professional in touching corpses

Of course, it was impossible for Li Chen to reply to Gaia. It didn't take long for the entire surrounding environment to return to normal.

It seems that the electronically synthesized sounds that Li Chen heard were all dreams.

It wasn't until Li Chen woke up that he felt his current state.

At this time, Li Chen realized that he was not in the normal world at all, but instead seemed to be in nothingness. His whole body was in a strange floating state, just like a corpse floating in the universe.

For the first time, Li Chen thought that he had traveled to another world again.

However, Li Chen sensed that his power was not restricted at all, and he was able to exert 100% of the power of a strong person in the Dao realm, and in this world, there was a certain amount of bonus to the power of a strong person in the Dao realm.

Feeling this, Li Chen just believed that he was not dragged into those worlds again.

In Li Chen's induction, the world here is very strange.

Those worlds that are like illusions, some of them are the worlds experienced by Li Chen. Many creatures just passed through these worlds, as if their souls were left in the world by these illusion worlds. angry body.

Among them are the bodies of powerful men of the Heavenly Dao Realm and even the Great Dao Realm.

It was terrifying.

As far as Li Chen himself is concerned, among the three worlds he has passed through, the first and second ones are okay. If the third world is a normal strong person, they will basically be swallowed by these ghosts. Being devoured, it almost wiped out the ghost clan.

If every strong person goes through the same experience, for ordinary strong people, the third stage is a stage that must die. Whether you are fighting the ghost clan to the end, or stepping into deep space to escape, you will not be able to avoid the fate of death .

Li Chen passed through the Wusheng Township intact, and through the power of his will, he could see the whole picture of the Wusheng Township. In fact, it was a place where bubble worlds gathered.

However, these worlds are different from normal worlds, they can draw people's consciousness into them, and if the consciousness dies in them, it is a real death.

The scene of the experience in Wusheng Township made Li Chen discover another origin of Wusheng Township. This Wusheng Township is the memory of countless living beings about a certain world. its impact.

Under certain conditions, they are gathered in this lifeless town and become a Jedi where no strangers can enter.

Li Chen didn't know if the Dao had a chance to pass through this Jedi, but Li Chen could preliminarily deduce from the corpses of those strong men floating in this Jedi that he was definitely the only Dao Realm strong man who could walk out of this Jedi alive over the years.

Because the treasures on these corpses have not been touched at all, which means that there are almost no living beings or have reached Li Chen's current step.

But now Li Chen is not in a hurry to leave. After all, the treasures floating in the corpses in Wusheng Township are simply not available in this era. Maybe Li Chen can find one or two ruins from these corpses. The treasures, or other treasures needed to upgrade the Tongtian Tower may also be.

Generally, strong people in the Great Dao Realm will open up a storage space on themselves, and most of their wealth will be placed in this storage space. There are also some strong people in the Great Dao Realm who will refine storage treasures, or the treasures they use are space treasures Li Chen's goal is to open up these storage spaces, as well as refined storage treasures and space treasures.

As for the corpses of those powerful Daoists who opened up storage space on their bodies, after Li Chen stripped off the space they opened up, the corpses were directly annihilated under the pressure of the huge internal and external space. For Li Chen, it was not a problem at all. The feeling of killing monsters and losing treasures.

As for the obtained space balls, Li Chen did not search for the treasures in them immediately, but put them away, and continued to carry out the great business of smuggling corpses that has never been seen before or since.

When it comes to touching corpses, Li Chen is a professional.

Those who touched were all the corpses of powerful people in the Dao Realm and the Heavenly Dao Realm.

But where did the body of this strong man in Wusheng Village come from? Was he exiled here by the Dao like himself?Whether he got into it by mistake, Li Chen didn't know.

After several years of corpse-hunting work, Li Chen's business has become extremely proficient. A corpse of a strong man is only a cup of tea in front of Li Chen, and he will definitely be stripped by Li Chen. Not left.

The space balls, magic weapons, etc. on Li Chen's body have piled up more and more in the past few years. It can be said that it is a poor group of corpses, and Li Chen is the only one who is rich.

Of course, most of them are powerful people in the Dao realm, if they are all powerful people in the Dao realm, Li Chen would not be crazy about it.

I don't know how many years the corpses of the strong have been accumulated, but it took Li Chen several years. The corpses of the legal system are okay, but the treasures or space balls are missing.It would be miserable for the corpses of the refining system, especially the corpses of the Dao Realm of the refining system. Not only the treasures would be taken by Li Chen, but even the body would not be spared by Li Chen.

Back and forth, Li Chen collected the corpses of four great masters who specialized in body training.

That is to say, after leaving this Wusheng Township, after Li Chen's refining, Li Chen will be able to obtain four puppets of the Great Dao Realm.

This deal is simply not too cost-effective.

As for why the corpses of the legal system were not counted, it was mainly because the corpses of the legal system consumed blue, that is, mana, and Li Chen did not have the ability to let the corpses continuously generate mana.

Those who refine the body don't pay so much attention. After training as a puppet, the battle is as simple as the physical body.

After touching all the corpses, Li Chen didn't leave immediately, but found a huge rock, sat cross-legged on it, and started to open the treasure.

There is a reason why Li Chen is so calm. It seems that it has been a long time since he was exiled by the Dao in this Wusheng Township, but after Li Chen's deduction, it is actually only three incense sticks.

What can you do with the time of three sticks of incense?Can't do anything at all.

If Li Chen can obtain several other treasures to upgrade the Tongtian Tower, upgrade the Tongtian Tower, and then go back to the Dao Dao and just be tough.

The space balls were opened by Li Chen one by one, and the treasures were collected by Li Chen in his small treasury. The smile on Li Chen's face never stopped.

For Li Chen, this avenue is also his lucky star, knowing that he lacks treasures, he sent himself to such a 'treasure house'.

When I go back, I must 'thank you' Dao Dao for his kindness, otherwise how can I be worthy of these treasures I have obtained.

One piece of treasure was collected by Li Chen, such as Chaos Breathing Soil, Chaos Divine Water, Chaos Crystal Stone, Chaos Fire, etc., were all common, and there were even one or two treasures of the Primordial Level among them, such as Primordial Tianxinlian, Hongmeng Daogui, etc.——

(End of this chapter)

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