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As time passed by, Li Chen's flying speed in the void became faster and faster. Even though the space structure in the void made it almost impossible to fly in the void, when the speed reached a certain level, even space Can't stop.

The rainbow light transformed by Li Chen streaked across the nothingness, and even drew a transparent wave in the nothingness.This transparent wave is nothing else, it is the state reflected by the void space being affected by Li Chen's extreme speed.

Traveling through the chaotic world at Li Chen's speed, and giving the chaotic world a double pass, it would not even take three seconds.

The speed has surpassed the speed of light to some extent by an unknown number of times.

Even so, it took Li Chen nearly half an hour to rush out of the chaotic world.

After reaching the peak of the Great Dao, Li Chen faced the chaotic world barrier again, but Li Chen no longer needed to open up a small world as he had entered the chaotic world barrier before.

However, he saw that Li Chen's power fell again and again, from the Dao Realm-Heaven Dao Realm-Saint...Heavenly Immortal-Earth Immortal, and even fell to the Earth Immortal, turning into a mortal.

Of course, Li Chen didn't abolish his own cultivation, but used exercises to cover up his strength.

The world barrier of this chaotic world has a strong repulsion to powerful forces, but it does not block ordinary dead things, mortal things, or even small worlds, etc. After all, these are tonics for the chaotic world to grow its own origin.

Of course, only when the peak of the Great Dao Realm understands the essence of the law can they completely shield their own power. Even if other realms try their best to shield their own power, they will still show flaws under the barrier of the chaotic world. And was repelled by the chaotic world barrier.

Li Chen entered the chaotic world without any hindrance. Compared with before, it was as simple as going home.

Entering the chaotic world, Li Chen didn't delay, and turned into a stream of light and flew towards the world on the other side.

At this moment, Li Chen's speed is not as full as when he was in nothingness. After all, the space barrier in the chaotic world is not as strong as in the world of nothingness. It's not up to Li Chen to decide where he will go when he crashes directly into the turbulent space.

But within a few seconds, Li Chen seemed to remember that the place he was in was chaos, not nothingness.

Suddenly stopped in the chaos, patted his forehead, with a wry smile on his face.

Li Chen tore his hands forward, and the chaotic space seemed to be torn apart. Li Chen stepped into it, and in a blink of an eye, he came between the other world and the prehistoric world.

In this chaos, traveling through the way of space is indeed much faster than the way of turning the rainbow.

In the prehistoric world, Dao always paid attention to the world on the other side. As soon as Li Chen appeared between the two worlds, Da Dao immediately paid attention to Li Chen.

However, Dao's main body seemed to have something to do, so he didn't come in person, but Dao's Xuannv avatar came.

"Chang Ming? Another clone? No, it's the main body!"

Xuannv's avatar sensed it, and couldn't help but be surprised.

You must know that Li Chen was exiled to Wusheng Township by Daoist body, and what kind of place Wusheng Township is, as the avatar of Daoist, Xuannv knows it very well.

It was because of his clarity that he was surprised that Li Chen left Wusheng Township.

"Aren't you in Wusheng Town? How did you escape?"

Xuannv looked at Li Chen solemnly. After all, since the birth of Wusheng Township, no one has been able to escape from Wusheng Township. That's why Daoist regards this strange place as a place of exile.

But not only did Li Chen escape from Wusheng Village, but he was also unharmed. Could it be that Li Chen has surpassed the peak of the Dao Realm?To reach that legendary realm?
No wonder Xuannv had this idea.

As a clone of Dao, Xuannv's cultivation base is weaker than Dao itself.

When Li Chen entered the barrier of chaos just now, he didn't recover after covering up his cultivation level. According to Xuannv's induction, Li Chen was a mortal, but how could Li Chen be a mortal? There will be this idea.

However, Li Chen didn't answer Xuannv's interest, and said with a sneer:

"What? Dao Dao, you look down on this deity, and you want to deal with me with this avatar of Xuannv?"

Xuannv seemed to feel that she had lost her composure, and she returned to indifference in a moment.

"Even if you break through that legendary realm, hmph, this world can't use that kind of power at will. When the time comes, you'll be awakened. You won't be able to escape death without me!"

When he said the strong man's name, Li Chen didn't hear any sound, it seemed that the strong man's name couldn't be said.

But this time Xuannv was wrong.

Li Chen is still at the peak of the Great Dao Realm, not the realm he imagined at all.

Even Li Chen at this time has no clue about that unknown realm.

"Oh, don't worry about whether I'm dead or not, but if your body doesn't come, you'll have to die first—" Li Chen said indifferently.

As soon as the words fell, Li Chen's Tongtian Pagoda moved towards Xuannv.

Although Xuannv's cultivation is not as good as Li Chen's, Xuannv also knows the means that Dao has mastered for so many years, and her figure suddenly flashed backwards, dragging out afterimages.

"Can you run away?"

Li Chen sneered, as if laughing at Xuannv's overreaching.

The Tongtian Tower above the head suddenly became extremely huge, and the only space between the two worlds was almost occupied by the Tongtian Tower.

The plundering power originally produced by the prehistoric world was directly shattered under the strong suppression of the Tongtian Tower. Without the plundering of the prehistoric world, the world on the other side was slightly stunned, as if it had taken off a layer of shackles.

The surrounding space has been suppressed by the Tongtian Tower. In the only space, no matter how Xuannv dodges, she cannot escape the bombardment of the Tongtian Tower.

Li Chen's Tongtian Pagoda is as light as a feather in Li Chen's hands, but if it is used as a weapon to attack, the weight is not something ordinary people can bear. Even the avatar of Dao, under the weight of a dozen small chaotic world It is also vulnerable.


Seeing that she couldn't dodge, Xuannv gritted her silver teeth lightly, as if determined to resist.

But how could the power of the Tongtian Pagoda be hard to resist? The huge pressure was like the Five Fingers Mountain of the Buddha, and the Xuannv was like the monkey grandson under the Five Fingers Mountain.

With a smile on his face, Li Chen walked towards Xuannv who was crushed under the Tongtian Pagoda.

"Child Changming, it's up to you if you want to kill or cut, wait for the main body to come out—"

Looking at Xuannv's eyes that were almost spitting fire, Li Chen sneered and said, "Hehe, are you still talking harshly? I don't need you to come to me, I will go to him, it's just interest!"

After finishing speaking, Li Chen mercilessly wiped out the avatar of the Taoist Xuannv.

Xuannv didn't know how she was defeated by Li Chen until she died. You must know that although she couldn't beat Li Chen before, she could at least go a few rounds under Li Chen's hands, but now she can't even take Li Chen's move. No more.

(End of this chapter)

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