CH 418 CH 0418
"Master is back, master..."

"Killing a Dao Realm is like slaughtering a dog, it seems that my father has become stronger again!..."

"Master is the strongest!"


Everyone in the other world whispered.

Li Chen and Xuannv made such a big commotion in the chaos, Li Chen's disciples such as Xiaoxiao, Xiaohuo, Chenlong and others in the world on the other side, as well as his adopted son and others, had already discovered it, and they were all excited I can't help myself, as if I was the one who crushed the avatar of Daoxuannv.

Everyone was also aware of their own strength, and they didn't leave the other world to cause trouble for Li Chen. They didn't fly to Li Chen until Li Chen wiped out the avatar of the Taoist Xuannv.

Seeing Li Chen in elegant green clothes, they all bowed and said: "Disciple (children) wish master (father) great progress—"

"Why do you need to be so polite? Let's go, let's go, let's talk about it when we get back to Taoist Palace!"

As Li Chen said, he retracted the Tongtian Pagoda, rolled up his sleeves, and immediately everyone came to Wendao Palace.

The whole process seemed to be done casually, but it didn't even cause a single spatial fluctuation, but it contained boundless principles.

Entering Wenwen Palace, Li Chen's avatar was still sitting high on the main seat. When he saw Li Chen, he nodded slightly to Li Chen, and then turned into a ray of light and returned to Li Chen.

Although the power of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires Avatar can't keep up with Li Chen, it still has the strength of the middle and late stages of the Dao. The return of the strength of the middle and late stages of the Dao will at most make Li Chen's unfathomable cultivation base like a calm lake stir up some waves.

In just three breaths, Li Chen calmed down the turmoil in his cultivation.

Li Chen took the master position, and seeing that none of his disciples, Xiao Xiao, Xiao Huo and others were missing or had broken arms or legs, he couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction, especially when he sensed everyone's cultivation, and even more so. Is extremely satisfied.

After taking back the incarnation of the seven emotions and six desires, Li Chen understood everything that happened during the thousands of years when he was exiled to Wusheng Township.

But these are not the focus of Li Chen's attention to Zhu. Li Chen has obtained more than 1 pieces of magic weapons, spiritual materials, strange objects, etc. in Wusheng Township. The uncertain world on the other side will be overwhelmed by the ocean of treasures.

You must know that for countless years, the collections of the strong men who died in Wusheng Township due to various reasons have been acquired by Li Chen. Li Chen can be said to have the most wealth in the entire chaos or even the entire nothingness, not one of them.

Seeing his disciples, Li Chen was ready to change their equipment.

After all, as the powerhouses of the Dao Realm and the Saint Realm, they are still using treasures such as innate spiritual treasures, but their prices have dropped a bit. I haven't cared about them for a long time, but it's just right to take them out now.

"Chenlong, Thick Earth, all come forward."

Although they didn't know why Li Chen told him and others to come forward, Chen Long and the others would not disobey Li Chen's order, and stood up one after another to come in front of Li Chen.

"After I accepted you as disciples, I couldn't personally teach you the practice. Almost all Chenlong and Houtu taught you as teachers. Fortunately, you didn't waste your practice. Now you have such cultivation I am very pleased to be a teacher, but you are waiting to thank your senior senior brother and second senior sister."

Following Li Chen's words, everyone looked at Chenlong and Houtu with gratitude in their eyes. Looking back on the past, it was basically the scene where Houtu and Chenlong taught themselves.

"Master's words are serious. This is an honor for me and my junior sister. We are both senior brothers (sisters). How can we say thank you!"

Chenlong bowed quickly when he heard Li Chen's words.

Seeing everyone's reaction, the focus in the hall was on the two of them, but when Li Chen changed his voice, he joked, "Okay, now the protagonist is me! Why are you all going to see the boss and the second..."

After a pause, seeing everyone's eyes returning to him, Li Chen continued: "Although I was exiled by the Dao this time, I have gone through many dangers, but I have not gained nothing. Now this body is just worshiped. In addition to the gift from the Great Dao, I also got some treasures for my teacher. I will take this opportunity and share them with you. In this prehistoric and chaotic world, you will have something to rely on..."

Li Chen: "Chenlong, Houtu!"

I saw Chenlong and Houtu bowed to Li Chen, saying: "The disciple is here."

Li Chen: "This top-grade Chaos Supreme Treasure Wuling Mountain and this top-grade Chaos Supreme Treasure Xuanhuang Mother Qi Umbrella are given to you two. I hope you will use them well and not lose their reputation."

With that said, two treasures of chaos appeared in Li Chen's hands, and with a slight push, the two treasures floated towards the two of them.

But Chenlong and Houtu didn't take it, but said: "The two disciples dare not claim credit, and hope that the master will take back the treasure."

If it was an innate treasure, the two of them might still accept it, but it was a treasure of chaos, and it was still a top-grade treasure of chaos.

This Chaos Supreme Treasure is useful to the powerful in the Dao Realm, Chen Long and Hou Tu don't want to affect their master's power just because they accept it.

Li Chen glared at Chenlong: "If you give it to you, you will accept it. I want to send it to my teacher and your younger brothers and sisters. It's not just the two of you as you think."

Hearing what Li Chen said, the two just accepted the treasure, and quickly bowed to Li Chen to thank him: "Disciple Chenlong (Houtu) thanked Master."

Originally thought that Li Chen was just rewarding the two of them, but when they heard that he and others also had a share, they all looked at Li Chen eagerly.

"Okay, I will be a rich man this time as a teacher, ha ha."

The corners of everyone's mouths couldn't help but twitch, that rich man will give away treasures, this is no longer called a rich man.

But no one came out to say anything, as long as Master likes it——

Li Chen didn't care what everyone was thinking, with a wave of his hand, a handful of middle-grade Chaos Supreme Treasures appeared in front of everyone.

Li Chen: "The middle-grade Chaos Supreme Treasure, the Soul Chaser Needle, the Clear Heart Mirror, the Empty Stepping Boots, the Kong Zhanjian, the Guiyuan Seal, and the Chongji Pearl, as well as the low-grade Chaos Supreme Treasure Tianyuan Vajra Pestle, Good Fortune Guiyuan Cauldron, Medicine Pot, Heaven The Alchemy Book, Purple Light Holy Pen, Primal Chaos Spring, and Calamity Treasure Box belong to you..."

With that said, these treasures flew towards their respective masters arranged by Li Chen.

Among them, the third eldest daughter Changshou got the soul chasing needle, the fourth daughter Xi got the Qingxin mirror, and the fifth son Tingfeng got the empty boots...

Everyone gets a self-protection that is more in line with their own Tao. Seeing his disciples holding their treasures and loving them, Li Chen suddenly felt that this scene was a bit hot-eyed, but his heart was empty.

I felt sour when I parted the baby, but it was not so good after the parting.

I can only comfort myself in my heart: These are all distributed to the disciples, as the saying goes, what belongs to the apprentice belongs to the master, and what belongs to the master still belongs to the master——

He waved his hand, and said with some lack of interest: "When you get the treasure, don't hang around in front of me, Master. I'm afraid I can't help but come back."

Although they knew that their master was joking, everyone hurriedly received the treasures into the inner space they created.

Li Chen waved his hand and said, "Okay, step back."

"Thank you, Master, for the treasure!" The voice was loud and clear.

With that said, they all returned to their seats.

(End of this chapter)

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