Chapter 419 0419 The correct way to raise the void worm mother

Seeing the disciples retreating, Li Chen looked at Xiao Xiao, Xiao Huo, Xiao Bao, Xiao Qing, Xiao Feng and the others and said, "Come forward—"

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard Li Chen's voice, and they knew that Li Chen was going to give him a treasure.

Li Chen waved his sleeves, and five Chaos Treasures appeared in front of him.

They are the mid-grade Chaos Supreme Treasure, the Shenhuo Baojian, the Nine Dragons Canopy, the Town God Bell, the Holy Fire Sword, and the top-grade Chaos Supreme Treasure, the Immeasurable Tower of Life and Death.

Li Chen didn't say much, and waved his sleeves again, and several treasures fell to their owners one after another. Xiaoxiao got the Pagoda of Life and Death, Xiaohuo got the Holy Fire Sword, Xiaobao got the Town God Bell, and Xiaoqing got Nine Dragons Hua Gai, Xiaofeng got the magic fire treasure.

After distributing the treasures, Li Chen said: "Just like my disciples, I am very pleased with your progress. I will give you these treasures to protect you. I won't say much for you and me. But rest assured."

As soon as the voice changed, Li Chen turned to everyone: "I have gained a lot in that Wusheng Township. Now Hong Huang is controlled by Dao, and her body is shrunk inside Hong Huang, with Hong Huang's blessing to her, but I can't beat him However, I have gained a lot in the land of no life, and I need some time to retreat to sort out the gains. You will also get your own magic weapon and treasure, and you will step back later and step up the refining of the treasure in your hand—"

Everyone bowed and answered "No."

"So, after I leave the customs, I will explain the Dao to you—"

Under the voice, there was an order to evict the guest.

After listening to the words, everyone bowed slightly to Li Chen before leaving Wendao Palace.

When leaving, the speed was much faster, and everyone hoped to seize the time to refine this treasure.

Unsurprisingly, this time the treasure distribution should be the last treasure distribution under Li Chen's sect.

When everyone left and the entire hall returned to desertedness, Li Chen heaved a long sigh, waved his sleeves, and asked the palace gate to close with a bang.

"I hope this upgrade of Tongtian Tower will be successful."

Li Chen sighed.

Even Li Chen is not sure if the Void Orb obtained from the Void Beast is the Void Fragment needed to upgrade the Tongtian Tower. It just feels that it may be what he needs, but the specifics depend on Tongtian. Tower upgrades.

After all, no matter how strong my feelings are, if Tongtian Tower doesn't recognize it, I won't move.

Although there were many thoughts in Li Chen's mind, Li Chen didn't stop what he was doing.

The Tongtian Tower had already been sacrificed, and Li Chen took out treasures to upgrade the Tongtian Tower one after another, and surrounded Li Chen under the power of Li Chen's will.

Seeing the Void Worm Worker, Li Chen just remembered that to upgrade the Tongtian Tower, not only the void fragments are uncertain among the treasures needed, but the Void Worm Mother is also full of uncertainty.

After all, it would take a huge amount of time and treasures for void worm workers to grow into void worm mothers.

But to Li Chen, this is just a drop in the bucket. What worries Li Chen is that there is a certain probability that the void bug workers will evolve into other Zerg races.

At present, Li Chen only hopes that his luck will be better, otherwise he will have to look for this kind of very hidden bug. I don't know how long it will take, will it be a year, 100 years, 1000 years or a one-yuan society?No one can tell.

Take the Void Worm Worker into the Tongtian Tower and go to the seventh floor, which is the floor where the time pocket watch is located.

It would take countless hours for the Void Worm Worker to evolve, but at this time Li Chen didn't have so much time to wait for it to evolve naturally, so he could only rely on the power of this time pocket watch to shorten the time required for evolution.

For the materials Li Chen collected in Wusheng Township, Li Chen took part of each kind to the seventh floor, and accumulated them in the world opened up by the time pocket watch.

After releasing the seal of the 'empty' grid of the Void Worm Worker, the Void Worm Worker fell into Li Chen's hand and bit Li Chen's palm hard, as if he was extremely hungry.

However, Li Chen is not an ordinary person. If he is an ordinary strong man in the Dao Realm, he might be bitten off by this bite, but Li Chen is not only a strong man at the peak of the Dao Realm, but everything on his body is It came from the crystallization of one's will, which was condensed into reality, and the hardness of the crystallization of will was simply not something this little guy could bite.

Before he took a second bite, Li Chen flicked his finger lightly, and the void worker fell into the world created by the time pocket watch under a force majeure.

Under the power of the time pocket watch, the treasures of heaven and earth in the world are decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Next to it is a pile of black gravel-like things.

This is exactly the excrement of void insect workers, but this excrement is also a rare treasure of heaven and earth, called void sand, and when mixed with a little bit of space magic weapon, it can make the space of space magic weapon Greatly increased, the effect is even more perfect than the empty stone needed for special refining space magic weapon.

Although Void Sand is a relatively good treasure, Li Chen is not particularly interested in it.

The preciousness of this void sand is not as precious as those heavenly materials and earthly treasures devoured by void insect workers.

However, this void bug devoured nearly one-third of the treasures in the time pocket watch space, and it didn't change much. It became bigger and stronger, its color became pale gold, and its power also became stronger. It is even stronger, but there is no change in the direction of the void worm mother.

Seeing this, Li Chen couldn't help becoming anxious, but at this time, there are still two-thirds of the treasures that have been taken out of the pocket watch space, which is considered a waste for Li Chen, but Li Chen can still afford to waste such treasures of.

If the remaining two-thirds are consumed, and the void worm worker still cannot transform into a void worm mother, then either the natural materials and earth treasures used may lack something, or one's luck is really bad. Well, at that time, we can only capture the ready-made Void Worm Mother.

Time flies very fast, especially with the acceleration of the time pocket watch, almost one day in the other world, thousands of years have passed in this seventh layer of space.

Looking at the Tiancaidibao that was about to be exhausted, Li Chen played with the Void Orb with one hand, and tapped the table case rhythmically with the other, thoughtfully.

"Void Worm..., Void Bead..., Void Beast..., what is the connection between these..."

Li Chen was talking to himself.

Suddenly, Li Chen thought that there was still the flesh and blood of the Void Beast in his warehouse, and he couldn't help but have an idea in his heart: try feeding the Void Worm with the flesh and blood of the Void Beast...

Although Li Chen couldn't find the connection between them, Li Chen subconsciously told himself that there might be unexpected surprises in doing so.

Just do it, Li Chen took out the sealed flesh and blood of the void beast, cut a small piece from it and threw it in front of the time pocket watch space void worm——

(End of this chapter)

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