Chapter 423 0423

Similar to Guardian Wings, the Supreme Throne is, as its name suggests, a ride.

But when facing the enemy, you can't always stand inside the throne, but outside the throne, even if the throne can provide protection, it is much weaker, and it is not as strong as the defense brought by the guardian wings.

What's more, the gap between the two treasures is very large. One is the top-grade grandmist treasure and the other is the middle-grade grandmist treasure. Even a fool knows how to choose.

In the chaos, Li Chen looked at the 9 primordial treasures floating in front of him, and kept thinking.

The treasure transformed by the Tongtian Pagoda had already been dispersed by Li Chen after finding out the power possessed by each form.

Originally, he only wanted to fuse one primordial treasure, but after thinking about the nine primordial treasures he obtained in Wusheng Township, he temporarily changed his mind.

Rather than fusing only one primordial treasure and it would be troublesome to fuse it later, it would be better to filter out all the treasures at this time and fuse all the useful treasures into it.

This one step in place, saving time and effort!

Among the few remaining grandmist treasures, one of the top-grade grandmist treasures is an attack treasure, and it is also a long-range attack type.

This supreme treasure is called the Indestructible Bow. It has a bow but no arrows. If you pull the Indestructible Bow, the Indestructible Bow will automatically condense into an energy bow and arrow that is completely concentrated by energy.

The power of the bow and arrow depends on the amount of mana input by the holder. The more powerful the mana input is, the more energy is consumed to condense the bow and arrow, and the more powerful the bow and arrow will be.

The appearance of the Indestructible Bow complemented Li Chen's long-distance attack means, and Li Chen directly classified it as one of the treasures to be integrated into the Tongtian Tower.

The three top-grade grandmist treasures are the Qingling Gourd, the Binding Lingsuo and the Yuan Array Disk.

The green spirit gourd is a treasure of life, its main function is to produce a kind of spiritual liquid called green spirit liquid.

This psychic liquid has no normal state, what the heart thinks, what the taste presents.And the green spirit liquid also has the effect of clearing the mind and calming the mind. Although it does not help in battle, it is the gospel for those who love appetite.

Li Chen didn't want to fuse this Qingling gourd into Tongtian Pagoda just for a little appetite, and immediately gave this Qingling gourd to Pass.

Relatively speaking, the spirit-binding lock and the element array disk are much more useful. The spirit-binding lock is a special treasure for sealing towns such as primordial spirits, true spirits, and wills. The auxiliary treasures in the formation, the two treasures are currently not integrated in Li Chen's Tongtian Tower.

Regarding these two treasures, Li Chen pondered a little, and decided to integrate them into the Tongtian Tower. One is because there are no treasures with these two abilities in the Tongtian Tower. Adding the Tongtian Tower can make the Tongtian Tower more powerful. The other is Because the level of the two treasures themselves is very high, they are top-grade Grandmist treasures, joining the big family of Tongtian Tower will not drag Tongtian Tower back much.

The three low-grade grandmist treasures are the fan of rage, the magic pestle and the eye of insight.

The fan of rage is a treasure of the wind element. When it is stirred up, it will emit an annihilating divine wind. This annihilating divine wind is somewhat similar to the power of nothingness. Everything that the divine wind passes is melted by it, and it is extremely powerful.

Even existences at the level of the Chaos Supreme Treasure would suffer a little damage under the power of the Fan of Rage.

The magic pestle is somewhat similar to the subduing magic pestle of those great monks in Honghuang, but it is not the subduing magic pestle. The demon-killing pestle kills not the head of the devil or others, but the demon of the heart!

Holding the magic pestle in your hand, you will be protected by the magic pestle and will not be disturbed by your inner demons.Although it has an effect on Li Chen, the effect is still not very great. At Li Chen's level, there are almost no inner demons and the like. Besides, even if Li Chen has a heart demon, for the heart demon, maybe Li Chen is the devil.

Of course, for other ascetics, this demon-killing pestle is a rare treasure. After all, it can resist the invasion of inner demons and even kill them easily.

As for the eye of insight, it is the most powerful among the three treasures. It is different from the boundless power of the fan of rage, and it is also different from the magic pestle, which has another shortcut to achieve the killer of demons.The Eye of Insight is just an auxiliary treasure, but this auxiliary treasure is not simple. Through the Eye of Insight, you can see the opponent's flaws. For a battle, a flaw is enough to determine the outcome of the entire battle. .

The three low-grade primordial treasures Li Chen plans to only fuse the Fan of Violence and the Eye of Insight into the Tongtian Tower. If calculated in this way, there are six treasures fused into the Tongtian Tower, namely: the ultimate primordial treasure Guardian Wings, The ultimate treasure of primordial origin is the immortal bow, the supreme treasure of primordial primacy is the spirit binding lock, the supreme treasure of primordial primordial origin is the array plate, the supreme treasure of primordial primacy is the violent fan, and the supreme treasure of primordial primordial insight is the eye of insight.

Just do what he said, Li Chen condensed the Tongtian Tower, and put the six treasures into the Tongtian Divine Forbidden in the Tongtian Tower according to the steps of merging treasures in the past. The upgraded Tongtian Tower suddenly opened the evolution factor, Tongtian Shenjin devoured all the treasures at a very fast speed.

After swallowing six treasures, the condensed Tongtian Tower in front of me lived up to expectations and began to grow taller layer by layer. No. 13th floor, [-]th floor, [-]th floor, [-]th floor, [-]th floor, and [-]th floor, each floor All have swallowed treasures, condensed by the power of Tongtian Tower to suppress the world inside the tower.

In almost an instant, the towers beyond the twelfth floor of Tongtian Tower grew directly.

Li Chen was stunned for a while.

Perhaps the Tongtian Pagoda, which has become taller in front of him, just responds to his own will and appears in its original appearance.

The real Tongtian Tower is definitely not what it looks like in front of it.

After all, the real Tongtian Tower has gathered and dispersed freely, all over the world.

If the level of Tongtian Tower can be equated with the realm of spiritual cultivation, the realm of Tongtian Tower at this time must be the realm after Dao.

What kind of realm is the Eternal Realm, Li Chen has a vague understanding through the Tongtian Tower.

But to understand is to understand, it doesn't mean that Li Chen has already achieved this realm. If he is not in this realm, he thinks about the eternal realm with the thinking of Daojing. A treasure without any existence of thinking, maybe it has already started to disobey Li Chen.

It could have directly devoured the treasure to be fused, and it only needed Li Chen's thought, but Li Chen made it so complicated, it was like taking off his pants and farting-it was unnecessary.

But then again, the power brought by the [-]th-story Tongtian Tower cannot be brought by the [-]th-story Tongtian Tower. Li Chen even felt the faint power feedback that was about to fall in the void——

(End of this chapter)

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