CH 424 0424
The power of the feedback brought about by upgrading the Tongtian Tower before was too great. If Li Chen hadn't vented it in the other world, Li Chen might have been blown up by it.

This time, because of the fusion of six treasures, the Tongtian Pagoda's power has risen from the level of the Grandmist Spirit Treasure to the Grandmist Supreme Treasure level. If the feedback power is vented in the other world as before, it would be too wasteful.

Before, because the feedback power came suddenly, Li Chen had no choice but to vent his power in the chaos.

Although the upgrade of the Tongtian Tower has been completed at this time, Li Chen senses that there will be at least a cup of tea before the power feedback will come.

The time for this cup of tea is enough for Li Chen to prepare for the use of this power.

Relying on the power of this feedback to forcibly break through the peak realm of the Great Dao and reach the Eternal Realm is obviously unrealistic.

Li Chen had peeked into the Eternal Realm before, but for a moment he knew that the difference between the peak of the Great Dao Realm and the Eternal Realm was not energy, but perception, vision, and realm.

Comprehension, vision, and realm are not just to be improved if you want to. If you want to reach the realm that the Eternal Realm should have, although Li Chen already has a direction now, it will take time to pile up these things.

Therefore, Li Chen has a new view on the power fed back by the Tongtian Pagoda after removing the option of forcibly raising his own realm.

As we all know, the four arts of alchemy, array, talisman, and weapon cultivation are passed down from Li Chen's Dao Xuegong. Whether it is alchemy or weapon refining, it requires a strong cultivation base. Only when the cultivation base is strong can the refining be more powerful. The elixir and magic weapon, the relationship between the two can be said to be interdependent.

Moreover, the resources consumed to refine powerful elixir or magic weapon are a very scary figure, and correspondingly, the power consumed is also a very high value.

Instead of letting the power of one body disperse into the bottomless pit of the other world, it is better to use this huge feedback power to refine magic weapons.

Although I can't use these artificially refined magic weapons, the extra magic weapons can be given to disciples and grandchildren.

After all, Li Chen's lineage needs to develop. In the future, even without Li Chen's supervision, his disciples will accept countless disciples, and disciples' disciples will accept disciples. The number of disciples in three generations is a bit scary just thinking about it.

If the time comes, every disciple will give out the innate spirit treasure, or all the innate treasures and other treasures.No matter how rich and rich Li Chen's net worth is, he still can't stand up to the large number of disciples. It is estimated that at least one-third of his net worth will be removed in this way.

Thinking back, Hongjun collected almost half of the treasures in the entire prehistoric world, and when he went to Zixiao Palace to distribute the treasures, there were still many three thousand listeners in Zixiao Palace who didn't get anything, and only three of them could get the treasures. Among the thousands of listeners, the small group of top-notch cultivation bases.

In addition, Li Chen had harvested a lot of refining materials in Wusheng Township before, but it was enough for Li Chen to refine a batch of good quality magic weapons.

Because he didn't have much time, after Li Chen found his way, he began to refine the three standard treasures he was going to refine.

One is a combined magic weapon flying sword with powerful attacking ability, which can be combined and disassembled at will to a certain extent. Each disciple has one piece. When encountering a strong opponent, three or two can be combined with each other to increase its attacking power. force.

One is a vestment with a certain defense ability. Li Chen does not require this vestment to have a strong defense ability, but this vestment must have a certain self-repair ability. As long as it is not damaged by more than 50% at one time, it can be repaired by itself under time. Restoring it so it doesn't make the vestment a one-off.Li Chen even planned to add the cloud mother essence to the vestment to add a little advanced power to the vestment.Although the quality of the cassock produced by Li Chen has a certain number, but what level it can grow to in the future depends on how much its owner attaches importance to it. The more it is warmed up with magic power, and the more precious materials are willing to invest in upgrading, the level that this cassock can reach It will also be higher.

Of course, even with the addition of the Cloud Mother Essence, this vestment can at most become a treasure comparable to the Chaos Spirit Treasure.Even so, this cassock is a rare treasure for ordinary disciples.

Another treasure to be refined is a tripod, a tripod whose power has reached the peak level of the Acquired Supreme Treasure.

In addition to the Chaos Fire equipped by Li Chen for this tripod, it is enough for alchemy or weapon refining.

All the materials were taken out by Li Chen, just from the fluctuation intensity of the materials, even if Li Chen didn't refine it very carefully, the final achievement of this treasure would not be too bad.

As a half-step Eternal Realm powerhouse, it is not difficult to refine a batch of low-level treasures, but the quantity of these treasures is a bit large, which leads to a bit more consumption.

Li Chen had just prepared everything, and the feedback force from Tongtian Tower arrived as scheduled——

The huge power makes the power in Li Chen's body become thicker and thicker, and it seems that there is a tendency to crystallize again.

I saw a mass of white flames rising in front of Li Chen, which was Li Chen's iconic robbery fire.

The boundless power became the fuel of the calamity fire, just like adding fuel to the fire, the original small cluster of calamity fire directly soared.

A piece of material was thrown into the fire by Li Chen to be tempered and purified. Even if it was an innate level material, under the power of the fire, traces of black impurities were refined out.

Every time a material was purified, Li Chen put it aside alone, but after a few years of effort, all the materials were extracted by Li Chen.

Looking at the materials that were originally several hills into materials with a total volume only the size of the previous hill, the changes are not insignificant.

Afterwards, Li Chen suddenly increased the output of power, and the robbery fire suddenly surged again, devouring all kinds of materials like a hill.

All kinds of materials were separated under Li Chen's will, and turned into groups of liquids of different colors. Li Chen kept changing his handprints, and often a handprint would have tens of millions of runes that were directed towards the liquid formed by each material. fly away.


Li Chen shouted loudly, and the huge power caused each of these materials to be divided into 129600 shares, which is exactly the number of one era.

Up to now, Li Chen's will has been fully concentrated on this, only part of his will is concerned with the prehistoric and preventive ways.

If Dao Dao made a move at this time, Li Chen would not hesitate to ask for it, even if this part of the materials were scrapped.

It's a pity that after a long time, Li Chen found that Dao didn't seem to have any plans to make a move.

Different runes are incorporated into each material, or to bless toughness, or bless firmness, or bless sharpness, etc.

After completing the handprint, Li Chen shouted loudly: "Hey——"

I saw that each material began to fuse together in different proportions.

The liquid flow of the material turned into long swords under Li Chen's will. After the fire was removed, it quickly solidified.

It took nearly one-fifth of Li Chen's materials, but 129600 cold swords were refined. With a sweep of Li Chen's will power, most of the swords' grades were already known to him——

(End of this chapter)

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