CH 425 0425 Prehistoric Timeline

Most of the swords are top-grade acquired treasures, and they are not much more powerful than innate treasures.

Because these swords were refined by Li Chen's Tribulation Fire, to a certain extent, they are similar to innate treasures, possessing the ability to kill without karma.

Li Chen seemed to have spent an extremely long time refining these treasures, but in fact it only passed for a moment.

But in this split second, Li Chen not only expended a huge amount of strength, but also a huge amount of willpower.

Only Li Chen who has reached the half-step eternal state can do this. If it were other people, they would probably have been squeezed out of every drop of strength in their bodies by this.

After finishing the refining of the swords, Li Chen thought for a while, stretched out his hand, and the word Wen Wen appeared on countless swords.

But he is going to use this Wendao Sword as the standard sword of his Wendao Palace lineage.

After finishing all this, Li Chen took out a large pile of materials as before, and then began to refine——

What was refined this time was none other than the magic robe...

After refining the robe and the tripod, Li Chen printed the words Liuyun on the sleeve of the robe and the words Wanlian on the tripod, just like the Daoist sword.


However, after Li Chen finished refining all the treasures, he did not immediately return to the other world, but adjusted his breathing on the spot, preparing to go to the prehistoric world.

Originally, Li Chen wanted to use the refining tool to draw the Dao out, but he never thought that the Dao was not used, until all the treasures were refined, and the feedback for the upgrade of the Tongtian Tower was completely consumed, there was no movement of the Dao.

"Could it be that the avenue has other means and arrangements? Or is the avenue held up by other important things that I don't know?"

Li Chen couldn't help being suspicious, since he reappeared in the chaos, not only did he not see the Dao, even the strong men in the prehistoric world were not seen.

There is a layer of obscurity outside the prehistoric, so that Li Chen can't see the situation inside it. Except for the Xuannv avatar of the previous Dao, it seems that no strong person has come out of the prehistoric and chaotic.

Before the Tongtian Tower was upgraded, Li Chen's realm was on the same level as the Dao, but the means of attack and defense were indeed lower than that of the Dao, so he didn't feel uncomfortable going to Honghuang, the home of the Dao.

Now that the Tongtian Tower has been upgraded, six more treasures have been integrated into it. No matter the attack, defense or support, the Tongtian Tower can fully serve, so Li Chen has the confidence to prepare to go to the prehistoric.

What's more, at this time, I have advanced half a step to the eternal state, and I don't have too many advantages against the Dao that is only at the peak of the Dao.

Even if Honghuang has become the main field of Dao, Li Chen is sure to injure Dao severely, or retreat completely.

It can't be said that Li Chen is cowardly, it can only be said that in this cruel world, if you make a wrong step, if you can guarantee undefeated, you will have a chance like never before.

If you can't even guarantee undefeated, then sooner or later the game will be over.

Li Chen didn't want to be that stepping stone, so he could only think about himself in all aspects.

This time Dao exiled himself to Wusheng Township, who knows if there will be any more dangerous land next time.

Things in nothingness and chaos cannot be summed up in one or two sentences at all.


The guardian wings appeared on Li Chen's back, even though Li Chen had already reached the half-step eternal state, he still felt light on his body.It seems that as long as he is willing, he can instantly cross the space to reach the place he wants to go. His intuition tells Li Chen that this is definitely much faster than traveling through space.

Of course, as a powerhouse in the half-step Eternal Realm, Li Chen's ability to control is still very strong.

The first time he used the guardian wings, Li Chen didn't feel any discomfort. With a light flap of the guardian wings on his back, Li Chen disappeared in place. The speed was so fast that even the world barrier in the prehistoric world couldn't react. Come to the prehistoric world.

The situation in the prehistoric world at this moment makes Li Chen feel unclear. There is an incomparably huge continent in the center of the whole world.

The continent is surrounded by Zhoutian stars, which look extremely spectacular, anyway, it is much more shocking than Li Chen's world on the other side.

The continent seems to be made up of countless overlapping shadows, and the whole world looks very strange.

Moreover, Li Chen couldn't hear any sound on the mainland, it seemed that the whole world was a dead world.

But when Li Chen looked at the prehistoric world from the perspective of the timeline, he found that the entire prehistoric world had only dozens of timelines, but now Li Chen can't tell how many timelines there are.

Countless timelines split and rejoin, entangled with each other, making Li Chen dazzled for a while.

After sensing it for a while, I found that the strong people of the prehistoric are all advancing on these timelines, and constantly covering other timelines, like a bug crawling on the timeline——

The same is true for the avenue, which is at the forefront of the entire huge team.

On the timeline, from time to time there are strong men fighting each other, and the aftermath makes the timeline under him shake, and countless histories have been changed. When you see a series of historical chaos such as Monkey King fighting the Eastern Prince, Qin Shihuang fighting Napoleon, Song Dynasty dominating the world, etc. Don't be surprised, because you will find that this kind of world is a relatively normal world, and it is not surprising that some worlds even become magical, fairy-tale, and doomsday worlds.

Those great powers who crawled forward on the timeline have long been familiar with this.

Everyone is competing on this timeline, constantly eliminating latecomers, and even those who are in the same industry are no exception if they have the opportunity.

It fully embodies the truth of the world's law of the jungle.

The fate of those who are eliminated is also very miserable. Not only their own timeline is overwritten, but even their memory will be overwritten by the winner's timeline, becoming the "human battery" of the winner, adding further bricks and tiles to it.

On this timeline, it can be seen that Hongjun is Sanqing's teacher in a certain timeline, and even Pan Gu is a disciple of Hongjun in a certain timeline.

Even Lao Tzu became a Taoist ancestor in a certain timeline, becoming a Taoist ancestor like Hongjun.

The chaos in the timeline made Li Chen speechless for a while, which completely overturned Li Chen's three views.

However, when Li Chen saw that many of the timelines in this were scenes described in a series of novels, TV dramas, etc. he had read in his previous life, he couldn't help but understand.

Although it is not clear whether it is because the prehistoric timeline covers the multiverse, causing it to be mapped into the minds of writers on Earth, thus forming step-by-step novels, movies, TV series, etc., or because of the reflection of novels written by writers on Earth Timelines have just been formed in this prehistoric world. Li Chen can't explain clearly, and he doesn't want to explore. He locks on the figure of the avenue at the front of the timeline, spreads his wings behind him, and instantly flies away under the power of the guardian wings. Other powerhouses on the timeline——

(End of this chapter)

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