Chapter 426 0426 The Strong on the Timeline

Under the power of the Guardian Wings, Li Chen quickly swept towards the key point along a timeline. The speed was so fast that it was not too fast compared to other strong men on the timeline, such as the ratio of the speed of a bicycle to a rocket.

The entire timeline is divided into several echelons, and Dao is undoubtedly at the forefront of the timeline. It is the first echelon, and it is also the existence that has gone the farthest and is almost close to the origin of the wild.

The second echelon is Hongjun, Laozi, and Jieyin. It has to be said that Laozi, as the existence with the highest cultivation level among the saints under Hongjun, cultivates the way of inaction, and is the closest to Hongjun among all the saints.Jieyin's self-created method of proving the Tao in dreams completely breaks away from the shackles of the Hongjun Tao, and walks out of a new world.

The third echelon is Yuanshi, Tongtian, Nuwa, Houtu, Zhunti, and some saints and gods who have integrated into the prehistoric world.

The team of the fourth echelon is a bit huge. In addition to all the congenital saints in the prehistoric land, such as Styx, Zhenyuanzi, Mrs. Ziguang, Queen Mother of the West, etc., there are many existences in other worlds who have reached the quasi-sage realm.

The team of the fifth echelon is huge, and it is also the last echelon.As long as you reach the Da Luo series, you can transcend your fate, you can observe the timeline, and start to cover the timeline.Therefore, the team of the fifth echelon is relatively large. There are not only the powerful Daluos that existed in the prehistoric world, but also the powerful Daluos that existed in other worlds that were integrated into the prehistoric world, and there are countless rising stars.Countless Da Luo powerhouses opened up timelines on the original timeline, and they continued to attack each other, which also led to the fall of Da Luo powerhouses from time to time.

Many latecomers have never seen Li Chen. Seeing the pair of wings behind Li Chen, many people thought that the speed at which Li Chen covered the timeline was brought about by the pair of wings behind him.

Many strong men were filled with greed in their hearts. Because Li Chen restrained his aura, many people thought that Li Chen's cultivation base was not very high. Shot——

However, there are also many powerful Da Luo who have seen Li Chen, and even received the favor of Li Chen's Dao Academy. When they saw Li Chen, they all stayed away. Luo Qiang, there is only one less person to compete, and he stays away from Li Chen's advancing route, watching the good show of a group of people who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth.

"Boy, newcomer, right? Hand over the treasure behind you, and I'll consider saving your life, or—" a strong foreigner with blonde hair and blue eyes and a staff in his hand said.

"What else?" Li Chen stopped in front of the roadblocker, looked at him playfully and said.

Seeing Li Chen's confident appearance, the heart of this strong foreigner who has reached the realm of the main god thumped.

Although he has no eyesight, he is not a fool. With Li Chen's arrival, and the fact that many local strongmen around him keep moving away from him, all the circumstances show that those people in the prehistoric know Li Chen.

But the words have been spoken, and it is difficult to stop without one, two, three.

Can't help but then said forcefully: "Otherwise I will teach you how to be a good junior and sink in my timeline—"

Those who watched the excitement in the distance shook their heads mockingly when they heard this.

It's really lighting lanterns in the toilet, and the old birthday star hangs himself-court death.

Who is Li Chen?The existence that was able to sit on an equal footing with Hongjun Daozu back then, and was able to compete with Dao Dao so that Da Dao had to use a sneak attack to win, played arrogance in front of Li Chen, in the eyes of sensible people, the ending has already been set.

Sure enough, Li Chen sneered, and said, "With your cultivation like a dead fish and rotten shrimp? You are worthy of..., this deity has not been born for a long time, and all cats and dogs have come out to point fingers in front of this deity..."

With a flick of his sleeve, this strong foreigner was cut off by Li Chen, reduced to a mortal, and fell into the timeline under his feet.

At the same time, he snorted coldly: "I don't know the so-called..."

The wings behind Li Chen flapped again, and the whole person flew towards the end of the timeline like an arrow off the string.

After Li Chen knocked the mountain and shook the tiger, no one dared to stop Li Chen for a moment.

It wasn't until Li Chen left that many of the big Luo powerhouses who were watching from a distance inquired about Li Chen's origin.Many of them were stopped by the elders of the master, friends, etc., and some of them simply did not come here in time. Seeing this Western powerhouse at the master god level was photographed by Li Chen and sunk in the timeline, all of them He patted his chest in shock.

"Uncle, who is that man? He has such great power and power."

A woman held Qiong Xiao's arm, looked at Li Chen's leaving direction, her eyebrows flickered, and she heard about it to Qiong Xiao.

The woman's body is after the fusion of worlds, the human-faced spider in the Western World of Warcraft was refined by the laws of the wild world, and influenced by the huge spiritual energy, making it into a human form and calling herself a spider woman.

The spider girl was even more lucky to meet Bi Xiao who was out to collect medicine, and was brought back to the island by Bi Xiao, and became a disciple of Bi Xiao.

I have to say that this spider girl's comprehension is systematically practicing Jiejiao Kung Fu. After listening to the three-night sermons and the preaching of the Master Tongtian, her cultivation has gradually increased, and she even caught up with Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao at one point. .

The Master Tongtian, who cuts off the teaching, has taught without discrimination, so that the disciples can learn from others. They are not like the disciples of other sects who pay too much attention to etiquette and etiquette. They pay more attention to cultivation and killing. The relationship with Sanxiao is still very close.

Qiong Xiao glanced at the Spider Girl with some reproach: "Just your little thoughts, you'd better save yourself, this adult was able to sit on an equal footing with Master Hongjun back then, even the teacher couldn't match, let alone you and me, Instead of thinking about something unrealistic, it is better to practice down-to-earth..."

"Sit on an equal footing with Master Hongjun? Could it be..."

But the spider girl knew who Qiong Xiao was talking about, so she couldn't help being a little surprised.

You must know that this person is a famous existence in the prehistoric world, and now the coast of the prehistoric East China Sea still vaguely retains some of the prosperity of the past.

Since Sanxian Island was separated from Honghuang, not only Honghuang's trade has been greatly affected, but even the wind of preaching has weakened.

As for Li Chen's memory, the Spider Girl only has this. After all, the Spider Girl is a latecomer, and all she knows is a few words collected from her usual chats.

"Yeah, who else is there besides that one?..."

Qiong Xiao patted Spider Girl's head and said with emotion.Only after experiencing that era can we know how powerful the existence of quasi-sage and above is, and this will never be understood by those who have never experienced it.

But I saw Li Chen riding the world of mortals and flying into the depths of the timeline——

This is just one of countless microcosms, and to Li Chen, it doesn't matter at all.

(End of this chapter)

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