Chapter 432 0432 Eternal Realm

The sixth arrow from Daoxuannv's avatar shot out and nailed Li Chen's right foot.

The timeline returns to the earth before Li Chen crossed over. Li Chen walked on the road with a drunken face, staggering, as if he was about to fall down at any time.

Li Chen, who was in nothingness, didn't feel anything when the arrow shot from Xuannv's avatar, but Li Chen, who was walking on the road before crossing, felt that his legs and feet were out of control for a while, as if he had lost consciousness. Twisted together under inertia.

All of a sudden, the whole person fell sideways towards the middle of the road.

"Ba ba... ba ba..."

The rapid horn sounded in Li Chen's ears.

But at this time, Li Chen didn't hear any sound, only felt a dazzling light in front of his eyes, so he couldn't help but raised his hand to cover his eyes.



There was the sound of impact and brakes, and Li Chen was directly knocked three meters away. The whole process only took a few seconds.

"Hurry up, hurry up, you are still angry, call 120 quickly, hurry up..."

Although he lost consciousness, at this moment Li Chen still heard the nervous voice beside him.

After a while, Li Chen heard the familiar sound of an ambulance.

At this moment, Li Chen, who was in nothingness, didn't have any effective defense methods at all. Facing the seventh arrow about to be shot by Daoxuannv clone, he saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart.

However, Li Chen is not someone who just sits and waits to be killed, even if he can't defend against Dao's attack for some reason, it is somewhat similar to the attack of "Seven Arrows on Nailhead".

He will also do a good job in his own defense, and buy a certain amount of time for himself to crack this ultimate move of Dao.

It is definitely too late to hide now, and can only rely on the power of Tongtian Tower.

Thinking of this, Li Chen sacrificed the Tongtian Pagoda.

I saw that the Tongtian Tower instantly skyrocketed under Li Chen's will, and the entire Tongtian Tower stood in nothingness and looked like a giant.

The moment he sacrificed the Tongtian Tower, Li Chen stepped into the Tongtian Tower.

And leave an instruction to the Tongtian Tower-continue to grow and devour everything next to the Tongtian Tower.

Even after entering the Tongtian Tower, Li Chen still felt a crisis lingering in his heart.

"It seems that you have to step into the eternal realm to be able to resist the attack of Dao."

Li Chen frowned and muttered to himself.

But the time is so urgent, it is almost impossible to step into the eternal realm.

The seventh arrow, at the moment when Dao Xuannv's avatar pulled the bow and arrow, Xuannv was directly sucked dry by this ultimate arrow.

"One breath time!"

Li Chen talked to himself, as if he had made some kind of decision, before Xuannv shot the first arrow, he reached the seventh floor of Tongtian Tower at a high speed.

"I can only do my best and listen to the destiny. Time pocket watch, enlightenment in dreams, it's up to you whether you live or die!"

It was Li Chen who was going to use the power of the time pocket watch to make his time go further, and at the same time supplemented with the method of enlightenment in dreams, so that he could practice enlightenment in his sleep.

Leaving aside the power of the time pocket watch, let’s talk about the Enlightenment in Dreams, which is the ultimate version that was proposed by Jieyin at the beginning, and then created by myself according to the method of Enlightenment in Dreams.

It will not be like a guide, where the enlightenment in the dream will directly appear in the world and be broken by others, resulting in the imperfection of the enlightenment.

Li Chen's perfect way of proving the Tao in a dream not only does not have more or less loopholes in the original version created by the guide, but even after the proving is basically the same as the normal proving, there is no difference between the two.

At the same time that the Xuannv avatar of Dao Dao turned into the last nourishment and shot the arrow, Li Chen sank into the time pocket watch and the Tao in his dream.

In the 21st century, the earth——

"The patient was seriously injured. There were multiple rib fractures, one of which was stuck in the lung lobe. A severe blow to the spine would cause fractures at any time. Multiple fractures of a single calf bone required immediate surgery to correct the ribs..."

"Is the patient's family here? Is the patient's family here?"


"Is there anyone with Rh-negative blood? The patient is bleeding heavily and needs a blood transfusion..."

An unknown fluctuation came, and the originally relatively normal electrocardiogram straightened, leaving only a long whistle in the entire intensive care unit.

"The patient is brain-dead, please notify the patient's family to prepare for the funeral..."

At the same time, in the world of the seventh floor of Tongtian Tower, Li Chen's body in the time pocket watch field is slowly fading, as if being wiped by an eraser constantly, trying to erase it from this world.

But in Li Chen's dream world, this short moment has already passed for hundreds of millions of years.

For countless years, Li Chen transformed into all things and experienced all things.

No matter what kind of species it is, Li Chen has taken it to the extreme.

Even if it is floating in the water, Li Chen has achieved the highest level with countless weak floating powers.

At the end of the road, the countless Li Chen in the dream not only asked himself:
who am I?
Where am I from?
Why am I here?

For rights?For wealth?Or for glory?

No, neither.

Just to be able to simply survive in this world!Just to live!

Where am I from?
From nothing?from chaos?From the prehistoric?Or from the other side?
No, not at all, I'm just a simple earthling, a very ordinary kind——

who am I?
I'm Changming?I am the most wonderful ancestral sage, the supreme supreme, the Wanyan true law, the aboriginal Changming Zhiyuan great god?I am Taoist?
No, not at all, I am Li Chen, Muzi Li, the Chen of the time!

In an instant, the torrential weather swept across, and the body that was originally indifferent and invisible was solidified again in an instant.

In the nothingness, in the long river of time, the advancing earth shook slightly, and a fleeting hole appeared in an instant, and then disappeared in an instant.

A ray of white light fell into the long river of time and space, drifted with the current, and drifted towards the prehistoric world No. 49 when Li Chen first arrived under a mighty force.

It was Li Chen who took the most critical step and achieved the real eternal state.

With Li Chen's gestures, the rules of boundless calamity spread, as if Li Chen was the source of calamity, the ancestor of all calamities, and the ancestor of ten thousand calamities.

Mysterious and powerful.

Li Chen stepped into the Eternal Realm through the way of catastrophe. It can be said that the avatar of the Taoist Xuannv made Li Chen.

Dao Dao's upgraded version of the Nailhead Seven Arrows Book is really powerful. It can bombard and kill opponents across thousands of worlds, and wipe out opponents when they are weakest.

And this is also a very terrifying attack for Li Chen, and it is simply an unsolvable existence.

If the avenue obliterates Li Chen after crossing, maybe he will suffer backlash if he fails to obliterate. The Li Chen after that was almost the same as the Li Chen who attacked now.

But Li Chen before time travel was different, and Li Chen before time travel was different.

Even if Li Chen is already in the half-step Dao Realm, he still hasn't found the existence of the world before crossing.

Li Chen has achieved the Dao Realm, and there are almost no flaws. The only flaw may be the self before he crossed.

(End of this chapter)

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