Chapter 433 0433 I am not Li Yao! ! !

Although Li Chen had already experienced the existence of the Eternal Realm before he achieved it, but the experience is the experience, after all, it is not the real Eternal Realm.

At this moment, after Li Chen achieved the Eternal Realm, he had a sufficient understanding of this realm just now.

To a certain extent, Li Chen felt that he had become a phenomenal existence.

What Li Chen achieved was the phenomenon of "kalpa". It can be said that Li Chen was still a separate individual, but now Li Chen has become "kalpa" itself, a concept.

As long as there are people who know about "robbing", as long as the power of robbery exists in the world, Li Chen will exist.

Becoming an Eternal Realm can be said to be a change in the form of existence of a living being, just like an ascending dimension. People in the three-dimensional world will never be able to understand the form of existence in the four-dimensional, five-dimensional, and six-dimensional worlds.

This also makes the Eternal Realm almost an unsolvable existence for the Great Dao Realm.

After Li Chen achieved the Eternal Realm, the world in his eyes has undergone tremendous changes. The various forces that could be observed have now become phenomena woven by various concepts and rules in Li Chen's eyes. It is only the proportion of each concept. Just different sizes.

It also divides the world into two layers. The surface layer is a secondary world such as the chaotic world. Concepts support the existence of the chaotic world. On top of the concepts, various rules and laws are intertwined and woven into a bright world.

The void world is a world filled with laws and rules without the surface layer, basically a world of concepts.

For example, the power of nothingness, Li Chen at this time seems to be nothing more than a collection of the concept of 'emptiness' and the concept of 'kalpa'.

Not to mention the various changes after Li Chen achieved the Eternal Realm, but Dao felt despair because of Li Chen's achievement of the Eternal Realm.

You must know that the Dao itself has just laid out in the wild in order to achieve the eternal state.

Unexpectedly, a Li Chen would appear, not to mention messing up all his plans, and also achieve the state he longed for because of himself.

Da Dao doesn't want to continue to recall any more, just thinking about it makes him feel extremely bad.

The most important thing now is how to escape Li Chen's harsh hands, after all, I wanted to kill Li Chen before.

If it were Li Chen, it would be impossible for him to let the other party go so generously.

But now that Li Chen has achieved Eternal Realm, he can't beat Li Chen if he fights himself. After all, apart from the difference in strength, there is also a very big difference in the form of existence between the two.

Although Dao did not achieve Eternal Realm, he has an extremely deep feeling for the power of Eternal Realm, because creating his own existence is a strong person in Eternal Realm!
Now that Li Chen has achieved the Eternal Realm, it is impossible to compete with Li Chen. The only thing he can hope for is to escape his life under Li Chen's hands.

But only those who are also strong in the eternal realm can compete with the strong in the eternal realm. If you are not a strong in the eternal realm, even running away is an extravagant hope when facing a strong in the eternal realm.

Therefore, Dao didn't think about how to escape from Li Chen's hands, but how to make Li Chen ignore him, so that he could survive in Li Chen's hands.

Only those who are also strong in the eternal realm can deal with the strong in the eternal realm. It is impossible to become a strong in the eternal realm in a short time. The only way now is to awaken the Creator who created himself.

Before Li Chen became the Eternal Realm, Dao did not awaken his Creator, and still had his own selfishness in it.

Because Dao didn't know how he would deal with him if he awakened his Creator, did he just ignore it?Is it to take back your own life?still……

Because of the uncertainty, even if his Creator is the existence of the Eternal Realm, Dao only uses it as his final hole card, and has never awakened it.

Now it is a last resort——

No matter how the Creator dealt with him, it had to be done after Li Chen was dealt with. As for before Li Chen was dealt with, Dao thought he was still safe.

As for why Dao is so sure that the other party will solve Li Chen, the most important thing is that he has a memory from the beginning of his birth, or an order-to monitor nothingness and erase all existences that can advance to the eternal state.

Feeling the increasingly powerful coercion on Li Chen, Dao Dao knew that Li Chen should wake up soon, and quickly poured almost all of his mana into a token-shaped existence, only to see that the token in his hand suddenly turned into a The light disappeared from view.

Seeing this, Dao suddenly went limp, and the entire Eye of Dao was crumbling.

At this time, Dao can only hope that his 'master' will come.


Boundless information spread into Li Chen's mind. At this moment, Li Chen has achieved Eternal Realm. Although he can't adapt to such a powerful information torrent for a while, it will not be like before, and the entire sea of ​​consciousness will be shocked to zero. messy.

After spending a little while consolidating his realm and sorting out his gains, Li Chen just left the Tongtian Tower.

Looking at the Tongtian Tower now, Li Chen found that the state of the Tongtian Tower at this time is somewhat similar to the state of the Eternal Realm.

The power of Tongtian Tower can't help but be clear.

Only the strong in the Eternal Realm can deal with the strong in the Eternal Realm. This Tongtian Pagoda is also considered to be in the Eternal Realm. No wonder it has such a powerful ability.

However, his previous cultivation base was Taicai, and he didn't show much of the power of Tongtian Tower at all.

Li Chen couldn't help but feel a little ashamed that he didn't even win the Dao with the Tongtian Tower.

But that was all in the past tense, and Li Chen's emotions disappeared in just a moment.

Looking at the Eye of the Great Dao in the distance, which was shaking a little due to the exhaustion of mana, Li Chen shook his head slightly when he saw the broken altar after the spell failed.

To achieve the Eternal Realm under the threat of the Dao, the karma is too great. As an enemy, for Li Chen, the Dao must die, and he must die completely.

Thinking about it, Li Chen stretched out his hand to touch the road.

I saw that Dao became illusory under a force majeure and began to disappear.

"Heh, father is still as merciless as ever—"

A cold voice reached Li Chen's ears, making Li Chen stunned.

It was at this moment of distraction that a hand as white as jade fished Dao Dao, and Dao Dao broke away from Li Chen's obliterating power and survived.

"Are you—Gaia?"

Li Chen couldn't help being surprised.

You must know that Li Chen subconsciously regarded the experience in Wusheng Township as illusory, but now the appearance of Gaia has broken Li Chen's cognition.

From this, Li Chen thought of one thing.

Could it be that this vast and boundless world of nothingness is also illusory, just a world that exists in the computer?
"Father still remembers me, I thought my father had forgotten me—"

Gaia's tone was faint, making it difficult to understand her emotions.

Li Chen frowned and said, "I'm just a bystander, I'm not Li Yao!!!"


(End of this chapter)

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