CH 437 0437 Gate of Origin
As Li Chen completely sacrificed the land of origin, immeasurable rays of light bloomed in the land of origin, like a small sun in nothingness, so dazzling that even Li Chen couldn't help squinting his eyes to adapt to the intense force. of light.

A huge and quaint gate appeared in Li Chen's perception. Looking down at the place of origin, one can see that the whole place of origin is a part of this huge gate.

Even if Li Chen is already an existence in the eternal realm, seeing this giant gate is still shocking.

At this moment, Li Chen's mind was filled with countless questions, and he didn't know who to ask.

The countless runes on the giant gate are uncertain, except for a few that Li Chen can guess the use of, most of the functions of the runes are not clear to Li Chen.

Some of the runes that Li Chen can see have the functions of virtual reality conversion, space shifting, energy conversion, time freezing, etc. From these runes that can convert power, it can be seen that the function of this giant gate is not just as simple as a gate .

As for the power of origin in the place of origin, in Li Chen's view, it was just formed by the energy overflowing from this gate.

"Could it be that this was built by Gaia?"

Li Chen couldn't help thinking.

After all, Gaia is the only strong person in the Eternal Realm that Li Chen knows. Such a magnificent gate cannot be built by the existence of the Eternal Realm.

After a while, Li Chen shook his head again, and said to himself: "It can't be Gaia's handwriting!"

Because the Taos above the giant gate are countless, and they cannot be fully described by Gaia's power.

Having fought against Gaia, Li Chen has a certain understanding of Gaia's power.

Gaia is stronger than himself, but not by much. Of course, the possibility that Gaia is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger cannot be ruled out.

After thinking for a while, Li Chen still couldn't find any clue, and couldn't help feeling a little headache.

For the current plan, we can only find a way to open this door, when the time comes, no matter what ghosts and monsters are behind the door, they will have to show up.

What kind of world is behind the door?Is it another void world?Or another time and space?still……

Countless questions appeared in Li Chen's mind.

At this moment, Li Chen thought of the Gaia clone that was suppressed in the Tongtian Tower. Maybe he could get the answer he wanted from the Gaia clone.

But, will Gaia leave such an obvious loophole?

Li Chen knew that this was unlikely, but he still had a chance.

Perhaps Gaia is missing this?Maybe Gaia...

Entering the Tongtian Tower, I saw Gaia again. Gaia's avatar did not struggle as Li Chen imagined, but sat there very calmly, as if waiting for Li Chen to arrive.

Seeing Li Chen coming, Gaia looked at Li Chen very calmly and said, "You are here!"

As if he knew that Li Chen was coming, Gaia's tone was very flat, and he didn't feel worried about his fate at all.

But when you think about it, Gaia suppressed by Li Chen is just a clone of Gaia. Although it will hurt a lot if it loses its vitality, it is basically irrelevant to Gaia. After all, the battle between the eternal realm is not a clone. What the avatar can control, not to mention that Gaia is likely to hide behind this giant door now.

"You knew I was coming?"

Li Chen raised his eyebrows and asked.

Gaia didn't answer Li Chen's words, she looked at Li Chen expressionlessly for a while, and then she opened her mouth to break the silence.

"It seems that you have already seen the gate of origin."

"The Gate of Origin?"

"Yes, the Gate of Origin!"

Gaia stared at Li Chen with piercing eyes, as if waiting for Li Chen's question.

"You seem to want me to keep asking?"

Hearing Li Chen's words, Gaia knew that she was in a hurry, closed her eyes to calm down her emotions, and then changed back to the expressionless Gaia before speaking: "I thought you would be curious about this gate of origin... "

"Hehe, curiosity? The Gate of Origin? No, I'm curious about you now!"

Li Chen looked at Gaia and said with a smile.

Seeing the doubt in Gaia's eyes, Li Chen smiled lightly and said, "The Gate of Origin said it was Origin, but it's just a name you gave. Of course, only you know what it is. This may be a prison, or it may be An unknown passage... No one can tell. But I think, you must know it, don’t you? After all, you have tried your best to lead me here, isn’t it just to let me open the door of origin? Gaia !..."

The corner of Gaia's mouth couldn't help twitching, she didn't know if she was hit by Li Chen's words, or she was speechless towards Li Chen.

As Li Chen spoke, he felt more and more that his guess was very correct.

I can't help but think of everything in my growing up, and I think of many things at this time, and I feel that many experiences seem to be deliberately arranged.

For example, when he first came to this world, Li Chen couldn't find the real earth even though he had reached the Eternal Realm. It can be seen that the power that sent him to this world was at least at the Eternal Realm level, with a high probability of being above the Eternal Realm.

Also, in the process of searching for the prehistoric world, I encountered a dilapidated ruined world similar to the other side world. Now that I think about it, it is very similar to the other side world at this time.

In that world of ruins, what should I be careful about? Li Chen didn't hear what was behind, maybe it was Pangu, maybe it was Pan...

The Pangu that Li Chen knew died twice, the first time was the catastrophe of opening the sky.

The catastrophe of opening the sky did not cause Pangu to die completely. Later, because of the resurrection of the twelve ancestor witches, Pangu entered the long river of time and space with Da Dao, and was killed by Da Dao in the long river of time and space...

Thinking of this, Li Chen felt wrong.

After reaching the Heavenly Dao Realm, it is basically difficult to die. Basically, every Heavenly Dao Realm powerhouse will keep a hand just in case, and there is no way to kill all the clones of the Heavenly Dao Realm powerhouse in one blow through karma, fate, time, etc. Basically, it can only weaken it for a period of time at most.

Pan Gu opened up the world and transformed into the prehistoric world. If you want to kill Pan Gu, unless you destroy the prehistoric world and wipe out everything related to Pan Gu, it is basically impossible to kill Pan Gu.

The prehistoric still exists, but Pangu is nowhere to be seen...

What does this mean?It shows that Dao Dao's killing of Pan Gu was just a cover.

The real Pan Gu is not dead at all!
Now it seems that Pangu may be Gaia's people.

But Li Chen is not worried, after all, he has reached the eternal state, and he is not the self who was careful to survive.Even if Pan Gu came back to life, for me it was only the difference between poking once and poking twice.

"You will open the gate of origin!"

Gaia didn't answer Li Chen's words, but spoke again.

"No, I will not!"

Li Chen replied without hesitation.

"Even if the gate of origin is the world where the earth is, you won't?"

Gaia's sudden message confuses Li Chen.

Li Chen didn't doubt the authenticity of Gaia's words, reaching Li Chen's level, there is a certain feeling related to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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