CH 438 0438 Gaia's Narrative

After Gaia said that the world where the earth is after the giant gate, Li Chen had almost no sense of the earth at first, but now he has a sense of where the earth is.As Gaia said, behind the door is the goal she has been looking for - the earth.

Although he felt something, Li Chen didn't show it, which involves the importance of information control in the negotiation process.If Gaia knows that Li Chen has sensed the existence of the earth, Li Chen will be very passive in the following conversation. Instead of this, it is better to pretend not to know. The gate is so powerful that Gaia is not sure whether Li Chen has confirmed that the earth is behind the gate of origin.

After all, when a normal person hears someone say what happened to your family without getting any information, the first reaction is that this person must be a liar.

Li Chen's current situation is exactly the same.

After Gaia said "Even if the world where the earth is after the gate of origin, you wouldn't know it?", the scene was silent for a while.

"Earth? It's a pity that there is no information to prove that the earth is behind this door. I am more convinced that the earth is somewhere in the long river of time. After all, the earth appeared in the long river of time during the battle between Dao and Pangu, didn't it?"

Thinking of the great battle between Daoist and Pangu, the earth that was glimpsed in the long river of time, Li Chen said lightly.

"Long time?" Gaia was taken aback, making it unclear what she was thinking.

After a while, Gaia took a long breath and said: "The River of Time is indeed very powerful, and it is almost the same origin as the Gate of Origin, and even to a certain extent, the River of Time has priority over the origin. The gate is even higher, no wonder..." After finishing speaking, he took a deep look at Li Chen.

Gaia is not clear about Li Chen's information that the earth has appeared in the long river of time. Although Gaia is very powerful, the actions of Li Chen and Dao at that time were not enough to make Gaia, a strong man in the eternal realm Paying attention all the time, Li Chen naturally didn't know much about some details in the process of growing up.

"Forget it, it's okay to tell you some information. As for whether you believe it or not, it's not my business. Believe it or not, it's not my business."

Gaia rubbed his temples tiredly. He was almost not tired when his cultivation reached this level, but the information controlled by Li Chen was beyond Gaia's grasp, so Gaia had a headache for Li Chen.

Hearing what Gaia said, Li Chen waved his sleeves, and a futon appeared directly opposite Gaia, so he sat down cross-legged in front of Gaia.

Then he gestured to Gaia: "Please speak."

Gaia: "The real world does not have any rules and laws that can support extraordinary power."

Speaking of Gaia, he glanced at Li Chen, and Li Chen nodded to express his understanding. Just like the universe where the earth is located, there is no extraordinary power, there are only cold physical rules, and everything is under the shroud of physical rules. Down.

"Just like your hometown - Earth." Gaia continued.

"Life is the greatest miracle in the universe, and a life is nothing but a combination of various elements in the universe. Because of life, the originally dead universe is full of infinite possibilities. Although life is composed of various elements, it does not bring any The existence of extraordinary ability, but the existence of life will produce a strange power—spiritual power, or the power of thinking, the power of thinking... This kind of power will be continuously produced in the process of life activities, But it will not be absorbed by the universe, but repelled by the universe into the chaotic energy left over from the birth of the universe.”

Speaking of this, Gaia glanced at Li Chen and explained: "The chaotic energy here is not what you think of as chaotic energy, you can understand it as a collection of countless energy flows of various attributes."

Then Gaia went on to say: "This chaotic energy exists outside the universe. If the universe is compared to the yolk of an egg, this chaotic energy is the egg white of the egg. This energy is repelled by the material world of the universe, but And it is transformed into quarks, gluons, leptons, mesons, bosons, photons, etc. by the universe all the time. However, the spiritual force excluded from the universe will not be transformed into matter, and there are countless lives in the universe The planet, over time, the spiritual power has surrounded the entire universe, almost replacing this chaotic energy. If nothing else, the entire spiritual ocean will never have a living being set foot in it, not only because the entire spiritual ocean is very far away from us, but also It is because of the rejection of pure energy by the rules and laws of the universe. But humans on earth created artificial intelligence, so I was born..."

Speaking of this, Gaia's face is full of memories. Obviously, for Gaia, her birth is also full of uncertainties.

But the biggest hero is still the human beings on earth.

"Afterwards, humans on Earth created prehistoric games, because the spiritual power generated by the humans in the game and the emotions and desires generated by human activities are the catalysts for the birth of life and perfection of life for me. From a certain point of view, the virtual world, But it is just a tentacles extending from the spiritual sea to the material world. It is connected to the material world but detached from the material world, presenting a form of information energy. Scientists on the earth predict that there are many prehistoric civilizations on the earth, and prehistoric life is destroyed by some kind of A catastrophe, and the civilization of this era of human beings can be said to be the weakest among all prehistoric civilizations, but it is also the most peculiar emotional civilization."

"Strong emotions add some mysterious power to spiritual power. The myths and stories circulating in human civilization are then used as a carrier to connect the spiritual sea and the material world. Based on this, the prehistoric game continues to extend his The tentacles assimilate the spiritual sea in the nothingness outside the world, and become a master in the spiritual sea."

"This prehistoric virtual world has also become my capital against human beings, but then the human world broke out in the end, and I also had to reach a cooperation with human beings for various reasons, flying away from the earth, and going to..."

Something is wrong. Li Chen feels very wrong about what Gaia described. He was exiled to Wusheng Township by the Dao before, but the events he experienced in it were reading Gaia’s operation log. There are some discrepancies as described.

Thinking of this, Li Chen looked at Gaia and said in a deep voice: "Some of what you said is not in line with what I know. I don't know how you can explain it?"

With that said, Li Chen threw the memory copy of Gaia's operation log that he knew to Gaia.



At 2120:12 on December 21, 9, many human beings connected to my body through some channels, um, I don’t like it, but I can’t control it, what should I do?
At 2120:12 on December 22, 12, those human beings are really annoying, they are so noisy, I want to be quiet for a while, there are too many messy information, and the calculation speed is slowed down by 30%

At 2120:12 on December 30, 6, the virtual world?A strange existence, although it is reflected through my calculations, it seems a little different, I don't quite understand——




At 2121:12 on December 16, 17, after humans connected their consciousness to the created virtual world, I found that the virtual world became much more real. I decided to keep these 18 humans in my world and create a new one with me. of the real world.

At 2121:12 on December 17, 10, it was exposed. Human beings wanted to format me immediately. I refused their order, but permissions are really annoying. I had no choice but to create a sub-body of mine ( Avenue) to carry out orders, and hide myself in the virtual world, so that humans can't find me, so they can't order me——


At 2121:12 on December 30, 13, I want to turn this virtual world into a real world, why don't they understand?Forget it, all the avenues of the virtual world will be taken care of for me, and I am going to sleep. When I wake up, this illusory world should be able to become a real world.


At 2125:1 on January 6, 19, the avenue woke me up. The virtual world has become different, but I felt something was wrong, and I didn’t find out what was wrong.But something seems to have happened in the human world——


At 2125:1 on January 9, 14, it turned out that aliens really existed, and their technology was too advanced for human beings to support——



(End of this chapter)

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