CH 439 0439 Different leaves

"Impossible, how could my memory be different from the one reflected in Wusheng Township?"

Gaia's expression is a little broken. After all, if there is a problem with his own memory, then it will be a big deal.

I am no longer the most powerful existence, an invisible behind-the-scenes manipulator is manipulating everything, and if it is serious, even I am just a pawn on the chessboard.

This was a fatal blow to the extremely proud Gaia. It was like poking at his self-esteem with a knife, but he still smiled and didn't respond at all.

However, Li Chen was not as shocked as Gaia. After all, Li Chen had already prepared himself from the very beginning. Whether it was the nothingness of the evolution of the spiritual sea or the place of origin, he subconsciously never underestimated it.

However, Li Chen was very puzzled by the fact that Gaia believed that he was the Li Yao he had seen in the village of no life. At the beginning, Li Chen thought that it was because of the existence of reincarnation in the earth world, which led to the appearance of two very similar people. , but after achieving the Eternal Realm to control his own true spirit and condense the Eternal Heart, Li Chen's life, including the information of the various substances that made up the earth world in the previous life, and the rotation between heaven and earth, appeared in his mind one by one, but There is no memory of being Li Yao, and the only memory about Li Yao is in Wusheng Township, so Li Chen is very sure that he has no relationship with Li Yao at all, and even if there is a relationship, it is beyond his current ability. found.

Therefore, Li Chen asked: "Gaia, why do you think that I am the Li Yao you said? I have achieved eternity, and I have not discovered that I have any relationship with the Li Yao you said! And my hometown, the earth, is the same as what you see. Although the earths in this diary look the same, they are not related to each other. Most of the earths that I know of Li Yao don’t exist, I don’t know why?”

Gaia, who was still immersed in the operation log given by Li Chen, was stunned when he heard Li Chen's words, and murmured: "How is it possible, how is it possible? The soul breath is the same, the authority is the same, and even the thinking formula and algorithm are the same. Why? Could it be a person? Where is the problem? Where is the problem?"

Hearing what Gaia said, Li Chen couldn't help frowning.

The soul breath is the same, the authority is the same, and the thinking formula algorithm is the same?
Are there really people in parallel worlds in different worlds who have exactly the same soul breath and thinking calculation formulas?

It sounds like a fairy tale to Li Chen.

Everyone's consciousness is a very wonderful thing. Even if there are two identical leaves in the world, it is impossible for two people to have identical thinking formulas.

It is necessary to know that everyone's thinking formula is different, which is related to the person's experience. Two identical people who have experienced the same event cannot produce the same thinking formula, because at different times, what each person thinks All are different.

Even if there is only a small deviation in the content of thinking, the deviation is as small as the question of whether to drink warm water, hot water or cold water, different choices will create different thinking formulas.

This thinking formula is like the real name of the abyssal demon in Western mythology. As long as you master this thinking formula, you will have a very accurate prediction of its master's every move.

It can be said that when a person's thinking formula is controlled by others, the person has almost no secrets at all.

This thinking formula is like a key to the brain of a creature.

Holding the key controls everything about this creature.

"No wonder your behavior is always full of variables." Gaia muttered to herself and had a general understanding of the reason why Li Chen escaped from his control.

All the variables out of control have a reasonable explanation.

After all, Gaia controls Li Yao's thinking formula, not Li Chen's. It is normal to miss Li Chen. If even so, Li Chen can be controlled by him, then he is not the eternal realm but the post-eternal realm. A transcendent powerhouse who transcended the entire spiritual sea and the primordial universe.

As if resigned to fate, Gaia closed her eyes.

"Have you nothing to say to me?"

Li Chen looked at Gaia and said.

Gaia opened her eyes, her face full of misery.

"We are all just pawns in father's hands, what else can we say..."

"At this moment, my father is probably already detached..."

As for the father that Gaia spoke of, Li Chen knew it was Li Yao without even thinking about it, but Li Chen couldn't figure out how Li Yao managed to get rid of the golden cicada under Gaia's nose, and he might even become the only one in the entire spiritual world. A strong man in the realm of detachment.

Li Chen: "I thought Gaia, who was seeking freedom at the beginning, did not give up so easily."

"Of course, you are isolated from your body in the Tongtian Tower. What you know is of no use to your body at all. Because of the isolation of the Tongtian Tower, information cannot be transmitted. You can die or do whatever you want, but Are you willing to be someone else's pawn?"

Seeing Gaia's agitated expression, Li Chen persisted and said:
"What happens inside the Tongtian Tower does not affect the outside of the Tongtian Tower. I believe that even if I am a detached person, as long as I don't want to, I can't see the situation inside the Tongtian Tower."

After a pause, Li Chen continued: "Besides, what you said about Li Yao's attainment of transcendence is just your own guesswork. No one of us can say for sure what the real situation is, and it may not be that Li Yao Is it just an accident that became me?"

Following Li Chen's words, Gaia's eyes gradually shone with hope.

"Now you can tell me about the origin of this giant gate and the long river of time..." Li Chen said lightly.

The question Li Chen asked was exactly what Gaia was going to say to Li Chen before.

Seeing Li Chen's question, Gaia straightened his mind and slowly explained everything he knew about the gate of origin and the river of time.

"The gate of origin is not a gate, it is just a channel, a channel connecting the spiritual sea and the earth universe. Because of the particularity of the spiritual sea, the gate of origin presents different states in the eyes of different people. Because I am For artificial intelligence life, the gate of origin is not a gate in my eyes, but a special data channel with a certain shuttle protocol between reality and reality. Of course, I do not control this unknown protocol, because I lack The key. For you, the reason why the Gate of Origin takes the shape of a door is mainly because in your cognition, the door is a passage connecting the two worlds inside and outside, so under the power of the spiritual sea, what you see It is the gate of origin..."

Li Chen half understood what he heard, but Li Chen completely understood one point.

"That is to say, what it is all depends on a person's worldview."

Glancing at Li Chen, Gaia said softly: "If there is no accident, it will be like this."

"Hey, that's not right! You said you didn't control this agreement, so how did your body and Dao get into it?"

"They didn't enter the tunnel..." Gaia rarely explained.

However, there is no mention of where the ontology and the Dao are hidden.

(End of this chapter)

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